WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?
Friday, December 25, 2009
Today’s world is like “the Matrix” -
White is Black and Black is White.
(An Example of the Result from "Air-frame Shock Testing")
The Cancer Industry is well organized, unbelievably well funded, and has total control over the news media due to the massive amounts of advertising dollars spent by Big Pharma.
You’re about to discover the most potent alternative cancer treatments that 94% of doctors don’t even know exist… and that Big Pharma keeps ‘hushed up’ to protect their profits...
What is Cancer?
Conventional medicine defines cancer as a colony of malignant cells, or a tumor. If you have a tumor, then the conventional oncologist will try to cut or slash it out via surgery. After they cut you, then they typically recommend chemo to try to kill any remaining cancer cells with toxic poisons. And they will finish off with radiation, to burn whatever cancer cells remain. This is why I, and many others, refer to “the Big 3” protocol as “Slash, Poison, and Burn.”
Alternative medicine sees cancer as a multidimensional, systemic total body disease. The tumor is merely a symptom and the purpose of the alternative cancer treatment is to correct the root causes of cancer in the whole body.
Cancer Truth - Author Ty Bollinger speaks about cancer!
Author Ty Bollinger shares the TRUTH about cancer and his book, Cancer-Step Outside the Box. Described by Jeff Rense in his latest interview with Ty as "The Bible of Alternate Treatments and Therapies," this book is changing the way we look at cancer treatments. Cancer patients deserve to know the truth and to make choices based upon this truth. And the truth is that the proven cancer prevention strategies and the real cures for cancer do not need a prescription, nor do they require surgery or barbaric procedures like radiation or chemotherapy. But you might ask... Ty, isn't chemotherapy a proven scientific treatment? The answer is YES, it is! It has been scientifically proven to fatally poison several hundred thousand people each and every year. Did you know that the overall success rate for most cancers treated with the chemotherapy is around 2.3%? In other words . . . Chemo has a 97.7% fatality rate... . . . and it is not only legal, but it is readily accepted by most oncologists as one of the best treatments for cancer. Visit the website: and BUY THE BOOK THAT JUST MIGHT SAVE YOUR LIFE ONE DAY: http://www.CancerTruth.net
Why is my Doctor against Alternative Cancer Treatments?
"Ain't no money in the cure, the money's in the medicine...that's how a drug dealer makes his money, on the comeback." Chris Rock - Doctors & Drugs!
Your doctor is against these treatments because from the first day of medical school, doctors are brainwashed into believing that disease can only be treated with drugs. You can rest assured that your doctor has likely been convinced that the only viable treatments for cancer are chemo, surgery, and radiation.
Most doctors have a tendency to believe that not only what they were taught in medical school must be true, but they also believe that what they were not taught must not be important! As a result, most doctors are still thinking “inside the box” when it comes to cancer. Doctors who think “outside the box” and treat the actual cause of disease rather than the symptoms are labeled as “quacks.”
The FDA has a track record of raiding the offices of alternative practitioners, destroying their medical records, and putting them in jail...
In addition, many doctors are afraid of expensive, time consuming lawsuits, and their insurance carrier may drop them if they use alternative treatments. Their state medical boards may fine them and revoke their license.
And remember, doctors are human. Due to the fact that others doctors will publicly ridicule them if they use alternative treatments, many doctors succumb to recommending “the Big 3” as a result of peer pressure.
Do Alternative Treatments Work?
The evidence that there are literally hundreds of alternative cancer treatments which really do work is beyond voluminous. However, only a precious few treatments are strong enough and act fast enough to effectively treat a cancer patient who has been deemed to be “terminal” by his doctor.
And to make the matter even more murky, these few treatments are generally not the best-known treatments! The primary purpose of Cancer - Step Outside the Box is to make people aware of alternative cancer treatments and to identify these rare treatments which actually do work on advanced cancer.
Here’s why: while at medical school, doctors not only receive biased information but also learn a very drug-intensive style of medicine.
As a result, most doctors are still thinking “inside the box” when it comes to cancer.
The cancer “box” is largely the creation of multinational pharmaceutical companies...
...attempting to peddle their poisons (such as chemotherapy) in an effort to increase shareholder profits.
Sadly, these profits are oftentimes generated at the expense (both monetarily and physically) of the dying cancer patient.
The official "war on cancer" was declared by President Nixon in 1971, but the REAL war is being fought against alternative cancer treatments!
Cancer patients deserve to know the truth and to make choices based upon this truth. And the truth is that the proven cancer prevention strategies and the real cures for cancer do not need a prescription, nor do they require surgery or barbaric procedures like radiation or chemotherapy. But you might ask...
“Ty, isn't chemotherapy a proven scientific treatment?”
The answer is YES, it is! It has been scientifically proven to fatally poison several hundred thousand people each and every year. Did you know that the overall success rate for most cancers treated with the chemotherapy is a paltry 3%? In other words . . .
“Chemo has a 97% fatality rate”...
You’re about to discover the most potent alternative cancer treatments that 94% of doctors don’t even know exist… and that Big Pharma keeps ‘hushed up’ to protect their profits...
Ty Bollinger is a happily married husband, the father of three wonderful children, former competitive bodybuilder, devoted Christian, medical researcher, and also a certified public accountant.
During the last 15 years, Ty lost 7 close family members due to cancer. H has devoted the last decade ofhis life to medical research to find alternative cancer treatments and cures so YOU and YOUR family don't have to experience the same tragedy. There is a summarized voluminous amount of research in his book, Cancer - Step Outside the Box.
"I initially published my book in the fall of 2006. Since then, I am thankful to say that I have had the privilege of sharing this vital, life-saving information with over 30,000 people across the world and have been blessed to learn that my book has played a vital role in the survival of many cancer patients. The book is now in its 4th edition.
According to R. Webster Kehr, the "CancerTutor": As a general rule, the response to the book has been very positive & rewarding. I have been invited to be a guest on numerous radio and television programs, & have also traveled across the globe as a guest speaker at cancer conferences & have spoken to health conscious groups as far away as New Zealand."
What is Cancer?
Conventional medicine defines cancer as a colony of malignant cells, or a tumor. If you have a tumor, then the conventional oncologist will try to cut or slash it out via surgery. After they cut you, then they typically recommend chemo to try to kill any remaining cancer cells with toxic poisons. And they will finish off with radiation, to burn whatever cancer cells remain. This is why I, and many others, refer to “the Big 3” protocol as “Slash, Poison, and Burn.”
Alternative medicine sees cancer as a multidimensional, systemic total body disease. The tumor is merely a symptom and the purpose of the alternative cancer treatment is to correct the root causes of cancer in the whole body.
Why is my Doctor against Alternative Cancer Treatments?
Your doctor is against these treatments because from the first day of medical school, doctors are brainwashed into believing that disease can only be treated with drugs. You can rest assured that your doctor has likely been convinced that the only viable treatments for cancer are chemo, surgery, and radiation.
Most doctors have a tendency to believe that not only what they were taught in medical school must be true, but they also believe that what they were not taught must not be important! As a result, most doctors are still thinking “inside the box” when it comes to cancer. Doctors who think “outside the box” and treat the actual cause of disease rather than the symptoms are labeled as “quacks.”
The FDA has a track record of raiding the offices of alternative practitioners, destroying their medical records, and putting them in jail...
In addition, many doctors are afraid of expensive, time consuming lawsuits, and their insurance carrier may drop them if they use alternative treatments. Their state medical boards may fine them and revoke their license.
And remember, doctors are human. Due to the fact that others doctors will publicly ridicule them if they use alternative treatments, many doctors succumb to recommending “the Big 3” as a result of peer pressure.
Do Alternative Treatments Work?
The evidence that there are literally hundreds of alternative cancer treatments which really do work is beyond voluminous. However, only a precious few treatments are strong enough and act fast enough to effectively treat a cancer patient who has been deemed to be “terminal” by his doctor.
And to make the matter even more murky, these few treatments are generally not the best-known treatments! The primary purpose of Cancer - Step Outside the Box is to make people aware of alternative cancer treatments and to identify these rare treatments which actually do work on advanced cancer.
To watch the entire amazing, eye-opening interview with Jeff Rense
My book contains a wealth of information that your doctor probably doesn’t know...
Here’s why: while at medical school, doctors not only receive biased information but also learn a very drug-intensive style of medicine.
As a result, most doctors are still thinking “inside the box” when it comes to cancer.
The cancer “box” is largely the creation of multinational pharmaceutical companies...
...attempting to peddle their poisons (such as chemotherapy) in an effort to increase shareholder profits.
Sadly, these profits are oftentimes generated at the expense (both monetarily and physically) of the dying cancer patient.
The official "war on cancer" was declared by President Nixon in 1971, but the REAL war is being fought against alternative cancer treatments!
Cancer patients deserve to know the truth and to make choices based upon this truth. And the truth is that the proven cancer prevention strategies and the real cures for cancer do not need a prescription, nor do they require surgery or barbaric procedures like radiation or chemotherapy. But you might ask... “Ty, isn't chemotherapy a proven scientific treatment?”
The answer is YES, it is! It has been scientifically proven to fatally poison several hundred thousand people each and every year. Did you know that the overall success rate for most cancers treated with the chemotherapy is a paltry 3%? In other words . . .
“Chemo has a 97% fatality rate”...
The sad fact is that chemo is not only legal, but it is readily accepted by most oncologists as one of the best treatments for cancer. At least that's what the typical oncologist tells the cancer patient....
...but in 1986, McGill Cancer Center in Montreal, one of the largest and most esteemed cancer treatment centers in the world, surveyed 64 oncologists to see how they would personally respond to a diagnosis of cancer. The results will blow your mind. Are you sitting down? Of the 64 oncologists surveyed, 58 said that...
“ALL chemotherapy programs were unacceptable to them and their family members due to the fact that the drugs don’t work and are toxic!”
That means that 91% of the oncologists surveyed would not submit themselves to the same protocols that they prescribe to their patients! Is it just me, or does this seem hypocritical to you? I believe that this is not only hypocritical, but it borders on being criminal! They know that chemo will kill more patients than it will help, but they continue to tell their patients that it is their "best treatment option." What a damnable lie!
It seems that almost every week, I get an email from a friend or relative of a cancer patient who is being KILLED by chemotherapy. I have posted a few of the heartbreaking emails below.
Email1, Email2, Email3
There are many folks who know the truth about chemo and haven't swallowed the LIES of the Cancer Industry. I recently received an email from Cobus Rudolph, a gentleman in South Africa who was diagnosed with terminal cancer in March of 2009. After reading Cancer - Step Outside the Box, he REFUSED chemotherapy and implemented several treatments protocols outlined in the book. In September 2009, he learned that he is totally cancer free! Below is an inspiring video of Mr. Rudolph telling his "cancer success" story.
Vic Whiley Cancer Survivor!
The two videos above represent just a couple of the literally tens of thousands of cancer survivors who have successfully treated their cancer with potent natural treatments.
It takes time to get to the bottom of important issues, and therein lies the problem. People want to learn everything they need to know about something by watching an hour of TV; students want to learn complicated mathematics while they play video games. But this won’t work when it comes to learning about the cures for cancer.
“You must do your homework!”
SIX Natural Cures for Cancer?
There's a lot of misconception about cancer. We have been told by the so called 'experts' who work in accordance with the big pharmaceutical businesses that there is NO known way to cure or even prevent it, and instead they advise us to take their chemo & radio treatments for it which, quite clearly, either cause more damage than there actually is or have no effect on the cancer at all!
However, there are people out there (Rick Simpson, Jim Humble, just to name a few) who have discovered natural, safe and more effective substances to combat cancer. Hundreds, if not thousands of people worldwide have used these substances and claimed to have successfully cured themselves of various forms of cancer, including terminal, and others claim to have cured themselves of other illnesses like arthritis, migraines, MS, anxiety, depression and even AIDS & malaria by using them. But the mainstream media will not promulgate any of this, and the big pharmaceutical companies will not endorse them. Why? Maybe it's because they're not as profitable as their own made drugs!
The big pharmaceutical industry invests so much money by manufacturing and selling their medication drugs and by deluding the public into thinking that there is no other alternative medicine. If the people found out about these substances, the whole of this monopoly may well just fall apart.
Also, science has proven time and time again that the cause of cancer is due to under nutrition, especially due to a lack of nutrients like vitamins C & B17, and due to an acidic body. This is because the nutrients & enzymes we consume, from say a diet consisting of raw foods like fruits & vegetables, neutralize unhealthy acidic cells in the body, like cancer cells, and protect the body against the cancer causing agents that we pick up in our everyday lives from cigarette smoke, mobile phones, food & drink additives, and pollution in general. If our bodies became nutrient deficient, these carcinogens will accumulate inside of us, destroy tissues and eventually form cancers. This is why cancer is so common in todays world, as most people's diets consist of nutrient depleted, processed foods. So the obvious way to prevent or possibly cure cancer is... simply by having a healthy diet! Drink clean water, eat more raw fruits & vegetables that make your body alkaline, unlike meat and dairy that makes it acid and cancerous!
If we all started eating more healthily by growing our own food instead of buying the carcinogen loaded, genetically altered crap from the supermarkets, and used, say stone-fruit seeds, MMS, cannabis & mangosteens as alternative medicines, this planet could almost be disease free. Who needs pharmaceuticals when the solution was already here?
These videos below contain more information on each of these potential remedies:
Bob McCauley is interviewed in this Fine Living Network profile of chlorella, the world's most powerful wholefood.
MMS, Jim Humble & the Miracle Mineral.
In mid 1996, deep within the mining jungles of South America, a United States scientist named Jim Humble made an almost accidental discovery... a discovery that would change the course of human health history forever. Out of one small mining team's struggle for survival, came a simple, yet all-prevailing cure for nearly every pathogen-borne disease known to mankind.
It started with malaria. Caused by a protozoan parasite, this disease kills over one million people every year. After more than 75,000 documented successful treatments of this disease, many of which took effect in less than four hours, it was discovered to have similar effects on diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and proteins; diseases like: AIDS, Hepatitis A, B & C, Typhoid, BSE (mad-cow disease), Cancers, Herpes, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Colds and Flus... including H5N1 ("Bird Flu").
In the summer of 2007, this man heroically stepped out of the shadows to make this information freely available to all humanity. He believes the long-term availability of this substance may soon be heavily controlled by "the powers that be". The ingredient(s) are few... the chemistry, simple... the science, sound... the materials (right now)... abundant.
Chances are, however, you've never heard of this substance from your doctor. Few medical doctors are practicing chemists. Sadly, you won't find it at your local pharmacy anytime soon. Nature can't be patented. Pharmaceutical companies profit from "treatments" not cures. Ironically, however, this substance has already been approved for varied uses by the FDA. Used in many industries for the eradication of pathogens outside the body, its safety for human consumption has hardly been disclosed to the public. Taken as suggested, it serves to destroy all known pathogens within the body... on contact, leaving behind only a negligible trace of sodium.
What is this mystery panacea?
A simple and stabilized dioxide ion which, once in the human body, becomes the most powerful killer of disease that has ever been known. It can be bought and easily prepared in your own kitchen. A single bottle can last an entire family a year. Taken orally, it can save your life, or the life of someone you love. There are a hundred reasons why everyone should have at least one bottle, if not more, on-hand.
MiracleMineral.org Cures to AIDS, hepatitis, malaria, herpes, TB, cancer & other diseases edit this microsummary. Learn more about Jim Humble's story and his amazing gift to humanity, called "Miracle Mineral Supplement".
Big Pharma,
Health Alert,
Rick Simpson,
Ty Bollinger
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Dangerous Drugs II...it continues!
Ali G -Dangerous Drugs USA DEA
Ali G -Dangerous Drugs UK!
North America Selling Sickness explores the unhealthy relationships between society, medical science and the pharmaceutical industry as they promote their new miracle cures -- selling not just drugs but also the latest diseases that go with them. Drug manufacturers today fund aggressive marketing campaigns designed to create public awareness of previously unknown diseases, or known by less dramatic names. Shyness thus becomes branded as "Social Anxiety Disorder," constant worry becomes "Generalized Anxiety Disorder," and premenstrual tension is now "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder."
The sale of SSRI anti-depressant medications used to treat these and other diseases, such as Paxil, Zoloft and Prozac, has become an annual $20 billion market. Selling Sickness features commentary from paid medical consultants to the drug companies, patients, researchers, patient advocates, advertisers, attorneys, and psychiatrist Dr. David Healy, a critic of the pharmaceutical industry. The film also examines the deceptive use of clinical trials sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies, the highly addictive nature and many adverse side effects (like suicidal impulses among adolescent patients) of popular SSRI anti-depressants. At an FDA hearing in Washington, D.C., the testimony of parents who have lost their children to suicide starkly emphasizes the need for greater regulation of these heavily promoted and prescribed anti-depressants.
In 1976, Henry Gadson, the CEO of Merck, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the US, was interviewed by Fortune magazine. During the interview, Gadson complained of having to limit his market to sick people. His dream, he said was to be able to "sell to everyone" and make Merck more like "Wrigley" the chewing gum company. Now thirty years later, as prescription and designer drugs become ever more prevalent, Mr.Gadson's dream may have come true. In the four-hour special Warning: Before You Take This Pill, Link TV will explore the question of whether we've become smarter patients or are just plain worried sick.
Part 1 of the special features Selling Sickness, a compelling documentary that explores how drug companies today are not just selling medicine but also the diseases that go with them. Also featured are excerpts from Money Talks: Profits Before Patient Safety, a new film from Hummingbird Productions that offers an insider's perspective from former pharmaceutical reps and doctors. During the special, Dr. Michael Steinman, Assistant Professor in Residence, Staff Physician, SFVAMC will be in discussion. Dr. Steinman has an active interest in pharmaceutical marketing practices and subtle ways that the industry may influence the prescribing behaviors of physicians.
Depression erectile dysfunction anxiety bipolar medication acid relfux drugs cancer diabetes.
Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Viagra, Lipitor, Cialis, Nexium!
YouTube Perma Link Video
A team of leading scientists have spent two years analysing the effects of 20 of Britain's most widely used drugs, and have devised a scientifically rigorous - and controversial - new ranking for them.
The BBC's Horizon programme has followed their research and looks at the science behind the headlines. How do the brain and body react to each stimulant as it passes into the bloodstream, and what are the long-term effects of drugs relative to their classification? If the current classification should be changed in view of the latest findings, what exactly is Britain's most dangerous drug?
Top 20 Most Dangerous Drugs!
Horizon - Britain's Most Dangerous Drugs Part 1/5
Britian's Most Dangerous Drugs Video Series Link on YouTube
FRONTLINE® investigates the integrity of America's drug safety system!
Frequently asked questions about the FDA and drug safety, with links to resources for consumers and further reading.
+ When the FDA approves a drug, does that mean I can count on it being "safe and effective"?
When the FDA approves a drug, it means that it has determined that the benefits of the drug will outweigh the risks when it is released into the general population. During a drug's testing, up to 3,000 people will take the drug in the final stage of clinical trials. But if a serious side effect occurs in one out of 10,000 people, for example, the manufacturer and the FDA most likely will not find out until it is out on the market and hundreds of thousands, or millions, of people have taken it.
"I think Americans need to recognize that every time they put a pill in their mouth, especially a new pill that they've never taken before, it's an experiment," says Dr. Raymond Woosley of the University of Arizona, who was a top candidate to become FDA commissioner last year. "When a drug goes on the market, only about 3,000 patients have ever been given that drug. We will never know all the toxicity that can occur, especially the one in 10,000 or the one in 20,000 that can be seriously harmed. Our detection of that will only happen after the drug is on the market and exposed to huge numbers of patients."
INTRODUCTION: In "Dangerous Prescription," FRONTLINE® investigates the integrity of America's drug safety system. Through interviews with current and former FDA officials, critics, a pharmaceutical industry representative, and consumers, the one-hour documentary examines the FDA's handling of several drugs that were approved but later were pulled from the market after causing injuries and even deaths. The program also examines the role that drug companies play in the approval and monitoring of prescription drugs, and questions whether the FDA's current system is adequate for protecting the pubic.
Here, at Drug.com, this site lists most drugs know to man. This is a fairly neutral view, in other words, just stating information based of what know about these persription medications. This site gives comprehensive information on each drug listed. I need not say, that you should avoid mosts perscription drugs unless it necessary to treat life threatening diseases not stupid things that are made up or man created that can be treated naturally...such as Ulcers, Nrevous Diorders, ADD, ADHD, Flu, High Cholesteral, Bi-polar, Stress, Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, HIV, & on & on!
Let me give you a sample of these nice DRUGS that are leagla distrubuted by the Government/Medical Association allowed legal sales of the most dangerous & poerful drugs know to mankind.
This only Xanax...se what they say:
This is what Xanax is being use to treat...
Xanax is used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and anxiety caused by depression.
Now look at the side effects...
Important information about Xanax
Do not use this medication if you are allergic to Xanax or to other benzodiazepines, such as chlordiazepoxide (Librium), clorazepate (Tranxene), diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), or oxazepam (Serax). This medication can cause birth defects in an unborn baby. Do not use Xanax if you are pregnant.
Before taking Xanax, tell your doctor if you have any breathing problems, glaucoma, kidney or liver disease, or a history of depression, suicidal thoughts, or addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Do not drink alcohol while taking Xanax. This medication can increase the effects of alcohol.
Xanax may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Xanax should never be shared with another person, especially someone who has a history of drug abuse or addiction. Keep the medication in a secure place where others cannot get to it.
It is dangerous to try and purchase Xanax on the Internet or from vendors outside of the United States. Medications distributed from Internet sales may contain dangerous ingredients, or may not be distributed by a licensed pharmacy. Samples of Xanax purchased on the Internet have been found to contain haloperidol (Haldol), a potent antipsychotic drug with dangerous side effects.
What are the possible side effects of Xanax?
Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction to Xanax: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these:
Serious Side Effects:
- unusual risk-taking behavior, decreased inhibitions, no fear of danger;
- depressed mood, thoughts of suicide or hurting yourself;
hyperactivity, agitation, hostility, hallucinations;
- feeling light-headed, fainting;
- seizure (convulsions);
- urinating less than usual or not at all;
- muscle twitching, tremor; or jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).
Less serious Xanax side effects may include:
- drowsiness, dizziness, feeling irritable;
- amnesia or forgetfulness, trouble concentrating;
- sleep problems (insomnia);
- muscle weakness, lack of balance or coordination, slurred speech;
- blurred vision;
- nausea, vomiting, constipation, appetite or weight changes;
- dry or watery mouth, increased sweating; or loss of interest in sex.
OK. That's some of the nice stuff while on it. Now look at the potential Xanax Withdrawal Effects: Click on link here: "Xanax Withdrawal Effects" because I felt was too long to post.
You can read more information here about Xanax. This just to state a point of the dangers of DRUGS. See what you think. I'm sure as hell I never, willfully, will take ANY of this SHIT....period!
Alex Jones. Elite,
Ali G,
Health Alert,
Friday, December 18, 2009
Researchers: Merck knew – & did nothing - VIOXX! & more...Dangerous Drugs I
Vioxx Recall! or LifeKill Recall?
September 30, 2004—Merck & Co. announced an immediate recall of Vioxx after a clinical study indicated a significantly elevated risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other serious side effects.
Vioxx was approved in Canada in 1999 and was the most prescribed drug in Canada for the treatment of arthritis. More than 3.36 million prescriptions were filled in Canada in 2003.
For years, we've believed that the fat cats at Merck knew much more about the dangers of Vioxx far earlier than the rest of us – yet did nothing but cash the checks as patients cashed out and dropped dead.
That's not some far-fetched conspiracy theory. In fact, a new analysis published in the Archives of Internal Medicine concludes that the company had enough warning signs to pull this bad med from the market nearly FOUR YEARS before they actually did.
Seems squeezing those extra dollars out of this deadly drug was far more important than keeping customers alive. After all, they'd need that cash to help pay settlements when they were sued over this killer painkiller later on.
But the Big Pharma phonies weren't fooling everyone. We knew when this scandal broke more than five years ago that Merck had the information long before they took action. Of course they knew Vioxx was causing strokes, heart attacks and deaths, even if they still pretend they didn't.
So it's old news to anyone who's been paying attention – but anything that puts Merck back in the spotlight for these heinous crimes is fine by me.
The new analysis looked at 30 clinical trials between 1996 and 2004, when the drug was "voluntarily" pulled from the market. Twelve of these studies were secret – we only know about them because of documents revealed during Vioxx lawsuits.
Discussion of Vioxx and FDA Drugs as defective products with attorney Brenda Fulmer, pharmaceutical injury litigation expert and partner in the law firm Alley, Clarke, Griewe, and Fulmer in Tampa, FL. Produced by InjuryBoard.com
Vioxx and FDA Drug Injuries!
Most of these studies were concluded by 2001, and indicated a 35 percent increase in the risk of a cardiovascular event or death among users. And that risk only grew as more studies entered the mix over time.
Some of these studies were done even earlier – leading researchers to conclude that Merck knew as early as 2000 that Vioxx was costing folks their lives ... yet continued to sell this evil poison until September 2004.
That's four more years of bad reactions. Four more years of illness and death. Four more years of shattered lives.
from afp: The risk of death linked to Merck's anti-inflammatory drug Vioxx was minimized in trial studies the company made public, according to a study... in the April 18 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Merck minimized the true risks of vioxx!
Oh, and don't forget four more years of multibillion-dollar sales – because believe me, when the final settlement check is cut, I'm convinced they'll have still turned a massive profit on this prescription for death. That's literal blood money, and if you hold shares in Merck, feel free to let the company know how you feel about that.
Just don't expect these criminals to give a rat's tail about you and your silly ethics.
Jenny McCarthy (1 of 2): Take the Crap Out of Vaccines. Complete raw footage interview. Take the Crap Out of Vaccines and THEN MAYBE we will shut up!
McCarthy's Complete Interview Take the Crap Out. (1 of 2)
McCarthy's Complete Interview Take the Crap Out. (2 of 2)
Jenny McCarthy: Take the Crap Out of Vaccines and THEN maybe we will shut up!!!
Jenny McCarthy (1 of 2): Take the Crap Out of Vaccines!
Jenny McCarthy (2 of 2): Healing Autism.
Please Help the Walking Wounded: Merck Kills
Bill Maher on Big Pharma!
This clip is taken from Bill Mahers comedy special The Decider which aired live from the Berklee Performance Center in Boston. In the clip he lashes out on Big Pharma by bringing up some well known scandals like the Vioxx scandal and Patrick Kennedy's Capitol Hill Accident.
Vioxx Settlement Tribute!
"Why journalists keep getting it Wrong!"
rant by William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
"Lazy and looking for work? Try a career in news.
The real reason you can't trust anything you hear about the government or corporate America is that the so-called newshounds of the Fourth Estate have fallen asleep on the job.
A recent editorial in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute shows just how badly the press can botch even the simplest coverage.
Not long ago, a study came out on women, drinking and breast cancer. Maybe you remember some of the headlines: "A drink a day raises women's risk of cancer, study indicates" (Washington Post), "More evidence links alcohol, cancer in women" (MSNBC.com) and "Women's cancer risk may increase with just a few drinks" (CNN.com).
There's just one problem with all that easy fear-mongering: It didn't even come close to telling the whole story.
The study they were all reporting on found a 0.6 percent absolute increase in the risk of breast cancer. Women who consumed the most alcohol – 15 or more drinks per week – had a 2.6 percent increase in breast cancer, versus just 2 percent in women who drank the least over seven years.
But there's not much of a headline in that, and on a slow news day they need something to report – and breast cancer fear is one of their favorite places to turn.
Similarly, you may recall a flurry of breathless reports on a highly experimental cancer drug called olaparib. A very early and completely uncontrolled study showed some promise – but far more research is needed before anyone should even think of calling it a "miracle drug."
That didn't stop the lazy pups in the press, though.
They've already declared it "the most important cancer breakthrough of the decade."
But let's talk about the big picture here, because it's a lot worse than shiftless slobs in newsrooms feeding you bad info.
Far worse. Big Pharma knows how lazy journalists are. They know that all you need to do to win favorable coverage is write up a press release – and leave out all the bad stuff, no matter how ugly the research may be.
Reporters won't read the study – just the press release. That's what passes for "journalism" these days.
Big Pharma's spin doctors even know that the most dogged reporters might want to make a phone call to get a quote or two – but you can fix that by putting a couple of quotes into your press release that they can use. Make sure it's glowing, because it's going to appear in hundreds of newspapers from coast to coast... free of charge!
You can't buy better advertising.
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute has posted a tip sheet online to help reporters understand research, statistics and more – but don't expect most of these hacks to use it.
That's a little too much like work.
Barking at the so-called newshounds,
William Campbell Douglass II, M.D."
Who's footing the bill for drug ads?
Who's paying for all those expensive and annoying TV drug ads?
Big Pharma's name may be on the bill... but you're paying the price. For years, the drug industry has made the ridiculous claim that the billions spent on drugs ads have nothing to do with the high price of meds.
But if increased sales are really paying for those prescriptions, why do drug prices keep shooting up – even when those sales fail to materialize?
You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to follow this money trail right to your own pocket... but a new study helps point out the obvious to anyone deluded by Big Pharma's stupid accounting tricks.
Researchers looked at the ad spending and drug sales of Plavix, which in many ways offered up a perfect crime scene, with enough forensic evidence to keep a CSI team busy for years.
That's because after not advertising this med at all in 1999 and 2000, Bristol-Myers Squibb launched a major ad campaign in 2001 – one that would cost $350 million over the next five years.
Under Big Pharma's logic, we'd see prices hold steady – maybe even decrease – as demand soared, right?
Problem is, the ads didn't increase sales. Turns out Plavix use grew at pretty much the same rate as it did before the ad campaign began... while the cost of Plavix prescriptions went up, up, up.
Researchers looked at 27 state Medicaid programs and found that during the ad campaign, the cost of Plavix increased by 25 percent more than inflation. That cost them an extra $207 million – and if I were on that CSI team, I'd name those ads as my only suspect for the price hike, case closed.
Remember, Medicaid money doesn't get plucked off Plavix trees... it comes directly from your wallet, Mr. and Mrs. American Taxpayer.
YOU paid for those ads.
Of course, not every med follows the Plavix model. Big Pharma spends billions on drug ads for one reason: They often work. But let's not get delusional about this – if an ad leads to higher sales, that extra money isn't used to offset the cost of commercials. It's used to pay for even more ads – and anything left over is used to line pockets (just not yours).
And if the ad doesn't result in more sales, they're not worried – because you're paying for it, not them. They even get to deduct the costs of those ads. Earlier this year, lawmakers said those deductions cost us $37 billion per year.
It's win-win for Big Pharma.
And as usual, the rest of us lose.
Health Alert,
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Why are MILLIONS in U.S. Drinking Dirty Water?
Water Basics!
Water is generally classified into two groups: Surface Water and Ground Water.
Surface Water is just what the name implies; it is water found in a river, lake or other surface impoundment. This water is usually not very high in mineral content, and many times is called "soft water" even though it usually is not. Surface water is exposed to many different contaminants, such as animal wastes, pesticides, insecticides, industrial wastes, algae and many other organic materials. Even surface water found in a pristine mountain stream possibly contains Giardia or Coliform Bacteria from the feces of wild animals, and should be boiled or disinfected by some means prior to drinking.
Ground Water is that which is trapped beneath the ground. Rain that soaks into the ground, rivers that disappear beneath the earth, melting snow are but a few of the sources that recharge the supply of underground water. Because of the many sources of recharge, ground water may contain any or all of the contaminants found in surface water as well as the dissolved minerals it picks up during it's long stay underground. Waters that contains dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium above certain levels are considered "hard water" Because water is considered a "solvent", ie, over time it can break down the ionic bonds that hold most substances together, it tends to dissolve and 'gather up' small amounts of whatever it comes in contact with. For instance, in areas of the world where rock such as limestone, gypsum, fluorspar, magnetite, pyrite and magnesite are common, well water is usually very high in calcium content, and therefore considered "hard".
Due to the different characteristics of these two types of water, it is important that you know the source of your water -- Surface or Ground. Of the 326 million cubic miles of water on earth, only about 3% of it is fresh water; and 3/4 of that is frozen. Only 1/2 of 1% of all water is underground; about 1/50th of 1% of all water is found in lakes and streams. The average human is about 70% water. You can only survive 5 or less days without water.
Water is absolutely vital to our bodies. Just like the surface of the Earth, our bodies are mostly made up of water. The average adult contains 40 to 50 quarts of water! The water in your body must be renewed every 10- 15 days. With the intake of foods such as fruits and vegetables, you are receiving water, but you still must drink at least 6 glasses of water daily to enable your body to function properly - water is the base for all bodily functions.
Water is essential to sustain life, and a satisfactory supply must be made available to consumers. Every effort should be made to achieve a drinking-water quality as high as practicable.
Protection of water supplies from contamination is the first line of defence. Source protection is almost invariably the best method of ensuring safe drinking-water and is to be preferred to treating a contaminated water supply to render it suitable for consumption.
Once a potentially hazardous situation has been recognized, however, the risk to health, the availability of alternative sources, and the availability of suitable remedial measures must be considered so that a decision can be made about the acceptability of the supply. As far as possible, water sources must be protected from contamination by human and animal waste, which can contain a variety of bacterial, viral, and protozoan pathogens and helminth parasites. Failure to provide adequate protection and effective treatment will expose the community to the risk of outbreaks of intestinal and other infectious diseases.
Those at greatest risk of waterborne disease are infants and young children, people who are debilitated or living under unsanitary conditions, the sick, and the elderly. For these people, infective doses are significantly lower than for the general adult population.
A recent investigative journalism report published in the New York Times about over 506,000 violations of the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act, as well as the pathetic lack of action on the part of Federal and State regulators can be seen in the multi-part series at this link
The inerview with the author of this series, Charles Duhigg, took place on National Public Radio on October 19,2009 and you can listen to the interview on the playlist featured on my channel page. Special thanks to im4wur for posting the interview on his channel
You can use the interactive database created by the New York Times to check for water pollution violations in your state here
While statements made by stupid people might have gotten a lot of attention, as well as the recent rash of false DMCA filings and votebottings, I feel that a vastly more important issue for us to worry about is the safety of our drinking water in the United States of America.
Officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have come under fire as members of Congress demanded an explanation into reports that the agency has not enforced Safe Drinking Water Act violations. Just 6 percent of drinking water violations were actually enforced since 2004.
Recorded from NPR's (National Public Radio) "Fresh Air" - October 19, 2009
An estimated one in 10 Americans have been exposed to drinking water that contains dangerous chemicals, parasites, bacteria or viruses, or fails to meet federal health standards. Part of the problem, says journalist Charles Duhigg, is that water-pollution laws are not being enforced.
Duhigg reports on the "worsening pollution in American waters" — and regulators' responses to the problem — in his New York Times series, "Toxic Waters." In researching the series, he studied thousands of water pollution records, which he obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.
Duhigg previously wrote about businesses' and investors' efforts to profit from the growing number of older Americans in his "Golden Opportunities" series for the Times. He is a regular contributor on NPR's Planet Money Blog.
Tests have even shown that American drinking water is contaminated with perchlorate – the chemical used to make rocket fuel. Still feel like drinking eight glasses a day of this stuff?
- Article by Dr. W.C. Douglass - : "The enforcement chief at the EPA responded by announcing new enforcement protocols designed to determine the most serious and repeating water pollution offenders and established a new mechanism to hold violators responsible. The chairwoman of the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, Senator Barbara Boxer, dismissed the plan as "bureaucratic rhetoric."
In some instances, drinking water violations were one-time events. But for hundreds of other systems, illegal contamination persisted for years. It is unclear precisely how many American illnesses are linked to contaminated drinking water, but as many as 20 million people each year become ill from drinking water containing bacteria and other pathogens that are often spread by untreated waste. Certain types of cancer, such as breast and prostate cancer, have risen over the past 30 years, and research indicates they are likely tied to pollutants like those found in drinking water.
New tests show frightening extras flow from the tap.
The contamination of our water supply is the biggest public health crisis that no one will talk about – probably because at least some of that poison is put in on purpose.
The latest incident starts out innocently enough: Researchers in Washington studying the Puget Sound have spices in the water. If you're a salmon there, you may have even noticed a distinct vanilla flavor these days.
But these fish aren't getting some kind of treat. They're getting a bi-product of human waste, because everything we eat and excrete is making it right back out into the environment.
Then, it goes into the ground water... and eventually into your tap water.
Think about that next time you fill your drinking glass or coffee pot.
Sure, you're probably thinking, "Dr. Douglass is just being paranoid. This water is treated and filtered, right?"
Right – and if you could see how ineffective this process is, you'd never touch the faucet again. And vanilla flavoring is the least of your worries.
In Spain, researchers recently ran 24 water samples at a treatment plant –AFTER the H20 underwent supposedly rigorous filtering. Twenty-two of those samples tested positive for cocaine byproducts.
In Italy, researchers say 44 pounds of pharmaceuticals flow down the Po River each day.
Think it's better here? Stop reading now and you can keep thinking that.
Antibiotics, painkillers, sunscreen, hormones, drugs and so much more are routinely found in U.S. waters. In some parts of our nation, male fish are growing female parts because they're literally swimming in hormones.
Most cities don't even bother testing for meds in the drinking water. When they do, they inevitably find them – pharmaceuticals have been found in the drinking water of 51 million U.S. homes. If we tested everywhere, I'm sure we'd find them everywhere.
Water is generally classified into two groups: Surface Water and Ground Water.
Surface Water is just what the name implies; it is water found in a river, lake or other surface impoundment. This water is usually not very high in mineral content, and many times is called "soft water" even though it usually is not. Surface water is exposed to many different contaminants, such as animal wastes, pesticides, insecticides, industrial wastes, algae and many other organic materials. Even surface water found in a pristine mountain stream possibly contains Giardia or Coliform Bacteria from the feces of wild animals, and should be boiled or disinfected by some means prior to drinking.
Ground Water is that which is trapped beneath the ground. Rain that soaks into the ground, rivers that disappear beneath the earth, melting snow are but a few of the sources that recharge the supply of underground water. Because of the many sources of recharge, ground water may contain any or all of the contaminants found in surface water as well as the dissolved minerals it picks up during it's long stay underground. Waters that contains dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium above certain levels are considered "hard water" Because water is considered a "solvent", ie, over time it can break down the ionic bonds that hold most substances together, it tends to dissolve and 'gather up' small amounts of whatever it comes in contact with. For instance, in areas of the world where rock such as limestone, gypsum, fluorspar, magnetite, pyrite and magnesite are common, well water is usually very high in calcium content, and therefore considered "hard".
Due to the different characteristics of these two types of water, it is important that you know the source of your water -- Surface or Ground. Of the 326 million cubic miles of water on earth, only about 3% of it is fresh water; and 3/4 of that is frozen. Only 1/2 of 1% of all water is underground; about 1/50th of 1% of all water is found in lakes and streams. The average human is about 70% water. You can only survive 5 or less days without water.
Water is absolutely vital to our bodies. Just like the surface of the Earth, our bodies are mostly made up of water. The average adult contains 40 to 50 quarts of water! The water in your body must be renewed every 10- 15 days. With the intake of foods such as fruits and vegetables, you are receiving water, but you still must drink at least 6 glasses of water daily to enable your body to function properly - water is the base for all bodily functions.
Water is essential to sustain life, and a satisfactory supply must be made available to consumers. Every effort should be made to achieve a drinking-water quality as high as practicable.
Protection of water supplies from contamination is the first line of defence. Source protection is almost invariably the best method of ensuring safe drinking-water and is to be preferred to treating a contaminated water supply to render it suitable for consumption.
Once a potentially hazardous situation has been recognized, however, the risk to health, the availability of alternative sources, and the availability of suitable remedial measures must be considered so that a decision can be made about the acceptability of the supply. As far as possible, water sources must be protected from contamination by human and animal waste, which can contain a variety of bacterial, viral, and protozoan pathogens and helminth parasites. Failure to provide adequate protection and effective treatment will expose the community to the risk of outbreaks of intestinal and other infectious diseases.
Those at greatest risk of waterborne disease are infants and young children, people who are debilitated or living under unsanitary conditions, the sick, and the elderly. For these people, infective doses are significantly lower than for the general adult population.
A recent investigative journalism report published in the New York Times about over 506,000 violations of the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act, as well as the pathetic lack of action on the part of Federal and State regulators can be seen in the multi-part series at this link
The inerview with the author of this series, Charles Duhigg, took place on National Public Radio on October 19,2009 and you can listen to the interview on the playlist featured on my channel page. Special thanks to im4wur for posting the interview on his channel
You can use the interactive database created by the New York Times to check for water pollution violations in your state here
While statements made by stupid people might have gotten a lot of attention, as well as the recent rash of false DMCA filings and votebottings, I feel that a vastly more important issue for us to worry about is the safety of our drinking water in the United States of America.
Officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have come under fire as members of Congress demanded an explanation into reports that the agency has not enforced Safe Drinking Water Act violations. Just 6 percent of drinking water violations were actually enforced since 2004.
Recorded from NPR's (National Public Radio) "Fresh Air" - October 19, 2009
An estimated one in 10 Americans have been exposed to drinking water that contains dangerous chemicals, parasites, bacteria or viruses, or fails to meet federal health standards. Part of the problem, says journalist Charles Duhigg, is that water-pollution laws are not being enforced.
Duhigg reports on the "worsening pollution in American waters" — and regulators' responses to the problem — in his New York Times series, "Toxic Waters." In researching the series, he studied thousands of water pollution records, which he obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.
Duhigg previously wrote about businesses' and investors' efforts to profit from the growing number of older Americans in his "Golden Opportunities" series for the Times. He is a regular contributor on NPR's Planet Money Blog.
Tests have even shown that American drinking water is contaminated with perchlorate – the chemical used to make rocket fuel. Still feel like drinking eight glasses a day of this stuff?
- Article by Dr. W.C. Douglass - : "The enforcement chief at the EPA responded by announcing new enforcement protocols designed to determine the most serious and repeating water pollution offenders and established a new mechanism to hold violators responsible. The chairwoman of the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, Senator Barbara Boxer, dismissed the plan as "bureaucratic rhetoric."
In some instances, drinking water violations were one-time events. But for hundreds of other systems, illegal contamination persisted for years. It is unclear precisely how many American illnesses are linked to contaminated drinking water, but as many as 20 million people each year become ill from drinking water containing bacteria and other pathogens that are often spread by untreated waste. Certain types of cancer, such as breast and prostate cancer, have risen over the past 30 years, and research indicates they are likely tied to pollutants like those found in drinking water.
New tests show frightening extras flow from the tap.
The contamination of our water supply is the biggest public health crisis that no one will talk about – probably because at least some of that poison is put in on purpose.
The latest incident starts out innocently enough: Researchers in Washington studying the Puget Sound have spices in the water. If you're a salmon there, you may have even noticed a distinct vanilla flavor these days.
But these fish aren't getting some kind of treat. They're getting a bi-product of human waste, because everything we eat and excrete is making it right back out into the environment.
Then, it goes into the ground water... and eventually into your tap water.
Think about that next time you fill your drinking glass or coffee pot.
Sure, you're probably thinking, "Dr. Douglass is just being paranoid. This water is treated and filtered, right?"
Right – and if you could see how ineffective this process is, you'd never touch the faucet again. And vanilla flavoring is the least of your worries.
In Spain, researchers recently ran 24 water samples at a treatment plant –AFTER the H20 underwent supposedly rigorous filtering. Twenty-two of those samples tested positive for cocaine byproducts.
In Italy, researchers say 44 pounds of pharmaceuticals flow down the Po River each day.
Think it's better here? Stop reading now and you can keep thinking that.
Antibiotics, painkillers, sunscreen, hormones, drugs and so much more are routinely found in U.S. waters. In some parts of our nation, male fish are growing female parts because they're literally swimming in hormones.
Most cities don't even bother testing for meds in the drinking water. When they do, they inevitably find them – pharmaceuticals have been found in the drinking water of 51 million U.S. homes. If we tested everywhere, I'm sure we'd find them everywhere.
And that's not all! Take a look at this shocking video out of Fort Lupton, Colorado. A natural gas leak there has contaminated the water supply. They can actually set fire to the water as it comes out of the faucet!
Remember, natural gas is completely odorless – that rotten- egg smell is added later to help detect leaks. So if this stuff is getting into the water supply because of sloppy drilling practices at the source, you wouldn't know unless you had the water tested... or set it on fire.All this and I haven't even touched on the dangerous noxious chemicals our own government proudly adds to the water, junk like fluoride and chlorine.
There's only one truly effective way to block most of these poisons – a reverse osmosis filter, installed where the water enters your home. If you want to know more about the problems with our water and how to protect your family, read the September issue of The Douglass Report. You'll never look at your sink the same way again. And if you just want to stop drinking H2O altogether, that's fine too – keep reading to learn more.
More than 20 percent of U.S. water treatment systems have violated key provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act over the last five years. Since 2004, the water provided to more than 49 million people has contained illegal concentrations of chemicals like arsenic or radioactive substances like uranium, as well as dangerous bacteria often found in sewage.
In addition, over the last three years alone, more than 9,400 of the nation’s 25,000 sewage systems have dumped untreated or partly treated human waste, chemicals and other hazardous materials into rivers and lakes and elsewhere. But fewer than one in five sewage systems that broke the law were ever fined or otherwise sanctioned by state or federal regulators.
In addition, over the last three years alone, more than 9,400 of the nation’s 25,000 sewage systems have dumped untreated or partly treated human waste, chemicals and other hazardous materials into rivers and lakes and elsewhere. But fewer than one in five sewage systems that broke the law were ever fined or otherwise sanctioned by state or federal regulators.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Federal Reserve - G. Edward Griffin on Economics 101
Veteran writer, researcher and economic analyst joins The Corbett Report to discuss the Federal Reserve and why it should be abolished. We discuss Ron Paul's HR1207 and Griffin's Freedom Force International. For more information on Freedom Force International, please visit the website: Freedom Force International.org (information in the form of books, audio, video, news letters, etc).
WARNING! You are about to enter the Reality Zone, a place where truth is stranger than fiction, where knowledge is king, where myths are shattered and deceptions exposed.
"Those who enter can never return to the Twilight Zone from which they came."
The primary media outlets in every country are dominated by collectivists who believe it is their duty to filter or alter the news so the common man will have a “correct” opinion. Even those of us who are aware of this bias can fall victim to it if we have no access to the raw facts. In most cases, the truth is available even within mainstream media if one has the time to search for it. Unfortunately, that excludes just about everyone who is preoccupied with earning a living or raising a family.
The function of these weekly summaries is to bring together in one place unfiltered news and commentary as an antidote to Newspeak (In the book, 1984, by George Orwell, Newspeak was the name given to state propaganda, always the exact opposite of truth, that was offered to the population supposedly as news). We expand the headlines to include our analysis of the significance of these stories, which often is obscured by the details. There are no sports or lifestyles sections and no stories about the weather or crime or natural disasters. Aside from an occasional story about an amazing event or accomplishment, the only information you will find here is that which pertains to your freedom, health, and financial security, which is a lot. (CURRENT ISSUE HERE!)
Corbert Report,
Fed Reserve,
Freedom Force,
Reality Zone,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
John Pilger on India, Palestine, South Africa, Stealing a Nation!!!
Apparently, "Palestine" is one of youtube's flagged (censored) words. Censorship is preventing me from including "Palestine" in the title of this playlist. World renown investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger has spent the better part of his life documenting the American empire and the resistance it has met. Mr Pilger has made over fifty documentaries and is the author, most recently, of "Freedom Next Time: Resisting the Empire," which examines ongoing struggles in Afghanistan, Diego Garcia, India, Palestine and South Africa.
John Pilger's award winning documentary film "Stealing a Nation" examines the expulsion of Chagos Islanders who were forcibly removed by the British government between 1967 and 1973 to Mauritius, 1,000 miles away, so that the island could be used as an American airbase. In March 2005, 'Stealing a Nation' was awarded Britain's most prestigious documentary prize - the Royal Television Society Award It was the recipient of the Royal Television Society's Best British Documentary award in 2004.
John Pilger quote from Democracy Now. "A cross-section of television viewers in Great Britain were asked what they knew about the so-called 'Arab-Israeli Conflict.' And, they found that of young viewers, I think people under the age of 21 who watch TV news, 92% of them thought that the settlers, the illegal settlers, were Palestinians. And, the clear message from this report was that the more people watched television the less they knew." The War on Democracy is a 2007 award-winning documentary film directed by Christopher Martin and John Pilger. Focusing on the political state of Latin America, the film is a rebuke of both the United States' intervention in foreign countries' domestic politics, and its War on Terrorism. The film was first released in the United Kingdom on June 15, 2007. Since 1945, the United States has attempted to overthrow 50 governments and has bombed more than 30 countries.
*** Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War This film, set in Afghanistan, Iraq and Washington, looks at President Bush's 'war on terror' and the 'liberation' of countries where bloodshed and repression continue.
In Afghanistan, John Pilger investigates the claim that life has improved for the women of Iraq now that the Taliban have gone. In Washington, he interviews leading American officials, 'neo-cons' in the Bush regime. John Bolton, of the State Department, now the US Ambassador to the United Nations, says he regards the figure of 10,000 civilian deaths in Iraq as 'quite low.' Breaking the Silence won a number of awards and was nominated for a BAFTA, a British Academy Award.
Wake up, get involved. Your kids, grand kids and your life will depend on what you do from now on. Our ignorance is their power.
Here is a John Pilger documentary film series of several films. They are all good films. This does includes the above series "Stealing A Nation" but the set begins with "Democracy Now"!
Apparently, "Palestine" is one of youtube's flagged (censored) words. Censorship is preventing me from including "Palestine" in the title of this playlist. World renown investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger has spent the better part of his life documenting the American empire and the resistance it has met. Mr Pilger has made over fifty documentaries and is the author, most recently, of "Freedom Next Time: Resisting the Empire," which examines ongoing struggles in Afghanistan, Diego Garcia, India, Palestine and South Africa.
John Pilger's award winning documentary film "Stealing a Nation" examines the expulsion of Chagos Islanders who were forcibly removed by the British government between 1967 and 1973 to Mauritius, 1,000 miles away, so that the island could be used as an American airbase. In March 2005, 'Stealing a Nation' was awarded Britain's most prestigious documentary prize - the Royal Television Society Award It was the recipient of the Royal Television Society's Best British Documentary award in 2004.
John Pilger quote from Democracy Now. "A cross-section of television viewers in Great Britain were asked what they knew about the so-called 'Arab-Israeli Conflict.' And, they found that of young viewers, I think people under the age of 21 who watch TV news, 92% of them thought that the settlers, the illegal settlers, were Palestinians. And, the clear message from this report was that the more people watched television the less they knew." The War on Democracy is a 2007 award-winning documentary film directed by Christopher Martin and John Pilger. Focusing on the political state of Latin America, the film is a rebuke of both the United States' intervention in foreign countries' domestic politics, and its War on Terrorism. The film was first released in the United Kingdom on June 15, 2007. Since 1945, the United States has attempted to overthrow 50 governments and has bombed more than 30 countries.
*** Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War This film, set in Afghanistan, Iraq and Washington, looks at President Bush's 'war on terror' and the 'liberation' of countries where bloodshed and repression continue.
In Afghanistan, John Pilger investigates the claim that life has improved for the women of Iraq now that the Taliban have gone. In Washington, he interviews leading American officials, 'neo-cons' in the Bush regime. John Bolton, of the State Department, now the US Ambassador to the United Nations, says he regards the figure of 10,000 civilian deaths in Iraq as 'quite low.' Breaking the Silence won a number of awards and was nominated for a BAFTA, a British Academy Award.
Wake up, get involved. Your kids, grand kids and your life will depend on what you do from now on. Our ignorance is their power.
Here is a John Pilger documentary film series of several films. They are all good films. This does includes the above series "Stealing A Nation" but the set begins with "Democracy Now"!
Monday, December 7, 2009
DANGERS in Food - Eugenics NWO Mafia Agenda Exposed
This series goes in to detailed warning people about food & supplement that you need to beaware of. It discusses the risks & dangers related to these products.
Part 1 in this series on the flavor enhancer MSG or monosodium glutamate (E621) shows the hidden danger in our food today. MSG is used in thousands of products, such as snacks, soups, sauces, meats, flavored potato chips and most Chinese food.
The Dangers of MSG - Part 1 (Flavor Enhancers, E621) - 'The Hidden Danger in Your Food'
The Dangers of MSG - Part 2a (Flavor Enhancers, E621) - 'Your Brain's Biggest Enemy'
The Dangers of MSG - Part 2b (Flavor Enhancers, E621) - 'Your Brain's Biggest Enemy'
The Dangers of MSG - Part 3 (Flavor Enhancers, E621) - 'MSG, Cancer & Your Heart'
The Dangers of MSG - Part 4 (Flavor Enhancers, E621) - 'Avoiding the MSG Threat'
Trade names of MSG include Ajinomoto, Vetsin and Accent. MSG is 'hidden' in many other names, such as yeast extract, hydrolised protein and flavoring. MSG makes your food taste better but it is NOT safe!
The harmful effects of MSG include heart problems, cancer, ADHD, autism, growth disruptions, learning disorders, behavioral problems, obesity, hormonal imbalance, damage to the retina, etc.
Many problems don't become obvious until puberty. This is caused by poor functioning of the hormones due to exposure to MSG in the first few years of life.
MSG affects many parts of the body including heart, muscles, nerves, circulation, skin, eyes, stomach, intestines, respiration, etc.
Losing weight is nearly impossible if you consume MSG as it increases appetite! The consumption of MSG, in addition to the consumption of trans fats and artificial sweeteners, is the main cause of the present obesity epidemic.
Dr. John Olney discovered in 1969 that MSG caused brain damage and obesity in mice.
Governmental agencies such as the US Food & Drug Administration insist that flavor enhancers are safe. But research that shows the safety of MSG is always financed by the food industry itself.....
Do yourself a big favor and remove this poison out of your diet and your health will definitely improve!
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
Hosea 4:6 (KJV)
"Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and
let your soul delight itself in abundance."
Isaiah 55:2 (NKJV)
"With all thy getting, get understanding."
Proverbs 4:7 (KJV)
More information about MSG:
How the public is being manipulated:
Dangerous food additives (E-numbers): http://www.foodreactions.org/allergy/...
Do you find it difficult to lose weight and live healthy?
The solution is actually quite simple.
Avoid all artificial sweeteners, flavor enhancers and (partially) hydrogenated oils/fats (trans fats) as they are the main causes of obesity and disease.
Do no longer use microwaves as they destroy up to 97% of the nutrients and vitamins in your food!
Read the book 'Fit for Life' by Harvey Diamond. This book will transform your life, in fact you'll never have to get on a diet again for the rest of your life!
Would you like to make a difference?
Reversing disease through nutrition:
For all health videos search for: health4me
More videos to follow! HealthRanger7
MSG Related Summary: Trans fatty acids MSG danger risk partially hydrogenated fats oils transfats poison MSG obesity danger of aspartame risk cancer epilepsy health alzheimer parkinson MSG heart attacks migraines risks ADD ADHD ALS MS Lou Gehrig's disease hormonal imbalance anxiety depression slurred speech leukemia health E951 headaches diabetes autism MSG overweight weight loss slimming down diet losing weight diarreha joint pain fibromyalgia dizziness cover up mind control food allergies food allergy vitality NWO CBN child e-numbers health4me.
Health authorities claim vaccines are safe and that they prevent infectious diseases. Yet these claims are contradicted by statistics and medical studies
The side effects of vaccines include many disorders such as autism, brain damage, learning disabilities, dyslexia, epilepsy, seizures, ADHD, ADD, crib death, allergies, cancer, asthma, diabetes, obesity, etc. Vaccines contain many toxic substances including mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde, methanol, MSG, antifreeze, latex, aborted foetal tissue, animal blood, animal viruses, foreign DNA, bacteria, etc.
Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative has been used in vaccines since the 1930's. Mercury is the most toxic element after plutonium. Thimerosal has been linked to many physiological and neurological disorders, including autism and Alzheimer's.
Due to public concerns was Thimerosal removed from most childhood vaccines, but it is still used in other vaccines, including flu shots. Vaccines contain increasing amounts of aluminium, another toxin. Aluminium hasn't received much attention, therefore most parents don't realize it is a major health risk.
Many parents and healthcare professionals around the world are becoming aware of the problems and are starting to question the need for vaccinations.
Exemption forms:
The benefits of vaccinations have been overstated. Infectious diseases declined steadily for decades prior to the start of widespread vaccinations. Most childhood infectious diseases are benign and are vital for a strong, healthy immune system. Part 1 & 2 combined:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8841894385915817100Video 'How Mercury Kills the Brain':
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85tgwh...Video 'Deadly Immunity':http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1419999256011826335Video 'The Flu Shot Vaccine Scam':http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrtbRt6gdJQThe dangers and deception of the HPV Vaccine:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK97CHQZhq0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31Irc8...
Historically, homeopathy has been far more effective than mainstream allopathic medicine in treating and preventing disease. Homeopathy has reversed many disabilities and diseases caused by vaccines.
How to kill ANY infection naturally with Silver Sol: http://www.aquasolsilver.com/
A detoxification process called chelation can safely remove toxic metals such as mercury from the body. Chelation, in combination with a healthy plant-based diet has cured many children from autism. Chelation is dismissed by 'main stream' medicine because of the financial ramifications. If they were to accept chelation as a legitimate cure for autism, they would in effect admit that vaccines have caused autism!
Video about chelation by Dateline NBC:
http://vodpod.com/watch/572852-autism-chelation-on-dateline-nbcVideo 'Vaccine Nation':http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6531447125053615129More information about vaccines:http://www.thinktwice.com/http://www.nvic.org/http://www.drtenpenny.com/http://www.know-vaccines.org/http://poisonevercure.150/
http://www.whale.to/vaccines.htmlhttp://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htmhttp://www.vaccination.inoz.com/ http://www.sayingnotovaccines.com/"
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6 (KJV)"With all thy getting, get understanding." Proverbs 4:7 (KJV)How the public is being manipulated:http://www.healingdaily.com/beliefs.htm
Would you like to make a difference?
http://fonteine2.com/make_difference.htmlReversing disease through nutrition:http://www.ravediet.com/For all health videos search for: health4mehttp://www.youtube.com/results?search...
The approval of the artificial sweetener aspartame (E951) was the most contested in FDA history. The approval was not based on scientific grounds but was due to heavy political and financial pressure. Aspartame was 'discovered' in 1965 by Searle, a Chicago drug company. The FDA finally approved aspartame in 1981, even though scientific research had clearly shown that aspartame caused brain cancer in lab animals.The tests Searle used to determine the safety of aspartame were severely flawed. Searle used unscientific lab practices, falsified data and withheld crucial information during the FDA approval process. Because aspartame caused brain tumors in lab animals, it poses a real cancer risk to humans as well. Cancer is increasing in western countries and will soon be the leading cause of death.Aspartame (E951) is now used in more than 6000 products and millions of people worldwide use the sweetener on a daily basis. In addition to causing cancer, aspartame also causes many other health problems including obesity, diabetes, migraines, brain diseases, ADHD, etc.The US Department of Health has recorded 92 (!) symptoms following complaints about aspartame. In fact, over 80% of all complaints filed with FDA are aspartame related!http://www.321recipes.com/symptoms.htmlSome of the brand names for aspartame:NutraSweet, Equal, NatraTaste, Canderel, Spoonful, Equal-Measure, etc.Aspartame is used in any of the following products: Sugarfree, Light, Diet, Zero (Coke, Sprite & Fanta), Coke 007, Pepsi Max, Crystal Clear, Low-Calorie, Crystal Light, No Sugar Added, Sportlife, Stimorol Ice, Stimorol Fusion, Freedent, Mentos, Smint, etc.Aspartame breaks down into three components: 1. Methanol. This is the poisonous kind of alcohol. Once in the body, methanol breaks down into formaldehyde, which is a poison.2. Phenylalanine.This decreases the amount serotonin in your brain, which leads to mood swings (depressions) and an increased appetite! This is why aspartame is one of the main causes for the current obesity epidemic.3. Aspartic acid.This is a neurological toxin comparable to MSG.Do yourself a big favor and remove this poisonous chemical out of your diet for 60 days and discover how your health will improve dramatically! Shocking aspartame documentary 'Sweet Misery':http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6551291488524526735Other artificial sweeteners that you should avoid: Acesulfame K (E950), Cyclamate (E952), Isomalt (E953), Saccharin (E954), Sucralose (known as Splenda) (E955), Alitame (E956), Neohesperidine (E959), Neotame (E961), Salt of Aspartame-Acesulfame (E962), Maltitol (E965), Lactitol (E966), Sorbitol (E420), Mannitol (E421), Glycerol (E422). The dangers of Splenda (sucralose):http://www.splendaexposed.com/Natural based sweeteners and thus relatively safe: Xylitol (E967), Thaumatin (E957).Healthy sugar replacements:Organic raw sugar, organic maple syrup, honey and Stevia, the low calorie, all natural sweetener, used in Paraguay for centuries:http://www.steviainfo.com/Healthy sugar-free chewing gum:http://www.xlear.com/spry.aspx
Part 1 in this series on the flavor enhancer MSG or monosodium glutamate (E621) shows the hidden danger in our food today. MSG is used in thousands of products, such as snacks, soups, sauces, meats, flavored potato chips and most Chinese food.
The Dangers of MSG - Part 1 (Flavor Enhancers, E621) - 'The Hidden Danger in Your Food'
The Dangers of MSG - Part 2a (Flavor Enhancers, E621) - 'Your Brain's Biggest Enemy'
The Dangers of MSG - Part 2b (Flavor Enhancers, E621) - 'Your Brain's Biggest Enemy'
The Dangers of MSG - Part 3 (Flavor Enhancers, E621) - 'MSG, Cancer & Your Heart'
The Dangers of MSG - Part 4 (Flavor Enhancers, E621) - 'Avoiding the MSG Threat'
Trade names of MSG include Ajinomoto, Vetsin and Accent. MSG is 'hidden' in many other names, such as yeast extract, hydrolised protein and flavoring. MSG makes your food taste better but it is NOT safe!
The harmful effects of MSG include heart problems, cancer, ADHD, autism, growth disruptions, learning disorders, behavioral problems, obesity, hormonal imbalance, damage to the retina, etc.
Many problems don't become obvious until puberty. This is caused by poor functioning of the hormones due to exposure to MSG in the first few years of life.
MSG affects many parts of the body including heart, muscles, nerves, circulation, skin, eyes, stomach, intestines, respiration, etc.
Losing weight is nearly impossible if you consume MSG as it increases appetite! The consumption of MSG, in addition to the consumption of trans fats and artificial sweeteners, is the main cause of the present obesity epidemic.
Dr. John Olney discovered in 1969 that MSG caused brain damage and obesity in mice.
Governmental agencies such as the US Food & Drug Administration insist that flavor enhancers are safe. But research that shows the safety of MSG is always financed by the food industry itself.....
Do yourself a big favor and remove this poison out of your diet and your health will definitely improve!
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
Hosea 4:6 (KJV)
"Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and
let your soul delight itself in abundance."
Isaiah 55:2 (NKJV)
"With all thy getting, get understanding."
Proverbs 4:7 (KJV)
More information about MSG:
How the public is being manipulated:
Dangerous food additives (E-numbers): http://www.foodreactions.org/allergy/...
Do you find it difficult to lose weight and live healthy?
The solution is actually quite simple.
Avoid all artificial sweeteners, flavor enhancers and (partially) hydrogenated oils/fats (trans fats) as they are the main causes of obesity and disease.
Do no longer use microwaves as they destroy up to 97% of the nutrients and vitamins in your food!
Read the book 'Fit for Life' by Harvey Diamond. This book will transform your life, in fact you'll never have to get on a diet again for the rest of your life!
Would you like to make a difference?
Reversing disease through nutrition:
For all health videos search for: health4me
More videos to follow! HealthRanger7
MSG Related Summary: Trans fatty acids MSG danger risk partially hydrogenated fats oils transfats poison MSG obesity danger of aspartame risk cancer epilepsy health alzheimer parkinson MSG heart attacks migraines risks ADD ADHD ALS MS Lou Gehrig's disease hormonal imbalance anxiety depression slurred speech leukemia health E951 headaches diabetes autism MSG overweight weight loss slimming down diet losing weight diarreha joint pain fibromyalgia dizziness cover up mind control food allergies food allergy vitality NWO CBN child e-numbers health4me.
Health authorities claim vaccines are safe and that they prevent infectious diseases. Yet these claims are contradicted by statistics and medical studies
The side effects of vaccines include many disorders such as autism, brain damage, learning disabilities, dyslexia, epilepsy, seizures, ADHD, ADD, crib death, allergies, cancer, asthma, diabetes, obesity, etc. Vaccines contain many toxic substances including mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde, methanol, MSG, antifreeze, latex, aborted foetal tissue, animal blood, animal viruses, foreign DNA, bacteria, etc.
Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative has been used in vaccines since the 1930's. Mercury is the most toxic element after plutonium. Thimerosal has been linked to many physiological and neurological disorders, including autism and Alzheimer's.
Due to public concerns was Thimerosal removed from most childhood vaccines, but it is still used in other vaccines, including flu shots. Vaccines contain increasing amounts of aluminium, another toxin. Aluminium hasn't received much attention, therefore most parents don't realize it is a major health risk.
Many parents and healthcare professionals around the world are becoming aware of the problems and are starting to question the need for vaccinations.
Exemption forms:
The benefits of vaccinations have been overstated. Infectious diseases declined steadily for decades prior to the start of widespread vaccinations. Most childhood infectious diseases are benign and are vital for a strong, healthy immune system. Part 1 & 2 combined:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8841894385915817100Video 'How Mercury Kills the Brain':
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85tgwh...Video 'Deadly Immunity':http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1419999256011826335Video 'The Flu Shot Vaccine Scam':http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrtbRt6gdJQThe dangers and deception of the HPV Vaccine:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK97CHQZhq0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31Irc8...
Historically, homeopathy has been far more effective than mainstream allopathic medicine in treating and preventing disease. Homeopathy has reversed many disabilities and diseases caused by vaccines.
How to kill ANY infection naturally with Silver Sol: http://www.aquasolsilver.com/
A detoxification process called chelation can safely remove toxic metals such as mercury from the body. Chelation, in combination with a healthy plant-based diet has cured many children from autism. Chelation is dismissed by 'main stream' medicine because of the financial ramifications. If they were to accept chelation as a legitimate cure for autism, they would in effect admit that vaccines have caused autism!
Video about chelation by Dateline NBC:
http://vodpod.com/watch/572852-autism-chelation-on-dateline-nbcVideo 'Vaccine Nation':http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6531447125053615129More information about vaccines:http://www.thinktwice.com/http://www.nvic.org/http://www.drtenpenny.com/http://www.know-vaccines.org/http://poisonevercure.150/
http://www.whale.to/vaccines.htmlhttp://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htmhttp://www.vaccination.inoz.com/ http://www.sayingnotovaccines.com/"
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6 (KJV)"With all thy getting, get understanding." Proverbs 4:7 (KJV)How the public is being manipulated:http://www.healingdaily.com/beliefs.htm
Would you like to make a difference?
http://fonteine2.com/make_difference.htmlReversing disease through nutrition:http://www.ravediet.com/For all health videos search for: health4mehttp://www.youtube.com/results?search...
The approval of the artificial sweetener aspartame (E951) was the most contested in FDA history. The approval was not based on scientific grounds but was due to heavy political and financial pressure. Aspartame was 'discovered' in 1965 by Searle, a Chicago drug company. The FDA finally approved aspartame in 1981, even though scientific research had clearly shown that aspartame caused brain cancer in lab animals.The tests Searle used to determine the safety of aspartame were severely flawed. Searle used unscientific lab practices, falsified data and withheld crucial information during the FDA approval process. Because aspartame caused brain tumors in lab animals, it poses a real cancer risk to humans as well. Cancer is increasing in western countries and will soon be the leading cause of death.Aspartame (E951) is now used in more than 6000 products and millions of people worldwide use the sweetener on a daily basis. In addition to causing cancer, aspartame also causes many other health problems including obesity, diabetes, migraines, brain diseases, ADHD, etc.The US Department of Health has recorded 92 (!) symptoms following complaints about aspartame. In fact, over 80% of all complaints filed with FDA are aspartame related!http://www.321recipes.com/symptoms.htmlSome of the brand names for aspartame:NutraSweet, Equal, NatraTaste, Canderel, Spoonful, Equal-Measure, etc.Aspartame is used in any of the following products: Sugarfree, Light, Diet, Zero (Coke, Sprite & Fanta), Coke 007, Pepsi Max, Crystal Clear, Low-Calorie, Crystal Light, No Sugar Added, Sportlife, Stimorol Ice, Stimorol Fusion, Freedent, Mentos, Smint, etc.Aspartame breaks down into three components: 1. Methanol. This is the poisonous kind of alcohol. Once in the body, methanol breaks down into formaldehyde, which is a poison.2. Phenylalanine.This decreases the amount serotonin in your brain, which leads to mood swings (depressions) and an increased appetite! This is why aspartame is one of the main causes for the current obesity epidemic.3. Aspartic acid.This is a neurological toxin comparable to MSG.Do yourself a big favor and remove this poisonous chemical out of your diet for 60 days and discover how your health will improve dramatically! Shocking aspartame documentary 'Sweet Misery':http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6551291488524526735Other artificial sweeteners that you should avoid: Acesulfame K (E950), Cyclamate (E952), Isomalt (E953), Saccharin (E954), Sucralose (known as Splenda) (E955), Alitame (E956), Neohesperidine (E959), Neotame (E961), Salt of Aspartame-Acesulfame (E962), Maltitol (E965), Lactitol (E966), Sorbitol (E420), Mannitol (E421), Glycerol (E422). The dangers of Splenda (sucralose):http://www.splendaexposed.com/Natural based sweeteners and thus relatively safe: Xylitol (E967), Thaumatin (E957).Healthy sugar replacements:Organic raw sugar, organic maple syrup, honey and Stevia, the low calorie, all natural sweetener, used in Paraguay for centuries:http://www.steviainfo.com/Healthy sugar-free chewing gum:http://www.xlear.com/spry.aspx
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