WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?

WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?
Quote: "Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. There is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality. There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE." (Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom, however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common). - IM Nuff Said!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Don't do anything!

This concept has been express for years in my writing and research. What does it take for the you, the sheeple to get it? What does it take, really?
Its not that hard to understand!

The 3 dimensional illusion is CREATED BY THE THOUGHT PROCESS. Thinking is not being aware. Thinking is that thing any conscious being APPEARS TO DO to attempt to manipulate the future, or relive the pain/pleasure from the past. Both these time zones, the future and the past, do not exist. Therefore, thinking about them to manipulate them is a deception. However, to consider what is happening in this moment is not called thinking. Staying in the moment and meeting the needs of the moment is awareness of the 3 dimensional space, albeit, an illusory space. To function within this 3D space requires that needs be met. Reality, and our true eternal wisdom state, extends beyond the 3D illusory forms, and that wisdom state simply knows everything through awareness, ALREADY. Our eternal wisdom state knows the manipulation process of the luciferian egregore group of thinkers. Wisdom knows that this luciferian group plays god and plays the devil. Both of which are none existent. Wisdom, through awareness, sees how this group mindset bands together to manifest the reality they want all humanity to follow.

When you do NO THING, other than being fully aware that the 3 dimensional experience is an illusory deception conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS, which is turn was meant to disconnect us from REALITY, then you have reconnected to your original eternal wisdom state. There’s nothing to do, just simply become AWARE of what is transpiring. Perfection and purity is what we are ALREADY. This is wisdom and this is liberty, this is the freedom and the power and strength of what we ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. The illusory 3 dimensional teachings of intellectual and religious thought systems, that instruct us to believe that we are born sinners, and need to repent, to avoid some hell fire, are conjured up lunatic notions straight from the mind of the luciferian egregore group mind.

The following is an Old Testament types of sacrifice which need to be fulfilled in New Testament times. Notice this is subliminal suggestion and wordplay meant to hypnotize.

"Leviticus 27:28,29 – “…no devoted thing, that a man shall devote unto the Lord of all that he hath, both of man and beast … shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is most holy unto the Lord. (It will be shown who the lord really is on this site).

v.29 – None devoted … shall be redeemed; but shall surely be put to death.”

It is clear the lord of the old testament demands both man and beast dedicated unto him to be surely put to death. Today this is done systematically through such strategies as war, crime, the medical drug system, chemtrails, scientific advancements and so on. In other words, human sacrifice is fulfilled literally through the mind numbing doctrine of religion and academia. It is well hidden, but nonetheless it is human sacrifice."

Watch, Wait, and Don't React!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Human MasterMinds of 9/11

Thank you Michael Vitale for finding this little 9/11 jem. :)


The aim of the luciferian group egregore is to establish a New World Messianic Age, where the control of the illusion we call humanity, is the manipulation tactic that will be increased to such an extent that escape from being manipulated by the total 3D illusion is all but impossible. Wisdom knows, and sees the lunacy of this 3D illusory reality. The illusion called humanity, (and humanity is an illusion), will awake from the trance and reconnect to our original state through awareness. These entities, who manifest their CONTROL OF REALITY through the lives of the elite, will soon dissolve in frustration as humanity stops responding to the subliminal messages that bombard the wisdom state in endless fashion. For it is that the 3 dimensional experience is NOT REAL, and it only exists IN OUR MINDS. Therefore, its in OUR MINDS, (which are in reality, THEIR MINDS), that we disconnect emotionally from the 3D space and reclaim our eternal state, which is here now. This is what we are! We are the original eternal paradise state, and the 3D illusion was simply conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS to separate us from this immense power and peace of the wisdom state and thereby deceptively manipulate this ultimate state of being into servitude to the luciferian egregore. The beneficial aspect in understanding this, is that at any moment of our choosing, we can become aware of the luciferian hypnotic manipulation, and we can reclaim our wisdom state, and experience the freedom of the paradise state right now.

This VIDEO below is a DarkStar find.

"I think Rick Rescorla new a lot more that what this VIDEO tells. I don't believe RICK was part of the plan but I also don't believe that Rick thought the attack was actually carried out by Bin Laden and his merry band of idiots in a cave hiding in the hills of a country thousands of miles away. I think Rick new it was an inside job. What do you think?" - DS888

If you never heard of Rick Rescorla, you are missing out on one of the best stories of an "American" hero.

Born born Cyril Richard Rescorla in Hayle, Cornwall, in 1939.

During WWII the 175th Infantry Regiment of the U.S. 29th Infantry Division was headquartered in Rick's hometown. Being a typical young boy he fell head over heals in love with the American G.I.s. He grew up an athlete, excelling in boxing.

In 1957 Rescorla joined the British Army The Parachute Regiment and also serving with intelligence. Upon leaving the military he served various jobs as a police officer.

He moved to the United States and joined the United States Army in 1963 ... wanting to go to Vietnam to fight. In 1965 he was a platoon leader in the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) and faught in the Battle of Ia Drang ... the battle recounted in the book and depicted in the movie "We Were Soldiers (Once ... And Young)"

While serving in Vietnam Rick earned the Silver Star, the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, a Purple Heart, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry ...

And didn't come back to the United States to throw any of them on the White House lawn ... nor did he join The Winter Soldiers and undermind his military brothers still fighting, bleeding and dying in Vietnam.

Rescorla was a very bright and astute man. He was a critical thinker. In 1992 he warned the World Trade Center's Port Authority that the massive structures were vulnerable to (what we call now) VIEDs in the basement parking garage ... but his warning was not heeded ... In 1993 the first terrorist attack on the WTC happened. Rick helped evacuate the building, and was the last man out.

Rescorla became director of security for Morgan Stanley headquartered in the World Trade Center in 1997. Feeling the WTC was too vulnerable a target for terrorists, Rick recommended Morgan Stanley leave the structure and find new office spaces. But they were locked into a lease. So, Rescorla then made certain all employees of Morgan Stanley train and practice in emergency evacuations from the WTC building, drilling them every three months.

On September 11, 2001 Rick Rescorla was supposed to be on vacation ... Instead, he was filling in so one of his deputies could go on vacation.

This, I believe, is one of the last known pictures taken of Rick Rescorla on 9-11-01 as he coaxed and lead the evacuation of Morgan Stanley's staff and employees out of WTCT2 and WTC5.

When all the Morgan Stanley employees were safely out, Rick went back inside to help more people escape the inevitable doom he had feared and predicted years before ...

On the warm, bright, sunny morning of September 11, 2001 Rick Rescorla was not ... the last man out of the World Trade Center ...

Rick Rescorla's birth certificate may have said England but he was ... an American hero through and through, and in every cell of his body, and every fiber of his heart and soul.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Levels of Consciousness, Spiral Dynamics & Bipolar Disorder 1 2 3

Thoughts are always lies. Thoughts are words, words are sounds when communicating the thought. We know we have a thought, or word implanted in our mind because sound vibrates. Sounds vibrate, vibration is energy, energy glows, and glowing is light. Thoughts are therefore, LIGHT, and light is an illusion, able to be manipulated by the simplest of thoughts. In other words, since everything 3D is simply a THOUGHT, then changing that THOUGHT through subliminal messaging will create a new 3D illusory world for anyone receiving the new implanted THOUGHT FORMS.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

California On England, America, Virginity & Jews... Idiots All

Comedian Kassem G talks to beach goers about England, America, Virginity,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

SATELLITE - linked to SEATTLE and Obama - Associated Press Satellite Update.

(Quote from AP article): September 28, 2011.

On Saturday, scientists said it was possible some pieces could have reached northwestern Canada and claims of sightings in Canada spread on the Internet. But NASA said Tuesday that new calculations show it landed several minutes earlier than they thought, changing the debris field to an entirely different hemisphere.

“It just shows you the difference that 10 or 15 minutes can make,” said Harvard University astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell, who tracks man-made space objects. On Saturday, he noted, “We were talking about, ‘Wow, did it hit SEATTLE?’”

…NASA says those new calculations show the 20-year-old satellite entered Earth’s atmosphere generally above American Samoa. But falling debris as it broke apart didn’t start hitting the water for another 300 miles to the northeast, southwest of CHRISTMAS Island, just after midnight EDT Saturday.

(End of AP quote).

In other words, the suggestion in regards to the SATELLITE was linked to SEATTLE, where the President Lion King just happened to be travelling to. It not only ‘supposedly’ landed far away from SEATTLE, but it landed near CHRISTMAS ISLAND. The word Christmas, refers to the BIRTH, or NATIVITY, the NAVIDAD = NEVADA, of the CHRIST. This Birth is also symbolically linked to the REBIRTH, after the crucifixion of CHRIST. So the symbolism only increase with every announcement in regards to this 20 (8 FLOOD) year old SATELLITE. Those NASA(NAZI)-ites, … such little devils.

"Illuminati is a standalone card game made by Steve Jackson Games, Illuminati Card Game was actually released in 1995."

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Illuminati Are GOOD...Aren't They?

The Real Illuminati Agenda! - by The IlluminatiMatrix

"The luciferian illuminati agenda is not just to create a world society controlled by fascism, communism, capitalism, socialism, and every other “ism” all rolled up into one. Their ultimate desire is for humanity to cling to this illusory 3D existence.

We are naive children being hammered with a hefty dose of reverse psychology. By threatening to take away our rights, our physical health, our material wealth and our spiritual freedom, we react and scream bloody murder. No way can you do this to me … to us! We are full of indignation. We want to keep our health, our wealth, our comfort, our guns … and the freedom to move about at will. This is how we succumb to the great liar of the universe, and yet all the while we thought we were doing a good and godly thing. Not realizing for an illusory moment that our 3 dimensional experience, which we call our LIFE, is the great illusion, and the UNIVERSE itself is completely NON-EXISTENT.

Consider this... Those exposing the luciferian illuminati agenda are christians, jews, other religious zealots, ex-CIA sex slaves, New Age spiritists, scientists and the like. I have yet to read information from any source that points directly at the real culprit in all this … the luciferian mindset. They don’t point the finger because they don’t recognize the direct involvement of these THINKING ENTITIES in manipulating the whole 3D agenda experience. If this were to be recognized and research was done into the dark mysteries of Babylon, the realization would soon point to themselves and their misled belief systems.
However, I don’t exclude myself, or anyone for that matter, from being used by the luciferian mindset in perpetuating the 3D illusory trance state. Every 3 dimensional form is meant to support and extend the lunatic notion that the 3D experience has some basis in reality. We are all enemies of REALITY, and because we go looking for the enemy in everything else other than ourselves, we will never find, (on an individual basis), or conquer the real adversary that disconnects each one of our illusory 3D forms from reality.

The information on the IluminatiMatrix site is concerned with the real culprit stirring the manipulative witches brew. Furthermore, the solution for ridding ourselves of this culprit and breaking the trance is in reach. It is surprisingly simple how to bring this hideous hypnotic control to an end. However, because of the reverse psychology applied to our consciousness, the tricky part is realizing the simplicity of dissolving this demonic agenda. We want to keep the 3 dimensional world experience intact. Therefore, we unwittingly keep the luciferian illuminati thought form alive. The luciferian THOUGHT FORM is a room full of mirrors, reflecting the initial illusion countless times, until the immense vastness of the reflection overwhelms any sane individual from even beginning to question its existence or reality. Because of this, no one of sound mind even dares to cross over that fine line between reason and lunacy. However, the power of these mirrors reflecting their illusion also retains its own destruction. All it takes is for ONE MIRROR TO CRACK, and they ALL REFLECT THE CRACK in the same instance and the ILLUSION IS FINISHED.

The illuminati – Moriah Conquering Wind – the Olympians – it doesn’t matter what moniker you give them, they are the elite royal bloodlines who orchestrate world affairs on behalf of the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS that conjured everything up initially. Yet even they pay homage to this luciferian force so cunningly deceptive, that they are being manipulated as well. They do the bidding of this sinister mind without hesitation because they are the direct, emotionally connected offspring of this entity. They fulfill their duty to the luciferian lord through the academic and religious systems of corruption which they have created for the express purpose of destroying our connection with WISDOM and with REALITY. The intellectual systems of the world are the THOUGHT PROCESS SYSTEMS that indoctrinate our illusory 3D life forms into a state of extreme hypnotic TRANCE CONTROL.

The greater the intellectual knowledge acquired, the greater the degree of hypnosis, and the greater the degree of responding to the luciferian mindset and its agenda for total control of REALITY."

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Monster Magnet - Space Lord!

I've been stuffed in your pocket for the last hundred days
When I don't get my bath I take it out on the slaves
So grease up your baby for the ball on the hill
Polish them rockets now, and swallow those pills
And say oh------- Space Lord Mothermother

There's a car in the field now in a column of flame

With two doors to choose but only one bears your name

You been drinkin' my blood while I been lickin' your wounds

Well I'll shave off the pitch now and the scope of your tune

You'll sing oh----------Space Lord Mothermother

I left my throne a million miles away

I drink from your tit and sing the blues every day

Give me the strengh to split the world in two now


I ate all the rest and now I've gotta eat you

Milking my nightmares and using my name

You're stabbing my cortex when you know I'm insane

I'm squeezed out in hump-drive and I'm drowning in love

Encompass immortal position above

And say oh----------Space Lord Mothermother

Chorus + Space Lord Mothermother (4X)

I lost my soul when I fell to earth

My planets call me to the void of my birth

The time has come for me to kill this game

Now open wide and say my name

Space Lord Mothermother (Repeat)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mary Croft Interview on Natural Man vs. Artificial Person, Law, Money & Banking.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Earth Axis Shift Caused By Chilean Earthquake

In the hit film 2012, the entire planet starts to fall apart due to a series of disasters. Given our partiality for reporting sensational bullshit, we now report that planet earth has been KNOCKED OFF ITS AXIS. Dr. Michio Kaku is here to describe the event.

Michio Kaku Explains:

2012, Planet "X" - Michio Kaku on End of Days & Water on the Moon!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

USDA Replaces the Food Symbol!

USDA replaces the symbol -- but not the Advice!

The USDA "food pyramid" is finally being torn down -- not because of the horrible advice it contained, but because it was a bit "too confusing."

So they've traded in a triangle for a circle: a multicolored dinner plate with a glass of milk off to the side.
Cost to you: Just $2 million, a bargain when you consider how that fee includes... well... a multicolored dinner plate with a glass of milk off to the side.

The USDA unveiled its first food pyramid in 1992, and then replaced it with MyPyramid just a few years ago. The latest version had a little man running up the side, presumably to collect the prize of "fats, oils and sweets" (yes, the three were lumped together) locked in the top.

Now the little man is gone, and it's unclear what killed him. I suppose it could have been all that running up the pyramid... but maybe he binged on those sweets and died of diabetes and heart disease.
RIP, pyramid man. We hardly knew you.

The USDA, on the other hand, we know only too well. This agency's bad advice, carefully negotiated with help from Big Food's big-money lobbyists, has turned us into the fattest, sickest, weakest people on the planet.

But that advice won't change -- just the symbol, as the new dinner plate will be loaded with the same crapola that caused the pyramid to topple over: vegetables and sack after sack of grains.
Nothing on earth leads to obesity quite like a grain-based diet -- and if you need any proof of that, just take a tour of a factory farm.

The animals in those hellholes are given the same foods the feds want you to eat -- grains and soy -- to fatten them up as fast as possible.

Throw in some antibiotics, and you've got a giant cow... or a giant human. And does it even matter which is which anymore?

We are what we eat -- and if we eat cow feed, we'll turn into cows, waiting for our own demise in the not-too-distant future.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is serving Americans a new plate. To help consumers better balance their meals, the USDA and First Lady Michelle Obama announced on June 2 that the government is throwing out its familiar but complicated food pyramid. The pyramid had been used to represent nutritional guidelines. It will be replaced by a symbol that the USDA hopes is easier to understand: a food plate.

"When it comes to eating, what's more useful than a plate?" Obama said during a news conference unveiling the new icon, called 'MyPlate.'

The USDA, which provides nutritional guidelines to consumers, first introduced the food pyramid icon in 1992. The USDA revised the symbol in 2005 to reduce the significance of grains and include exercise. Many nutrition experts had criticized the pyramid-shaped guide. It was too complicated for people to easily understand when making food choices, they said. So the USDA partnered with Michelle Obama and her "Let's Move" campaign to better show consumers how to build a healthy meal. The Let's Move initiative aims to "put children on the path to a healthy future.

Read more: http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2011/06/09/2051713/a-balanced-food-plate-the-usda.html#ixzz1On3EWMa7



I didn't mean to end his life
I know it wasn't right
I can't even sleep at night
Can't get it off my mind
I need to get out of sight
Before I end up behind bars

What started out as a simple altercation
Turned into a real sticky situation
Me just thinking on the time that I'm facing
Makes me wanna cry

'Cause I didn't mean to hurt him
Could've been somebody's son
And I took his heart when
I pulled out that gun

Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum
Man down
Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum
Man down

Oh, mama, mama, mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
In front of a big old crowd
Oh why, oh why
Oh, mama, mama, mama
I just shot a man down
In central station

It's a 22, I call her Peggy Sue
When she fits right down in my shoes
What do you expect me to do
If you're playing me for a fool
I will lose my cool
And reach for my fire arm

I didn't mean to lay him down
But it's too late to turn back now
Don't know what I was thinking
Now he's no longer living
So I'm 'bout to leave town

'Cause I didn't mean to hurt him
Could've been somebody's son
And I took his heart when
I pulled out that gun

Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum

Rum bum bum bum
Man down
Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum
Man down

Oh, mama, mama, mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
In front of a big old crowd
Oh why, oh why
Oh, mama, mama, mama
I just shot a man down
In central station

Look, I never thought I'd do it
Never thought I'd do it
Never thought I'd do it, oh gosh
What ever happened to me
Ever happened to me, ever happened to me
Why did I pull the trigger
Pull the trigger, pull the trigger, boom
And end a nigga, end a niggas life so soon
When me pull the trigger, pull the trigger, pull it 'pon you
Somebody tell me what I'm gonna, what I'm gonna do

Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum
Me say wah man down (A weh me say)
Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum
Rum bum bum bum
When me went downtown

'Cause now I am a criminal, criminal, criminal
Oh lord have mercy now I am a criminal
Man down
Tell the judge please give me minimal
Run out of town,
None of them can see me now, see me now

Oh, mama, mama, mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
In front of a big old crowd
Oh why, oh why
Oh, mama, mama, mama
I just shot a man down
In central station

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Arabic Number Origin - IlluminatiMATRIX Update.

The word ANGLE = ANGEL, or the suggestion of a spiritual entity. The Angle/Angels/Spirit of the luciferian Mindset has manifested itself with the onset of the Thought Process which was initiated by exercising the EGO within the Eternal Paradise State. The chart below shows how this Thought Process was constructed with the implementation of Angles/Angels, that would be built upon and perpetuated, and ultimately establishing our 3 dimensional illusory plane which in turn is the Trance State.

Whenever partially overlapping circles, or zeros, which have NO ANGELS, but consists of the whole FAMILY of ANGELS, or whenever multiple angles are observed in the 3D plane, the subliminal attached to the number of angles suggests something, and implants something, to further establish the believability of the 3 dimensional illusory Trance State.

Angles Are Angels!

Sacred Geometry of the Great Architect of the Universe.

It should be noted that the word English, literally means, Angel-man. The word ANGEL is, in turn, derived from the word ANGLE. This is an extremely strong point to realize, as the whole power of the hypnotic trance working through the illusory body of humanity is based on the sacred geometry and the angles, or angels used, to develop the religious and scientific 3 dimensional space we exist in. There is actually no such thing as a spirit entity or an angel. The spirits that do appear to people from time to time, are only illusions, even as we, the physical person, are simply illusions. These illusions are actually there in a fake 3D sense, but they’re not spirit entities, other than that they’re illusory THOUGHT PATTERNS creating an IMAGE. They’re just hypnotic based manipulations of light, luciferian thought forms. There are only subliminal hypnotic suggestions, combined with geometric based formulas, incantations, chants, hymns, meditations, etc. Through this exercise, what is conjured up, is the illusion of a spirit, or magic. This is the basis of kabbalism, the Tree of Life, or, in more clear terms, HYPNOTIC MIND CONTROL.

The atom symbol is so completely symmetrical and geometric in its construction, that everything as pertaining to 3D manipulation, has to include, and cannot appear as 3 dimensional, unless it portrays geometry and symmetry to function and have an effect.

Language – Angelman – Brightman

Even the word, language, is a word of symbolic sigil magic, (when using another of their mirror techniques of putting the first letter of a syllable to the end of the same syllable) and you get angl-uage. When applying the sound, shape association, (not historical evolution of a word) we see that the word language is really angel-uage or a spiritual communication, angel way. Taken even further, angel way is actually Eyn, or EYE El Way. This spiritual communication is called channeling, and we are all forced to perform it. This sort of channeling is not passing on awareness however, for all thoughts are sounds, which are lies, and these lies act as a curtain that appears to disconnect us from our original wisdom state by creating distractions that hinder our awareness. This distraction and seeming disconnection creates the 3 dimensional illusion we call reality.

Obviously, this is not very scientific to be sure. But why stop there. English is Angel-man. In other words, the English Language is the perfection of the luciferian mind communicating with humanity. All language slowly evolved (on purpose) so as not to get the symbolism to powerful, to fast. Humanity was conjured up to swallow the lunacy we see in the world today, at this particular time in history, as the luciferian/illuminati agenda, using their ultimate manipulation language, English, came into play. This was done purposely, on a time delay schedule, but not before the MATRIX of deceit had been firmly established.

It should be pointed out that when the basic block style letter was first introduced just a few centuries ago, the people were disgusted with the look. There were no serifs on the letters as they were accustomed to. The classic Roman letters with the little points on the corners were simply cut off and the strokes, both vertical and horizontal, were basically the same thickness. This style of writing became known as Grotesque design. It may be grotesque to look at, but this alphabet would take the world to the next levels of the manipulation. So let’s take a look at the alphabet symbols and the placing of the vowels and consonants.

Something to be aware of, regarding vowels, they can be used in substitution, one for the other, as you never have to close your mouth or touch your teeth or tongue together, to pronounce them. Try saying the letter A and then proceed without stopping, to say E, then I, then O and finally U. What you will hear are different frequencies that form a simple incantation. Do it again, and you’ll experience a strange revelation, something akin to repeating a magical incantation. In a manner of speaking, that’s exactly what took place, but without a definite thought focus, it just basically drifted off without any noticeable manipulation. This is what magic or spirituality really is. There’s nothing magical or spiritual about it. It’s just the way the energy of the 3 dimensional world was intentionally designed and the common man isn’t supposed to find out how it works. In becoming aware of how we, the body of humanity, are simply conjured up illusory thought forms, with no basis in reality, this realization sets us free from the prison of the 3D life experience and the pressure to attempt to make it work. This life experience was designed to fail, to be filled with guilt and shame, anxiety and disease, with the ultimate goal we refer to as death. All of which are illusory hypnotic suggestion.

Where to begin on the most revealing of all aspects of the manipulation of a beam of light? It hardly seems probable that so much information could be tapped out of such a concept. However, this system of deceit has to come from this source and from this simple pyramid shape of the three primary colours and the ultimate rainbow of colour known as the colour wheel. Why? Because we, as this illusory body of humanity, have been created by the luciferian egregore Thought Process to be a form of light energy, or to appear as a physical 3D form. If this group entity wants to manipulate us, it must create systems based on how they conjured us up and what we respond to.

The sounds and shapes of the letters of the English alphabet all have special primary characteristics. A – of course, is a pyramid with the separated capstone. This lets you know how important the pyramid and the triangle are to the whole system to hold down the primary position. This is Alpha – the beginning. This is the first syllable of the word alpha-bet. It is also one of the strongest vowel sounds to project from a physical point of view. The word PYRAMID = PEER – to see / A / MID or DIM when reversed. Pyramid is a Paradigm, an example serving as a pattern. From this example of subliminal messaging, the whole pattern of hypnotic suggestion takes its course. Furthermore, a double subliminal, one suggestion that reinforces the first, is that the Pyramid is the Peer, or ability to See, in the Mid, or middle, of the All Seeing Eye, atom symbol. Yet, a further, third subliminal is achieved, in that, PYR = FIRE, in the MID = MIDST. The All Seeing Eye is the FIRE of SEXUAL REGENERATION in the midst of the male and female pyramids.

Criss Angel – Kaballism – Jewish Magicians

The cradle of civilization is in the Mesopotamian Valley of ancient Babylon. The rulers of this empire were the magicians – often referred to as the serpent reptilian gods of old – who were able to mesmerize the masses with their sorceries. These sorceries were the ability to perform magic – making things appear and disappear at will – as well as perform feats of levitation, changing shape at will, and so on. A very popular modern day example of this kaballistic understanding is witnessed in the activities of magician, Criss Angel.
Criss Angel has been working almost exclusively out of Las Vegas. In the following pages on this site, the significance of Nevada and Las Vegas, as well the 11 western United States, in these times of luciferian manipulation will be demonstrated. 11 is the number of death. The signifance of the 11 Western United States plays an incredible role in the luciferian agenda.

Set Fire to The Rain- Adele- Music video!

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 21, 2011 – Look Busy … Jesus Is Coming? from the IlluminatiMatrix

This song charted #7 in Los Angeles in March 1969.



May 22, 2011 – Harold Egbert Camping.
 "Harold Egbert Camping predicted the beginning of the Judgment Day of God would occur on May 21, 2011. There were to be universal ‘rolling earthquakes’ beginning in New Zealand at 6 pm local time, and these earthquakes were to continue at 6 pm local time, throughout the world.

This Doomsday message to the world received way to much attention to not be part of the overall luciferian agenda. May 21, 2011 coincided with another Fish God worshipper, Pope Bendedict XIV, who called the Space Shuttle Endeavor, (first time for a papal call to the god ISIS) which has coupled (sex ritual) with the International Space Station, or ISS (ISIS). The pope talked with mission commander Mark Kelly, and wished Kelly’s wife, Gabrielle Giffords, well in her recovery from a head wound in January. This is all just to suggestive to be dismissed as a nice gesture.

Harold Egbert Camping and his Judgment Day antics obviously suggests the coming Big One. An earthquake that will occur, more powerful than humanity has ever before witnessed. As mentioned on this site many times, the Big One has been suggested to occur in the 11 Western States, based on the symbolism implanted by the WTC attack of 2001. With California being symbolized as a sort of head table in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The Marriage Supper is to occur when the Messiah comes through the Golden Gate (on the east wall of Old Jerusalem), which coincides in turn, with the Golden Gate Bridge at San Francisco. Harold Mannings’ FamilyRadio.com network is situated across San Francisco Bay, in Oakland California, directly opposite the Golden Gate Bridge. The suggestion being, once again, that the Big One, and the Flood, will enter here. The Big One, and the Flood, of course, refer to the Big Guy in the Sky, the Lord Jesus, Je-Zeus, and Mare, the Sea, or Mary, his Mother.

Harold Egbert Camping has a middle name that suggests the B and G pillars of Solomon’s Temple.

EGBERT = EGG, or EYE and BERT = BIRTH, or BEAR, suggesting the coming of a NEW WORLD, a Birth, delivered by the Water Bear-er.

HAROLD = RAH-OLD = or the sun god RA, the ANCIENT OF DAYS.

CAMPING = the CAMP of GOD, and ING = EYN or something from nothing, the illusion.

Harold Campings’ Family Radio started out in Oakland in 1958 when he, and a few other faithful individuals, purchased station KEAR FM.

KEAR = K, or 11, Death, and KA, the Afterlife. EAR = RAE = RAY = RA = SUN/SON.

As of this date, May 22, 2011, this 1 small FM station has expanded to owning 66 radio stations across America. Ever since 2005, to 2009, $80 million was raised to preach the word and the coming Judgment.

The number 66 suggests something ominous, as illustrated below with the symbolism and subliminals attached to the clockfaces used throughout this site. The clockfaces are simply fronts that protect and conceal the true nature of the luciferian Mindset and the Thought Process.

Since Harold Campings’ prediction didn’t come to pass as predicted, his website has not been updated, and still shows May 21, 2011 as the date relating to the Rapture, or Catching Up, of believers to be with Jesus. Harold Camping is also missing at the time of this writing, 10:22 am, July 22, 2011. The symbolism and subliminal continues.

Those Christian faithful who cautioned against Campings’ assertion that ‘…NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY OR HOUR’ of the Lord’s return, illustrated the hypocrisy within this religious belief structure. Those, such as Tim LaHaye, a high profile minister and author, who has scored millions of dollars through his writings of end time events, has stated, along with many others, that this is not the day of the Lord’s return, for no man or woman can know that day, but the Lord only. What’s so very curious about this assertion, is that if know one can know the day or hour, how do they know that this wasn’t the day or hour. Obviously it wasn’t the day or hour, but if it’s true that no person can know that day, then what makes them so sure that it wasn’t. Hyprocrisy and hypnosis seem to be very convenient bedfellows. Just as Campings’ followers were bilked and tricked into believing a lie and allowing hardship to overtake them, so too, should the rest of Christendom snap out of the lunatic Trance they find themselves locked in. The teachings of Christianity are working hand in glove with Judaism and Islam to establish the coming inundation and cataclysm that humanity is meant to experience within this 3D illusory plane." - by IlluminatiMatrix


Friday, May 20, 2011

The Illusion Called Humanity!

Wake Up Time?

The Illusion Called Humanity CANNOT WAKE UP! 

As you read this information you may have a sense of waking from a sleep. For many it may be troubling as belief systems are challenged. Know this – those belief systems are only illusions. They are based on the hypnotic suggestion put forward by the luciferian MINDSET. These belief systems are the multi-layered veils of deceit that form the illuminatiMATRIX. Most disturbing may be the realization that it is you, and I, all of us, who are unwitting tools used by the illuminati that cause the total control of humanity. This TOTAL CONTROL is used as a distraction to manipulate us into believing that this thing called HUMANITY, is WHO and WHAT WE ARE. In REALITY, we have no relationship to HUMANITY WHATSOEVER. This is the MATRIX WEB of DECEIT.

When you realize that it’s the choices we make that cause war and disease, that perpetuate hate, pride, pollution, greed and so on … this is troubling. When we believe these choices originated within us, and by us as a person and were not the work of luciferian/light bringing Thinking Entities implanting subliminal suggestions within our subconcious minds, then our awareness evaporates, and we are deftly manipulated to follow the lunacy of the world systems, and to emotionally associate our 3D lives with these systems

But we, all of this illusory Thought Form called Humanity, don’t want to do this. The 3D life experience being is willing to do this, but Who and What we really are, which is Wisdom, which is our Original State of Being, has no relationship whatsoever to the 3D conjured up illusory being that has been manifested, or conjured up, as a trick of the Thought Process. We’ve been misled. We’ve been deceived and tricked into hate and murder. Humanity is not born corrupt, humanity is an illusion, not real, neither corrupt, nor incorrupt. We are taught, or inspired, to perpetuate corruption and we’ve been designed with 5 senses to succumb to corrupt notions. Corruption is NOT SIN however. Corruption is simply manipulation that causes us to do things that we’re conditioned to believe are unpleasant, or harmful, and yet, tempting and emotionally stimulating to perform. Then, depending on which society of the world you find yourself in, it can be labelled SIN or NOT SIN. Who we really are, not this thing called humanity, wants to be free and aware. We are deceived to believe we are born sinners, and even deceived to believe that we were actually born, suggesting that we’re real and valid in our 3D life experience.

These Thinking Entities use tactics that transcend conventional 3D warfare, such as just described. Our first task is to wake up, or become aware. Not that the illusion can wake up, but we must become aware that we are the Eternal Wisdom State. Humanity is not the Original State of Wisdom, but we must reconnect to Who and What we really are, which is Wisdom. Become emotionally disconnected from the deception meant to manipulate Reality, for Reality is Our Original State of Being, and Reality is Who and What we are, and Wisdom is Reality.

Waking up, or becoming aware that we are not this 3D illusory being, and RECONNECTING, or REGAINING OUR FOCUS of Our Original Wisdom State through awareness, is the only task required to end the insanity. We simply have to become aware of what’s transpiring in this 3D realm. The human being CANNOT WAKE UP, because the human being is a Light Being, which is a Thought Form, which was conjured up by the luciferian light bringing egregore group of Thinking Entitites, which created this 3D ILLUSORY BODY OF HUMANITY. This illusion is unable to wake up to become one with Reality, or to be in touch with what Reality is. But we are not this illusory being. We are Wisdom, the Eternal Paradise State of Freedom and Liberty, and we are REALTY, for this is our original state. Just as it can be annoying and uncomfortable to wake up in the physical sense, so too, this waking up, or realization that humanity cannot wake up, is annoying, and quite frankly, forces us to question our sanity. However, Who and What we are is ALREADY AWAKE! Who and What we are NEVER FELL ASLEEP! It’s simply the 3D illusory life experience that was conjured up by the luciferian Thinking Entities that keeps listening to the thoughts implanted within our illusory minds that convinces us that we are this 3 dimensional illusory being, when we have nothing in Reality, and in common, with this illusion. 

Now Who and What do you suppose wants us to believe that we are this mass of clay, this ball of shit, this hopeless and pathetic thing we call humanity? Of course it’s that Entity we call God, or Lucifer, the light bringer, which is not God, and is not our Creator, (for We Always Were), but is the egregore group of Thinking Entities that conjured up the illusion called the 3D universe, with the loftiest notion within this illusion, called Humanity. All we have to do is to regain our focus on our Original State of Being, which is Wisdom, and to be free of the Matrix web of deceit, is to forfeit any emotional connection to this illusory 3D life form experience. 

… simply WATCH and WAIT!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Supermarket Meat Crawling with Bacteria!!!

"Sell a little healthy raw milk to a willing consumer, and you can expect cops to burst through the door with their guns drawn -- but you can pass off tainted meat on unsuspecting customers all day long, and the feds won't do a thing about it.

Case in point: The latest study in Clinical Infectious Diseases, which showed that up to HALF of all supermarket meat is contaminated with bacteria -- and half of those are resistant to multiple antibiotics.

Researchers bought 136 packages of beef, chicken, pork, and turkey from 26 supermarkets in five cities -- and what they found would even make someone with an iron stomach a bit queasy.

Tests revealed that 47 percent of the meat was contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus. Nearly all of the samples were resistant to one antibiotic, and 52 percent were resistant to at least three different drugs.

And believe it or not, that's not even the worst news -- because S. aureus doesn't even make the Top 10 list of the U.S.'s leading pathogens.

Americans are routinely infected by campylobacter from poultry, toxoplasma from pork, and E. coli from beef, just to name a few. All told, the top 14 pathogens are responsible for nearly 9 million illnesses a year, including 55,678 hospitalizations and 1,322 deaths.

Super Bacteria Found In Half Of Supermarket Meat Samples.

But wait -- because that's STILL not the worst news.

Overall, food poisoning sickens up to a quarter of all Americans every year –- leading to some 325,000 hospitalizations and up to 5,000 deaths that we know of. Who knows how big the real numbers are.

You may call it "contaminated meat," but I call it "biological warfare."

This is a bigger national crisis than airline safety, terrorism, or natural disasters -- and the FDA and USDA won't do a thing about it. But you can.

Many of these diseases and infections begin at factory farms -- festering stinkholes where animals live in filth, eat filth, and die in filth.

Along the way, they're pumped so full of so many drugs that you get a dose with every bite.

If you can't get your meats direct from a small farm, find a good butcher who does. Going organic is often a waste of money with many products -- but in this case, it's worth every last cent.

U.S. beef packed with drugs, metals and poisons

Want some antibiotics? Don't waste time with your doctor -- just head to the supermarket. You'll find a wide selection of drugs... but they won't be in the pharmacy section. They'll be in the meats department.

The USDA's own Office of the Inspector General released a report showing that American beef is routinely contaminated with drug residue, toxic heavy metals, and actual poison.

If you're looking for a recall, don't hold your breath. Even when the government knows they're contaminated, the meat is often shipped off and sold before the test results come back!

The report lists four specific instances in 2007 and 2008 when tests revealed enough veterinary drugs in meat to cause stomach, nerve, or skin problems in the humans who might eat it... but there wasn't a single attempt to recall it.

You can read the full details on page 29 of the report.

But when it comes right down to it, the drugs in the meat are the least of your worries. Toxic heavy metals are routinely found in the meat sold to you and your family. Don't expect that to change any time soon, either. Because as it turns out, no guidelines exist that ban things like copper and arsenic from your meat.

"In 2008, a producer self-reported that arsenic had been mistakenly ingested by his cattle, and voluntarily withheld contaminated animals from the food supply after they were slaughtered and tested positive for arsenic poisoning," the report reads.

"If the producer had not acted voluntarily, FSIS would not have had a basis to stop distribution of this meat once it was in commerce."

The FSIS is the Food Safety and Inspection Service, the deliberately crippled arm of the FDA that can only watch as arsenic, copper, and other toxins enter the food chain.

Think this is going to get better? Think again: The feds are CUTTING $10 million from the USDA's meat and poultry inspection budget."

Happy eating.

Fuming over factory farms,

Article by William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

Friday, May 6, 2011

19 Studies Link GMO Foods to Organ Disruption

"A new paper demonstrates that consuming genetically modified (GM) food leads to significant organ disruptions in rats and mice. Researchers reviewed data from 19 studies and found that parameters including blood and urine biochemistry and organ weights were significantly disrupted in the GM-fed animals.

The kidneys of males were the most affected, experiencing 43.5 percent of all the changes. The livers of females followed at more than 30 percent. Other organs may have been affected too, including the heart and spleen, and blood cells."

Genetically modified food 1

According to the Institute for Responsible Technology:

"The GM soybean and corn varieties used in the feeding trials 'constitute 83 percent of the commercialized GMOs' that are currently consumed by billions of people. While the findings may have serious ramifications for the human population, the authors demonstrate how a multitude of GMO-related health problems could easily pass undetected through the superficial and largely incompetent safety assessments that are used around the world."

Further, the biotechnology firm Monsanto is only an FDA approval away from its latest monstrosity -- soybeans that have been genetically modified to produce omega-3 fats. That FDA approval is expected this year.

Monsanto plans to include GM soybean oil in every product it can -- baked goods, baking mixes, breakfast cereals, cheeses, frozen dairy desserts, pasta, gravies and sauces, fruit juices, snack foods, candy, soups, and more.

According to Forbes:

"Monsanto is so despised by environmentalists that Google's first suggested search term for the St. Louis company is 'Monsanto evil.' Readers ... voted Monsanto the world's most evil corporation in a January poll, giving the corporation a whopping 51 percent of the vote."

Scientists have also introduced human genes into 300 dairy cows in a process that they say will cause the cows to produce milk with the same properties as human breast milk. They believe that this could provide an alternative to formula milk for babies.

Critics of GM technology questioned the safety of milk from genetically modified animals, and also its potential effect on the cattle's health.

According to the Telegraph:

"The researchers used cloning technology to introduce human genes into the DNA of Holstein dairy cows before the genetically modified embryos were implanted into surrogate cows ... [T]he researchers said they were able to create cows that produced milk containing a human protein called lysozyme."

Environmental Sciences Europe March 1, 2011

Institute for Responsible Technology April 7, 2011

Forbes April 11, 2011

The Telegraph April 2, 2011

PLoS One March 16, 2011; 6(3):e17593

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

"In the latest review of genetically modified organisms (GMO) -- an analysis of 19 animal studies -- it was revealed that nearly 10 percent of blood, urine, organ and other parameters tested were significantly influenced by GMOs, with the liver and kidneys faring the worst.

The studies involved animals fed GM soy and corn, which comprise more than 80 percent of all GMOs cultivated on a large scale, and exist in virtually every processed food sold in the United States.

Clearly the danger posed by GM crops is no longer theoretical, yet because GM foods are patented inventions that are protected under copyright and proprietary information laws, the corporations controlling the seeds only allow them to be studied under very limited conditions.

Rarely (if ever) do they permit them to be studied for safety by anyone but the USDA (who hasn't yet seen the need to conduct rigorous long-term studies), and rarely are they studied beyond 30 or 90 days."

Read more on the complete article by Dr. Mercola.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Meat You Should Never, Ever Eat...

Is your meat made of scraps stuck together with “meat glue”? This exposé reveals how you may be being deceived about the meat you buy -- and why the dangerous practice makes food poisoning hundreds of times more likely.

If you are still on the fence, wondering if you should make the switch to organic, grass-fed beef from a local farm instead of the mass-produced variety from your local supermarket, perhaps this news brief from the Australian Today Tonight show will help change your mind.

If you haven't yet seen the video, please click through and be ready to be amazed.

By now most people probably realize that ground beef contains the meat from hundreds of animals from different parts of the world, but few would ever suspect that the same can be true for prime cut steaks! Well, that's possible through the use of so-called meat glue, used to "super-glue" small chunks of meat together that are too small to sell, and passing it off as prime cuts...

What is Meat Glue?

Meat glue is an enzyme called transglutaminase. Some meat glues are produced through the cultivation of bacteria, while others are made from the blood plasma of pigs and cows, specifically the coagulant that makes blood clot.

When sprinkled on a protein, such as beef, it forms cross-linked, insoluble protein polymers that essentially acts like a super-glue, binding the pieces together with near invisible seams. The glue-covered meat is rolled up in plastic film, followed by refrigeration. Some manufacturers have gotten so proficient in the practice that even an expert butcher can't tell the difference between a piece of prime beef and one that's been glued together with bits and pieces of scraps!

Interestingly enough, Ajinomoto is one of the leaders in transglutaminase. You may recognize that name as they are also one of the leaders in aspartame. According to their website, transglutaminase is also used to "improve the general texture" of a variety of foods aside from meat, such as fat-free yoghurt and cheese.

For complete article from Dr. Mercola...click here "Meat Glue"

Monday, May 2, 2011

Eliminate This ONE Ingredient and Watch Your Health Soar!

A video posted on YouTube in July 2009 on the biochemistry of fructose has gone viral with more than 800,000 views so far. Many of those views are no doubt due to this newsletter, as my two previous articles on Dr. Lustig's work Sugar May Be Bad, But This Sweetener is Far More Deadly, and This Common Food Ingredient Can Really Mess Up Your Metabolism alone have OVER one million views.

People are watching the lecture at the rate of 50,000 a month, even though it's 90 minutes long, The New York Times reports. Calling sugar a "toxin" or a "poison" 13 times, and referring to it as "evil" five times, the video's author, Robert Lustig explains that sugar is sugar, whether it's the white granulated stuff – commonly known as sucrose – or high fructose corn syrup.

And his stance has nothing to do with calories, according to the NYT: "It's a poison by itself," he says.

"If Lustig is right, then our excessive consumption of sugar is the primary reason that the numbers of obese and diabetic Americans have skyrocketed in the past 30 years," the NYT says. "But his argument implies more than that. If Lustig is right, it would mean that sugar is also the likely dietary cause of several other chronic ailments widely considered to be diseases of Western lifestyles — heart disease, hypertension and many common cancers among them."

The NYT added that Lustig has "a mass" of evidence to back up his claims.

In related news, according to the Epoch Times, a report has found that the United States is the fattest of 33 countries studied. Seventy percent of Americans are now overweight, a number that will increase to 75 percent by 2020 and 86 percent by 2030!


The New York Times April 17, 2011

The Epoch Times April 19, 2011

Science Blog April 18, 2011

The New York Times April 12, 2011

Science Daily April 25, 2011

"Death by sugar" is not an overstatement...

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Evidence is mounting that sugar is the primary factor causing not just obesity, but also chronic and lethal disease. There's really no doubt anymore that sugar is indeed toxic to your body, and it's only a matter of time before it will be commonly accepted as a causative factor of most cancer, in the same way as we accept that smoking and alcohol abuse are direct causes of lung cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.

Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco, is one of the leading experts on childhood obesity, and has been a pioneer in decoding sugar metabolism. His work has highlighted the major differences in how different sugars are broken down and used by the human body.

If you haven't already seen it I would strongly encourage you to watch Dr. Lustig's lecture. He really is a very compelling lecturer and you will learn loads, particularly about fructose, is ruining your health biochemically.

Because as Dr. Lustig points out, sugar acts as a toxic substance that wreaks havoc on your health.

For Dr. Mercola's complete article...click here: One Ingredient