Today’s world is like “the Matrix” -
White is Black and Black is White.
(An Example of the Result from "Air-frame Shock Testing")
The Cancer Industry is well organized, unbelievably well funded, and has total control over the news media due to the massive amounts of advertising dollars spent by Big Pharma.
You’re about to discover the most potent alternative cancer treatments that 94% of doctors don’t even know exist… and that Big Pharma keeps ‘hushed up’ to protect their profits...

What is Cancer?
Conventional medicine defines cancer as a colony of malignant cells, or a tumor. If you have a tumor, then the conventional oncologist will try to cut or slash it out via surgery. After they cut you, then they typically recommend chemo to try to kill any remaining cancer cells with toxic poisons. And they will finish off with radiation, to burn whatever cancer cells remain. This is why I, and many others, refer to “the Big 3” protocol as “Slash, Poison, and Burn.”
Alternative medicine sees cancer as a multidimensional, systemic total body disease. The tumor is merely a symptom and the purpose of the alternative cancer treatment is to correct the root causes of cancer in the whole body.
Cancer Truth - Author Ty Bollinger speaks about cancer!
Author Ty Bollinger shares the TRUTH about cancer and his book, Cancer-Step Outside the Box. Described by Jeff Rense in his latest interview with Ty as "The Bible of Alternate Treatments and Therapies," this book is changing the way we look at cancer treatments. Cancer patients deserve to know the truth and to make choices based upon this truth. And the truth is that the proven cancer prevention strategies and the real cures for cancer do not need a prescription, nor do they require surgery or barbaric procedures like radiation or chemotherapy. But you might ask... Ty, isn't chemotherapy a proven scientific treatment? The answer is YES, it is! It has been scientifically proven to fatally poison several hundred thousand people each and every year. Did you know that the overall success rate for most cancers treated with the chemotherapy is around 2.3%? In other words . . . Chemo has a 97.7% fatality rate... . . . and it is not only legal, but it is readily accepted by most oncologists as one of the best treatments for cancer. Visit the website: and BUY THE BOOK THAT JUST MIGHT SAVE YOUR LIFE ONE DAY: http://www.CancerTruth.net
Why is my Doctor against Alternative Cancer Treatments?
"Ain't no money in the cure, the money's in the medicine...that's how a drug dealer makes his money, on the comeback." Chris Rock - Doctors & Drugs!
Your doctor is against these treatments because from the first day of medical school, doctors are brainwashed into believing that disease can only be treated with drugs. You can rest assured that your doctor has likely been convinced that the only viable treatments for cancer are chemo, surgery, and radiation.
Most doctors have a tendency to believe that not only what they were taught in medical school must be true, but they also believe that what they were not taught must not be important! As a result, most doctors are still thinking “inside the box” when it comes to cancer. Doctors who think “outside the box” and treat the actual cause of disease rather than the symptoms are labeled as “quacks.”
The FDA has a track record of raiding the offices of alternative practitioners, destroying their medical records, and putting them in jail...
In addition, many doctors are afraid of expensive, time consuming lawsuits, and their insurance carrier may drop them if they use alternative treatments. Their state medical boards may fine them and revoke their license.
And remember, doctors are human. Due to the fact that others doctors will publicly ridicule them if they use alternative treatments, many doctors succumb to recommending “the Big 3” as a result of peer pressure.
Do Alternative Treatments Work?
The evidence that there are literally hundreds of alternative cancer treatments which really do work is beyond voluminous. However, only a precious few treatments are strong enough and act fast enough to effectively treat a cancer patient who has been deemed to be “terminal” by his doctor.
And to make the matter even more murky, these few treatments are generally not the best-known treatments! The primary purpose of Cancer - Step Outside the Box is to make people aware of alternative cancer treatments and to identify these rare treatments which actually do work on advanced cancer.
Here’s why: while at medical school, doctors not only receive biased information but also learn a very drug-intensive style of medicine.
As a result, most doctors are still thinking “inside the box” when it comes to cancer.
The cancer “box” is largely the creation of multinational pharmaceutical companies...
...attempting to peddle their poisons (such as chemotherapy) in an effort to increase shareholder profits.
Sadly, these profits are oftentimes generated at the expense (both monetarily and physically) of the dying cancer patient.
The official "war on cancer" was declared by President Nixon in 1971, but the REAL war is being fought against alternative cancer treatments!
Cancer patients deserve to know the truth and to make choices based upon this truth. And the truth is that the proven cancer prevention strategies and the real cures for cancer do not need a prescription, nor do they require surgery or barbaric procedures like radiation or chemotherapy. But you might ask...
“Ty, isn't chemotherapy a proven scientific treatment?”
The answer is YES, it is! It has been scientifically proven to fatally poison several hundred thousand people each and every year. Did you know that the overall success rate for most cancers treated with the chemotherapy is a paltry 3%? In other words . . .
“Chemo has a 97% fatality rate”...
You’re about to discover the most potent alternative cancer treatments that 94% of doctors don’t even know exist… and that Big Pharma keeps ‘hushed up’ to protect their profits...
Ty Bollinger is a happily married husband, the father of three wonderful children, former competitive bodybuilder, devoted Christian, medical researcher, and also a certified public accountant.
During the last 15 years, Ty lost 7 close family members due to cancer. H has devoted the last decade ofhis life to medical research to find alternative cancer treatments and cures so YOU and YOUR family don't have to experience the same tragedy. There is a summarized voluminous amount of research in his book, Cancer - Step Outside the Box.
"I initially published my book in the fall of 2006. Since then, I am thankful to say that I have had the privilege of sharing this vital, life-saving information with over 30,000 people across the world and have been blessed to learn that my book has played a vital role in the survival of many cancer patients. The book is now in its 4th edition.
According to R. Webster Kehr, the "CancerTutor": As a general rule, the response to the book has been very positive & rewarding. I have been invited to be a guest on numerous radio and television programs, & have also traveled across the globe as a guest speaker at cancer conferences & have spoken to health conscious groups as far away as New Zealand."

What is Cancer?
Conventional medicine defines cancer as a colony of malignant cells, or a tumor. If you have a tumor, then the conventional oncologist will try to cut or slash it out via surgery. After they cut you, then they typically recommend chemo to try to kill any remaining cancer cells with toxic poisons. And they will finish off with radiation, to burn whatever cancer cells remain. This is why I, and many others, refer to “the Big 3” protocol as “Slash, Poison, and Burn.”
Alternative medicine sees cancer as a multidimensional, systemic total body disease. The tumor is merely a symptom and the purpose of the alternative cancer treatment is to correct the root causes of cancer in the whole body.
Why is my Doctor against Alternative Cancer Treatments?
Your doctor is against these treatments because from the first day of medical school, doctors are brainwashed into believing that disease can only be treated with drugs. You can rest assured that your doctor has likely been convinced that the only viable treatments for cancer are chemo, surgery, and radiation.
Most doctors have a tendency to believe that not only what they were taught in medical school must be true, but they also believe that what they were not taught must not be important! As a result, most doctors are still thinking “inside the box” when it comes to cancer. Doctors who think “outside the box” and treat the actual cause of disease rather than the symptoms are labeled as “quacks.”
The FDA has a track record of raiding the offices of alternative practitioners, destroying their medical records, and putting them in jail...
In addition, many doctors are afraid of expensive, time consuming lawsuits, and their insurance carrier may drop them if they use alternative treatments. Their state medical boards may fine them and revoke their license.
And remember, doctors are human. Due to the fact that others doctors will publicly ridicule them if they use alternative treatments, many doctors succumb to recommending “the Big 3” as a result of peer pressure.
Do Alternative Treatments Work?

The evidence that there are literally hundreds of alternative cancer treatments which really do work is beyond voluminous. However, only a precious few treatments are strong enough and act fast enough to effectively treat a cancer patient who has been deemed to be “terminal” by his doctor.
And to make the matter even more murky, these few treatments are generally not the best-known treatments! The primary purpose of Cancer - Step Outside the Box is to make people aware of alternative cancer treatments and to identify these rare treatments which actually do work on advanced cancer.
To watch the entire amazing, eye-opening interview with Jeff Rense
My book contains a wealth of information that your doctor probably doesn’t know...
Here’s why: while at medical school, doctors not only receive biased information but also learn a very drug-intensive style of medicine.
As a result, most doctors are still thinking “inside the box” when it comes to cancer.
The cancer “box” is largely the creation of multinational pharmaceutical companies...
...attempting to peddle their poisons (such as chemotherapy) in an effort to increase shareholder profits.
Sadly, these profits are oftentimes generated at the expense (both monetarily and physically) of the dying cancer patient.
The official "war on cancer" was declared by President Nixon in 1971, but the REAL war is being fought against alternative cancer treatments!
Cancer patients deserve to know the truth and to make choices based upon this truth. And the truth is that the proven cancer prevention strategies and the real cures for cancer do not need a prescription, nor do they require surgery or barbaric procedures like radiation or chemotherapy. But you might ask... “Ty, isn't chemotherapy a proven scientific treatment?”
The answer is YES, it is! It has been scientifically proven to fatally poison several hundred thousand people each and every year. Did you know that the overall success rate for most cancers treated with the chemotherapy is a paltry 3%? In other words . . .
“Chemo has a 97% fatality rate”...
The sad fact is that chemo is not only legal, but it is readily accepted by most oncologists as one of the best treatments for cancer. At least that's what the typical oncologist tells the cancer patient....
...but in 1986, McGill Cancer Center in Montreal, one of the largest and most esteemed cancer treatment centers in the world, surveyed 64 oncologists to see how they would personally respond to a diagnosis of cancer. The results will blow your mind. Are you sitting down? Of the 64 oncologists surveyed, 58 said that...
“ALL chemotherapy programs were unacceptable to them and their family members due to the fact that the drugs don’t work and are toxic!”
That means that 91% of the oncologists surveyed would not submit themselves to the same protocols that they prescribe to their patients! Is it just me, or does this seem hypocritical to you? I believe that this is not only hypocritical, but it borders on being criminal! They know that chemo will kill more patients than it will help, but they continue to tell their patients that it is their "best treatment option." What a damnable lie!
It seems that almost every week, I get an email from a friend or relative of a cancer patient who is being KILLED by chemotherapy. I have posted a few of the heartbreaking emails below.
Email1, Email2, Email3
There are many folks who know the truth about chemo and haven't swallowed the LIES of the Cancer Industry. I recently received an email from Cobus Rudolph, a gentleman in South Africa who was diagnosed with terminal cancer in March of 2009. After reading Cancer - Step Outside the Box, he REFUSED chemotherapy and implemented several treatments protocols outlined in the book. In September 2009, he learned that he is totally cancer free! Below is an inspiring video of Mr. Rudolph telling his "cancer success" story.
Vic Whiley Cancer Survivor!
The two videos above represent just a couple of the literally tens of thousands of cancer survivors who have successfully treated their cancer with potent natural treatments.
It takes time to get to the bottom of important issues, and therein lies the problem. People want to learn everything they need to know about something by watching an hour of TV; students want to learn complicated mathematics while they play video games. But this won’t work when it comes to learning about the cures for cancer.

“You must do your homework!”
SIX Natural Cures for Cancer?
There's a lot of misconception about cancer. We have been told by the so called 'experts' who work in accordance with the big pharmaceutical businesses that there is NO known way to cure or even prevent it, and instead they advise us to take their chemo & radio treatments for it which, quite clearly, either cause more damage than there actually is or have no effect on the cancer at all!
However, there are people out there (Rick Simpson, Jim Humble, just to name a few) who have discovered natural, safe and more effective substances to combat cancer. Hundreds, if not thousands of people worldwide have used these substances and claimed to have successfully cured themselves of various forms of cancer, including terminal, and others claim to have cured themselves of other illnesses like arthritis, migraines, MS, anxiety, depression and even AIDS & malaria by using them. But the mainstream media will not promulgate any of this, and the big pharmaceutical companies will not endorse them. Why? Maybe it's because they're not as profitable as their own made drugs!
The big pharmaceutical industry invests so much money by manufacturing and selling their medication drugs and by deluding the public into thinking that there is no other alternative medicine. If the people found out about these substances, the whole of this monopoly may well just fall apart.
Also, science has proven time and time again that the cause of cancer is due to under nutrition, especially due to a lack of nutrients like vitamins C & B17, and due to an acidic body. This is because the nutrients & enzymes we consume, from say a diet consisting of raw foods like fruits & vegetables, neutralize unhealthy acidic cells in the body, like cancer cells, and protect the body against the cancer causing agents that we pick up in our everyday lives from cigarette smoke, mobile phones, food & drink additives, and pollution in general. If our bodies became nutrient deficient, these carcinogens will accumulate inside of us, destroy tissues and eventually form cancers. This is why cancer is so common in todays world, as most people's diets consist of nutrient depleted, processed foods. So the obvious way to prevent or possibly cure cancer is... simply by having a healthy diet! Drink clean water, eat more raw fruits & vegetables that make your body alkaline, unlike meat and dairy that makes it acid and cancerous!
If we all started eating more healthily by growing our own food instead of buying the carcinogen loaded, genetically altered crap from the supermarkets, and used, say stone-fruit seeds, MMS, cannabis & mangosteens as alternative medicines, this planet could almost be disease free. Who needs pharmaceuticals when the solution was already here?
These videos below contain more information on each of these potential remedies:
Bob McCauley is interviewed in this Fine Living Network profile of chlorella, the world's most powerful wholefood.

MMS, Jim Humble & the Miracle Mineral.
In mid 1996, deep within the mining jungles of South America, a United States scientist named Jim Humble made an almost accidental discovery... a discovery that would change the course of human health history forever. Out of one small mining team's struggle for survival, came a simple, yet all-prevailing cure for nearly every pathogen-borne disease known to mankind.
It started with malaria. Caused by a protozoan parasite, this disease kills over one million people every year. After more than 75,000 documented successful treatments of this disease, many of which took effect in less than four hours, it was discovered to have similar effects on diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and proteins; diseases like: AIDS, Hepatitis A, B & C, Typhoid, BSE (mad-cow disease), Cancers, Herpes, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Colds and Flus... including H5N1 ("Bird Flu").
In the summer of 2007, this man heroically stepped out of the shadows to make this information freely available to all humanity. He believes the long-term availability of this substance may soon be heavily controlled by "the powers that be". The ingredient(s) are few... the chemistry, simple... the science, sound... the materials (right now)... abundant.
Chances are, however, you've never heard of this substance from your doctor. Few medical doctors are practicing chemists. Sadly, you won't find it at your local pharmacy anytime soon. Nature can't be patented. Pharmaceutical companies profit from "treatments" not cures. Ironically, however, this substance has already been approved for varied uses by the FDA. Used in many industries for the eradication of pathogens outside the body, its safety for human consumption has hardly been disclosed to the public. Taken as suggested, it serves to destroy all known pathogens within the body... on contact, leaving behind only a negligible trace of sodium.
What is this mystery panacea?
A simple and stabilized dioxide ion which, once in the human body, becomes the most powerful killer of disease that has ever been known. It can be bought and easily prepared in your own kitchen. A single bottle can last an entire family a year. Taken orally, it can save your life, or the life of someone you love. There are a hundred reasons why everyone should have at least one bottle, if not more, on-hand.
MiracleMineral.org Cures to AIDS, hepatitis, malaria, herpes, TB, cancer & other diseases edit this microsummary. Learn more about Jim Humble's story and his amazing gift to humanity, called "Miracle Mineral Supplement".