WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?

WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?
Quote: "Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. There is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality. There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE." (Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom, however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common). - IM Nuff Said!

Friday, April 30, 2010

MICROWAVE COOKING - is Killing People! Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking

I have never liked MICROWAVE Technology being used for cooking or reheating food. I don't know a lot about it other than the research I have done recently. I don't care what they say...even if it was or is safe...which I don't belive it is anyway, I rarely use a microwave in my house and I do have one. Didn't until 3 years ago when someone gave me one. It's used for heating water or coffee and that's about it. Infact, I don't even like the taste of microwave reheated coffee so why do I bother. :)

Note that at the end of the articles written here, there are few vids. I tried to give both sides of the picture with the videos...you decided for yourself. DS888

The Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking

By now, you probably know that what you eat has a profound impact on your health. The mantra, “You are what you eat” is really true.

But you need to consider not only WHAT you buy, but how you cook it.

Eating most of your food raw is ideal. But most of us are not going to be able to accomplish a completely raw diet, and we’ll end up cooking some percentage of our food.

Smart food preparation starts with saying sayonara to your microwave oven. Need to sterilize a dishcloth? Use your microwave. But zapping your casserole is a BAD idea.

Why the no nukes policy?

When it comes to microwave ovens, the price for convenience is your health. In this article, I will review what we know about the effects microwaves on your food and on your body.

Sad State of Our Soils.

Over the past century, the quality of fresh food has declined due to soil depletion, unsustainable farming practices, overproduction of crops, and the use of pesticides and herbicides. You can no longer assume you’re getting all of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients you need by eating a multitude of fresh produce—even if you’re eating organically.

Not surprisingly, a calorie today will provide you less nutrition than a calorie from 100, or even 50 years ago.

Three recent studies of historical food composition have shown 5 to 40 percent declines in some of the minerals in fresh produce, and another study found a similar decline in our protein sources.[1]

So now, more than ever, you must be careful to maximize the “bang for your buck” when it comes to the foods you eat.

Research shows that your microwave oven will NOT help you in these efforts — and in fact will sabotage your health by violently ripping the molecules in your food apart, rendering some nutrients inert, at best, and even carcinogenic in some cases.

Convenience Comes at Significant Cost

Microwaves heat the food by causing the water molecules in in it to resonate at very high frequencies and eventually turn to steam to heat the food. While this can rapidly heat your food, what most people fail to realize is that it also causes a change in its chemical structure, which can lead to problems.

There are numerous issues that have emerged since microwave ovens were first introduced to consumers more than 40 years ago, besides depleting your food’s nutritional value, which will be addressed a bit later.

The first thing you probably noticed when you began microwaving food was how uneven the heating is.

“Hot spots” in microwaved food can be hot enough to cause burns—or build up to a “steam explosion.” This has resulted in admonitions to new mothers about NOT using the microwave to heat up baby bottles, since babies have been burned by super-heated formula that went undetected.

Another problem with microwave ovens is that carcinogenic toxins can leach out of your plastic and paper containers/covers, and into your food.

The January/February 1990 issue of Nutrition Action Newsletter reported the leakage of numerous toxic chemicals from the packaging of common microwavable foods, including pizzas, chips and popcorn. Chemicals included polyethylene terpthalate (PET), benzene, toluene, and xylene. Microwaving fatty foods in plastic containers leads to the release of dioxins (known carcinogens) and other toxins into your food. [8] [2]

One of the worst contaminants is BPA, or bisphenol A, an estrogen-like compound used widely in plastic products. In fact, dishes made specifically for the microwave often contain BPA, but many other plastic products contain it as well.

Microwaving distorts and deforms the molecules of whatever food or other substance you subject to it. An example of this is blood products.

Blood is normally warmed before being transfused into a person. Now we know that microwaving blood products damages the blood components. In fact, one woman died after receiving a transfusion of microwaved blood in 1991, which resulted in a well-publicized lawsuit.

Microwave Radiation Leakage

You may have heard that there is some danger of microwaves escaping from your microwave while it’s operating. This was more of a risk with earlier models than with recent ones, which undergo more rigorous testing.

Theoretically, there are very small amounts of radiation leakage through the viewing glass, but the FDA reports these levels are “insignificant” and “well below the level known to harm people.”

The FDA has been regulating microwave ovens since 1971 through its electronic product radiation control program, which is mandated by the Electronic Product Radiation Control provisions of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act[3].

The FDA limits the amount of microwaves that can leak from an oven throughout its lifetime to 5 milliwatts (mW) per square centimeter at approximately 2 inches from the oven surface. Because microwave energy decreases dramatically as you move away from the source of the radiation, a measurement made 20 inches from your oven would be approximately one-hundredth of the value measured at 2 inches.[2]

The federal standard also requires all ovens to have “two independent interlock systems that stop the production of microwaves the moment the latch is released or the door is opened.”

And a monitoring system is also required, which stops the operation if one or both interlock systems fail.

You would think, with all these tests and regulations, that you’d be safe. However, according to Powerwatch, a non-profit independent organization with a central role in the microwave radiation debate:

“Even when the microwave oven is working correctly, the microwave levels within the kitchen are likely to be significantly higher than those from any nearby cellular phone base-stations. Remember also that microwaves will travel through walls if the microwave oven is against an inside wall.”

Powerwatch also states that we don’t really know if the current regulations about leakage are truly safe and recommends ovens be checked at least annually, since microwave emissions can change with normal use.

You might also consider purchasing a $20 testing device that allows you to check the radiation in your home.

Make sure that, if you are going to use your microwave for cleaning sponges or for any use at all, regularly examine the door and hinges to make sure they are sealing properly. If the door doesn’t close correctly, or if it’s warped, bent, or otherwise damaged, don’t use it at all!

Since your eyes are known to be particularly susceptible to microwave radiation (high microwave exposures are known to cause cataracts), I recommend stepping away from your microwave while it’s in use.

New Study Confirms Microwaves Affect Your Heart

A brand new study examining the effects 2.4 GHz radiation (which is the frequency of radiation emitted by Wifi routers and microwave ovens) on the heart was just completed. The study found “unequivocal evidence” that microwave frequency radiation affects the heart at non-thermal levels that are well below federal safety guidelines, according to Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University[4].

Dr. Havas says:

“This is the first study that documents immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability caused by an approved device that generates microwaves at levels well below (0.3 percent) federal guidelines in both Canada and the United States.”

No longer can skeptics claim that microwaves produce no immediate biological effects at ordinary household levels!

The study will be appearing in a peer-reviewed journal sometime during the summer of 2010. If you are experiencing rapid or irregular heartbeat, pain or pressure in your chest, you will want to visit your physician.

There is also evidence that this same frequency of radiation causes blood sugar to spike in susceptible individuals and may actually be the cause of one type of diabetes. For details about this, watch the first video.

Zapping the Nutrients Right Out of Your Food

There has been surprisingly little research on how microwaves affect organic molecules, or how the human body responds to consuming microwaved food.

Wouldn’t you expect that a product that sits in more than 90 percent of kitchens, as well as practically every break room in the country, would have been thoroughly investigated for safety?

The handful of studies that have been done generally agree, for the most part, that microwaving food damages its nutritional value. Your microwave turns your beautiful, organic veggies, for which you’ve paid such a premium in money or labor, into “dead” food that can cause disease!

Heating food, in and of itself, can result in some nutrient loss, but using microwaves to heat food introduces the additional problem of the “microwave effect,” a phenomenon that will be discussed in detail later.

The majority of studies on microwaves and nutrition were conducted prior to 2000, I suspect because the focus of radiation research of late has shifted toward a more ominous threat: environmental radiation from electromagnetic devices, such as cell phones and computers, which has mushroomed into a gigantic cloud of electrosmog worldwide over the past decade.

Nevertheless, some excellent scientific data has been gathered about the detrimental effects of microwaves on the nutrients in your food:

• A study published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture[5] found that broccoli "zapped" in the microwave with a little water lost up to 97 percent of its beneficial antioxidants. By comparison, steamed broccoli lost 11 percent or fewer of its antioxidants. There were also reductions in phenolic compounds and glucosinolates, but mineral levels remained intact.

• A 1999 Scandinavian study of the cooking of asparagus spears found that microwaving caused a reduction in vitamin C[6].

• In a study of garlic, as little as 60 seconds of microwave heating was enough to inactivate its allinase, garlic’s principle active ingredient against cancer[7].

• A Japanese study by Watanabe showed that just 6 minutes of microwave heating turned 30-40 percent of the B12 in milk into an inert (dead) form[8]. This study has been cited by Dr. Andrew Weil as evidence supporting his concerns about the effects of microwaving. Dr. Weil wrote:
“There may be dangers associated with microwaving food... there is a question as to whether microwaving alters protein chemistry in ways that might be harmful."

• A recent Australian study[9] showed that microwaves cause a higher degree of “protein unfolding” than conventional heating.

• Microwaving can destroy the essential disease-fighting agents in breast milk that offer protection for your baby. In 1992, Quan found that microwaved breast milk lost lysozyme activity, antibodies, and fostered the growth of more potentially pathogenic bacteria[10].
Quan stated that more damage was done to the milk by microwaving than by other methods of heating, concluding: “Microwaving appears to be contraindicated at high-temperatures, and questions regarding its safety exist even at low temperatures.”

• Another study about breast milk/infant formula by Lee in 1989[11] found vitamin content becomes depleted by microwaving, and certain amino acids are converted into other substances that are biologically inactive. Some altered amino acids are poisons to the nervous system and kidneys. (Numerous authors mention this study, yet I was unable to find the original article/study, so I cannot personally validate.)
Although many of the above studies are not new, there is certainly ample evidence that microwaving is NOT good for your food.

How Your Microwave Actually Heats Your Food

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation—waves of electrical and magnetic energy moving together through space. EM radiation ranges from very high energy (gamma rays and x-rays) on one end of the spectrum to very low energy (radio waves) on the other end of the spectrum.

Microwaves are on the low energy end of the spectrum, second only to radio waves. They have a wavelength of about 4.8 inches—about the width of your head.

Microwaves are generated by something called a magnetron (a term derived from the words “magnet” and “electron”), which is also what enabled airborne radar use during WWII. Hence the early name for microwave ovens: radar ranges.

A magnetron is a tube in which electrons are subjected to both magnetic and electrical fields, producing an electromagnetic field with a microwave frequency of about 2,450 megaHertz (MHz), which is 2.4 gigaHertz (GHz).

Microwaves cause dielectric heating. They bounce around the inside of your oven and are absorbed by the food you put in it. Since water molecules are bipolar, having a positive end and negative end, they rotate rapidly in the alternating electric field. The water molecules in the food vibrate violently at extremely high frequencies—like millions of times per second—creating molecular friction, which heats up the food.

If the food or object place in the microwave had no water it would not be able to have this resonance heating type effect and would remain cool.

Or, as investigative journalist William Thomas[12] calls it, “electrical whiplash.”

Structures of the water molecules are torn apart and forcefully deformed. This is different than conventional heating of food, whereby heat is transferred convectionally from the outside, inward. Microwave cooking begins within the molecules where water is present.

Contrary to popular belief, microwaved foods don’t cook “from the inside out.” When thicker foods are cooked, microwaves heat the outer layers, and the inner layers are cooked mostly by the conduction of heat from the hot outer layers, inward2.

Since not all areas contain the same amount of water, the heating is uneven.

Additionally, microwaving creates new compounds that are not found in humans or in nature, called radiolytic compounds. We don’t yet know what these compounds are doing to your body.

In addition to the violent frictional heat effects, called thermic effects, there are also athermic effects, which are poorly understood because they are not as easily measured. It is these athermic effects that are suspected to be responsible for much of the deformation and degradation of cells and molecules.[13]

As an example, microwaves are used in the field of gene altering technology to weaken cell membranes. Scientists use microwaves to actually break cells apart. Impaired cells then become easy prey for viruses, fungi and other microorganisms.8

Another word for these athermic effects is the “microwave effect,” a subject of controversy that I’ll get into a bit later.

Microwave Sickness

When your tissues are directly exposed to microwaves, the same violent deformations occur and can cause “microwave sickness.”

People who have been exposed to high levels of microwave radiation experience a variety of symptoms, including:

• Insomnia, night sweats, and various sleep disturbances
• Headaches and dizziness
• Swollen lymph nodes and a weakened immune system
• Impaired cognition
• Depression and irritability
• Nausea and appetite loss
• Vision and eye problems
• Frequent urination and extreme thirst

There is a good amount of data emerging that people are suffering, to various degrees, these kinds of symptoms from living next to cell phone towers and other high-frequency radiation emitting antennas, which emit microwaves around the clock.

According to Professor Franz Adelkofer, a leading scientist in the area of biological effects of EMF fields:

There is real evidence that hyperfrequency electromagnetic fields can have geno-toxic effects. And this damaged DNA is always the cause of cancer.

We’ve found these damaging effects on the genes at levels well below the safety limits. That’s why we think it’s urgent to base our safety limits on the biological effects, not the thermic ones.

They should be based on biology, not on physics.”

Twenty Years of Russian Research

The Nazis are credited with inventing the first microwave-cooking device to provide mobile food support to their troops during their invasion of the Soviet Union in World War II[14]. These first microwave ovens were experimental. After the war, the US War Department was assigned the task of researching the safety of microwave ovens.

But it was the Russians who really took the bull by the horns.

After the war, the Russians had retrieved some of these microwave ovens and conducted thorough research on their biological effects. Alarmed by what they learned, the Russians banned microwave ovens in 1976, later lifting the ban during Perestroika.

Twenty years of Russian research (and German studies as far back as 1942 Berlin) make a strong argument against the safety of microwave cooking.

Their findings led the Russian government to issue an international warning about possible biological and environmental damage associated with the use of microwave ovens and other similar frequency electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones).

I was not able to personally evaluate any of these older bodies of research, since those documents are now difficult to track down, so I can’t attest to their methodology or conclusions. All you can do is weigh their findings appropriately, as best you can.

The Powerwatch article cited above8 summarizes the Russian research quite well, which I will duplicate below.

• Russian investigators found that carcinogens were formed from the microwaving of nearly all foods tested.

• The microwaving of milk and grains converted some of the amino acids into carcinogenic substances.

• Microwaving prepared meats caused the formation of the cancer-causing agents d-Nitrosodienthanolamines.

• Thawing frozen fruits by microwave converted their glucoside and galactoside fractions into carcinogenic substances.

• Extremely short exposure of raw, cooked or frozen vegetables converted their plant alkaloids into carcinogens.

• Carcinogenic free radicals were formed in microwaved plants—especially root vegetables.

• Structural degradation leading to decreased food value was found to be 60 to 90 percent overall for all foods tested, with significant decreases in bioavailability of B complex vitamins, vitamins C and E, essential minerals, and lipotropics (substances that prevent abnormal accumulation of fat).

I might add that this finding is supported by the 1998 Japanese study by Watanabe7 about vitamin B12 in milk, cited above.

The Swiss Clinical Study: Hans Hertel

Some fairly compelling evidence supporting the destructive effects of microwaves comes from a highly cited study by a Swiss food scientist named Hans Hertel. Dr. Hertel was the first scientist to study the effects of microwaved foods on the blood and physiology of human beings.

His small study, coauthored by Dr. Bernard Blanc of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the University Institute for Biochemistry, revealed the degenerative forces produced by microwave ovens on the foods they cooked.

Dr. Hertel concluded that microwave cooking changed the nutrients in the food, and that changes took place in the blood that could cause negative health effects.

Hertel’s conclusions were that microwaving food resulted in:

• Increased cholesterol levels
• Decreased numbers of leukocytes (white blood cells), which can suggest poisoning
• Decreased numbers of red blood cells
• Production of radiolytic compounds
• Decreased hemoglobin levels, which could indicate anemia

Not surprisingly, Dr. Hertel's study was met with great resistance from those with much to lose.

A gag order against Dr. Hertel was issued by a Swiss trade organization in 1992, which was later removed in 1998. But an American journalist, Tom Valentine, published the results of Hertel’s study in Search for Health in the spring of 1992[15].

The study was not without its shortcomings. It involved only eight participants, of which Hertel was one. As compelling as his findings were, his methodology did not stand up to the scientific rigors of the field.

In spite of Hertel’s methodological shortcomings, his findings do raise concerns about what this form of radiation is doing to your food and should be taken as a launching point to larger, more robust studies in the future.

Hertel wrote:

“There are no atoms, molecules, or cells of any organic system able to withstand such a violent, destructive power for any period of time. This will happen even given the microwave oven’s low power range of milliwatts.”

And then there is the issue of biophotons.

Possible Microwave Effects on Your Biophotons

Much of the work in the area of biophotons was done in Germany. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt discusses biophotons in our 2008 interview.

Biophotons are the smallest physical units of light that are stored in and used by all biological organisms—including you. Vital sun energy finds its way into your cells via the food you eat, in the form of these biophotons.

Biophotons contain important bio-information and are very important to many vital processes in your body. They are partly responsible for your feeling of vitality and well-being. You gain biophotons by eating foods rich in them, such as naturally grown fresh vegetables and sun-ripened fruits, which are rich in light energy.

The more light a food is able to store, the more nutritious it is.

If the “microwave effect” exists (as you shall see, there is a huge amount of evidence that it does), then microwaves can potentially destroy biophotons in the same way that it alters other structures, rendering your food dead and lifeless.

It seems quite plausible that microwaves could disrupt or destroy biophotons, since they are capable of breaking apart DNA bonds!

As far as I can find, there haven’t been any studies of the direct effects of microwave radiation on biophotons, but it seems like an important angle of investigation for the future.

Long-Term Effects of Exposure to Non-Ionizing Radiation
One of the basic controversies about the effects of microwaves centers on whether or not microwaves exert some sort of force beyond heat, commonly called “microwave effect” or “athermic effect.”

It is first necessary that you understand the difference between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation.

There are two basic forms of radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing[16]:

1. Ionizing Radiation: Creates charged ions by displacing electrons in atoms, even without heat. Examples are radiation emitted from radioactive substances in rocks and soil, cosmic rays of the sun, and radiation from man-made technology such as x-rays machines, power stations, and nuclear reactors.

2. Non-ionizing Radiation: Can change the position of atoms but not alter their structure, composition, and properties. Examples are visible light, ultraviolet and infrared waves, waves from radio or television, cellular phones, microwaves, and electric blankets.
Despite not being able to break atoms apart, non-ionizing radiation (such as microwaves) CAN cause physical alterations.

For example, sunlight can damage your skin and eyes. Overexposure to radiation can affect tissues by causing molecular damage, DNA mutations, and other changes that can lead to cancer.

The scary thing is, with all of this radiation surrounding us from cell and cordless phones, radio towers, satellites, broadcast antennas, military and aviation radar, home electronic devices, computers and Internet, we are all part of an involuntary mass epidemiological experiment, on a scale never before seen in the history of the human race.

And the truth is that we don’t really KNOW what long term, low-level (but persistent) radiation does to us—even the non-ionizing type.

But here are some of the things we DO KNOW:[17]

Effects at low levels can be more noticeable than at higher levels. There is something called a “window effect,” meaning an effect occurring only at specific frequencies or power densities, but not occurring just above or below them. A number of studies demonstrate effects of microwave radiation on blood cells via this phenomenon.
For a complete discussion of this, you can read Microwaving Our Planet, written by Arthur Firstenberg, president of the Cellular Phone Taskforce.

Cindy Sage of Sage Associates, an environmental consulting firm, has compiled a comprehensive list of studies[18] showing biological effects at radiofrequency exposure levels far below what would be explainable as “thermic effects” and well within the range you are commonly exposed to every day.

• Resonance intensifies biological effect. Resonance occurs when a form of radiation has a similar frequency as a body part. For example, microwave frequencies are similar to the frequencies of your brain!

• Studies are typically done for short exposure periods, at higher intensities. Scientists claim that duration of exposure is equally important to intensity of exposure, but is often NOT studied, and that long-term, low-level exposure can have effects equivalent to short-term, more intense exposure.

• The effects of radiation are cumulative. Your body becomes more sensitive to it over time.

• There are no longer any control groups, since human beings are all now exposed to such pervasive radiation. Lack of a control group makes it even more challenging to conduct meaningful studies.
The point is, standing in your kitchen while your microwave is zapping your dinner, night after night, will not make you glow in the dark. But over the months and years, what is the cumulative effect on your body and health?

Why expose yourself to these potential dangers when there are safer alternatives for cooking available?

Microwave Effect: Myth or Reality?

Some experts claim that the effects microwaves have on molecules can all be explained simply as the “thermic effect” of heating—in other words, microwave cooking is no more detrimental to food than conventional heating.

They argue that, since microwaves are non-ionizing radiation, then it’s impossible for them to damage your blood cells, or eradicate the folic acid in your spinach.

Others have proposed there is some sort of “microwave effect” that causes changes in the molecules in a way that conventional heating does not. For many years, the party line was that “microwave effect” is a myth.

However, study after study has resulted in evidence to the contrary, showing effects that cannot be explained away as simple thermal effects.

In a letter entitled “DNA and the Microwave Effect”[19] (sourced as Penn State University, 2001), the author reviews the history of the controversy surrounding the microwave effect and the research findings to date. He explains that, although fundamentals of thermodynamics and physics would tell you the microwave effect is impossible, studies keep turning up evidence of its existence.

Some of the main points made in the letter are the following:

• Microwave heating and conventional heating may appear identical on a “macro” level, but the two appear very different on a molecular level.

• Microwaves are effective for sterilization, which has been studied for several decades. There is controversy, however, is about whether it’s the heat they generate or if it’s something else altogether.

• One scientist (Kakita 1995[20]) was successful in demonstrating that microwaves are capable of extensively fragmenting and destroying viral DNA, something that cannot be accomplished by heating alone.

• Multiple studies offer evidence that there are multiple mechanisms for breaking apart DNA without ionizing radiation, but no theory currently exists to explain this phenomenon.
Some scientists are taking advantage of the microwave effect and using microwaves in the laboratory to greatly accelerate chemical reactions, sometimes by a factor of a thousand, resulting in the completion of reactions in minutes that formerly took days or months and a lot of toxic chemicals[21].

This newly found interest in “microwave chemistry” has spurred skeptic scientists into taking another look at what microwaves actually do and how they do it.

Sometimes common sense trumps empirical evidence.

The Penn State letter/article said it best:

“...It would seem there is reason to believe that the microwave effect does indeed exist, even if it cannot yet be adequately explained. What we know at present is somewhat limited, but there may be enough information already available to form a viable hypothesis.

The possibility that electromagnetic radiation in the non-ionizing frequency range can cause genetic damage may have profound implications on the current controversy involving EM antennae, power lines, and cell phones.”

Breaking Free of Your Microwave: A Few Basic Tips!

Am I asking you to toss your microwave oven into the nearest dumpster?

Not necessarily. It can be a useful tool for cleaning. But if real estate in your kitchen is at a premium, it should probably be the first thing to go.

You really CAN survive sans microwave—people are living quite happily without one, believe it or not. You just have to make a few small lifestyle adjustments, such as:

• Plan ahead. Take your dinner out of the freezer that morning or the night before so you don’t end up having to scramble to defrost a 5-pound chunk of beef two hours before dinnertime.

• Make soups and stews in bulk, and then freeze them in gallon-sized freezer bags or other containers. An hour before meal time, just take one out and defrost it in a sink of water until it’s thawed enough to slip into a pot, then reheat it on the stove.

• A toaster oven makes a GREAT faux-microwave for heating up leftovers! Keep it at a low temperature — like 200-250 degrees F — and gently warm a plate of food over the course of 20-30 minutes. Another great alternative is a convection oven. They can be built in or purchased as a relatively inexpensive and quick safe way to heat foods

• Prepare your meals in advance so that you always have a good meal available on those days when you’re too busy or too tired to cook.

• Try eating more organic raw foods. This is the best way to and improve your health over the long run.

Dr. Mercola's website. See at the end of his article for Dr. Mercola's References.
Also there are some videos on the site worth watching.

MICROWAVE COOKING - is Killing People! An Article By Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sydney)

Microwave cooking is one of the most important causes of ill health. It is certainly one of the most ignored.

There was a lawsuit in 1991 in Oklahoma. A woman named Norma Levitt had hip surgery, but was killed by a simple blood transfusion when a nurse "warmed the blood for the transfusion in a microwave oven!"
Logic suggests that if heating is all there is to microwave cooking, then it doesn't matter how something is heated. Blood for transfusions is routinely warmed, but not in microwave ovens. Does it not therefore follow that microwaving cooking does something quite different?

A little evidence of the harm caused by microwaving cooking was given by the University of Minnesota in a radio announcement:

"Microwaves ... are not recommended for heating a baby's bottle. The bottle may seem cool to the touch, but the liquid inside may become extremely hot and could burn the baby's mouth and throat... Heating the bottle in a microwave can cause slight changes in the milk. In infant formulas, there may be a loss of some vitamins. In expressed breast milk, some protective properties may be destroyed.... Warming a bottle by holding it under tap water or by setting it in a bowl of warm water, then testing it on your wrist before feeding, may take a few minutes longer, but it is much safer".

There have been very few scientific studies done on the effect of eating food microwaved food. This is rather surprising when you think about the fact that microwaves have been with us for only a few decades - and that in that time the incidence of many diseases has continued to increase.

Two researchers, Blanc and Hertel, confirmed that microwave cooking significantly changes food nutrients. Hertel previously worked as a food scientist for several years with one of the major Swiss food companies. He was fired from his job for questioning procedures in processing food because they denatured it. He got together with Blanc of the Swiss Federal Institute of Biochemistry and the University Institute for Biochemistry.
They studied the effect that microwaved food had on eight individuals, by taking blood samples immediately after eating. They found that after eating microwaved food, haemoglobin levels decreased. "These results show anaemic tendencies. The situation became even more pronounced during the second month of the study".

Who knows what results they would have found if they had studied people who ate microwaved food for a year or more?

The violent change that microwaving causes to the food molecules forms new life forms called radiolytic compounds. These are mutations that are unknown in the natural world. Ordinary cooking also causes the formation of some radiolytic compounds (which is no doubt one reason why it is better to eat plenty of raw food), but microwaving cooking causes a much greater number. This then causes deterioration in your blood and immune system.

Lymphocytes (white blood cells) also showed a more distinct short-term decrease following the intake of microwaved food than after the intake of all the other variants.

Another change was a decrease in the ratio of HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol) values.

Each of these indicators pointed to degeneration

The results were published in "Search for Health" in the Spring of 1992. How was this research greeted? A powerful trade organisation, the Swiss Association of Dealers for Electroapparatuses for Households and Industry somehow made the President of the Court of Seftigen issue a `gag order'. Hertel and Blanc were told that if they published their findings they would face hefty fines or up to one year in prison. In response to this, Blanc recanted his findings. Hertel, on the other hand, went on a lecture tour and demanded a jury trial.

FINALLY, in 1998 the Court `Gag Order' was removed. In a judgment delivered at Strasbourg on 25 August 1998 in the case of Hertel v. Switzerland, the European Court of Human Rights held that there had been a violation of Hertel's rights in the 1993 decision. The Court decided that the `gag order' prohibiting him form declaring that microwaved food is dangerous to health was contrary to the right to freedom of expression. In addition, Switzerland was sentenced to pay compensation of F40,000.



After the World War II, the Russians also experimented with microwave ovens. From 1957 up to recently, their research has been carried out mainly at the Institute of Radio Technology at Klinsk, Byelorussia. According to US researcher William Kopp, who gathered much of the results of Russian and German research - and was apparently prosecuted for doing so (J. Nat. Sci, 1998; 1:42-3) - the following effects were observed by Russian forensic teams:

1. Heating prepared meats in a microwave sufficiently for human consumption created:

* d-Nitrosodiethanolamine (a well-known cancer-causing agent)
* Destabilization of active protein biomolecular compounds
* Creation of a binding effect to radioactivity in the atmosphere
* Creation of cancer-causing agents within protein-hydrosylate compounds in milk and cereal grains;

2. Microwave emissions also caused alteration in the catabolic (breakdown) behavior of glucoside - and galactoside - elements within frozen fruits when thawed in this way;

3. Microwaves altered catabolic behavior of plant-alkaloids when raw, cooked or frozen vegetables were exposed for even very short periods;

4. Cancer-causing free radicals were formed within certain trace-mineral molecular formations in plant substances, especially in raw root vegetables;

5. Ingestion of micro-waved foods caused a higher percentage of cancerous cells in blood;

6. Due to chemical alterations within food substances, malfunctions occurred in the lymphatic system, causing degeneration of the immune system's capacity to protect itself against cancerous growth;

7. The unstable catabolism of micro-waved foods altered their elemental food substances, leading to disorders in the digestive system;

8. Those ingesting micro-waved foods showed a statistically higher incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers, plus a general degeneration of peripheral cellular tissues with a gradual breakdown of digestive and excretory system function;

9. Microwave exposure caused significant decreases in the nutritional value of all foods studied, particularly:

* A decrease in the bioavailability of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotrophics
* Destruction of the nutritional value of nucleoproteins in meats
* Lowering of the metabolic activity of alkaloids, glucosides, galactosides and nitrilosides (all basic plant substances in fruits and vegetables)
* Marked acceleration of structural disintegration in all foods.

As a result microwave ovens were banned in Russia in 1976; the ban was lifted after Perestroika.


Standing in front of a microwave is also highly damaging to your health. Perhaps you have already felt this intuitively?

We know that cells explode in the microwave - just fry an egg in your microwave. We are made up of trillions of cells. So work out how many are getting damaged if you stand in front of your microwave for 5-10 minutes.

In the past I had been told that it was important for people to stop eating microwaved food, but I did not pay too much attention to this because I had been microwave cooking for years. I never thought much about it but I suppose that I figured that if something was so bad for us, then there wouldn't be so many people using it. Little did I know.

When I first began seeing clients for sessions of kinesiology, I did not worry too much about telling them to give up eating microwaved food. However, I kept a record of all of the corrections that were needed for each client when they came in. Now, once a correction is made, it is to be hoped that the correction will stay in place for a long time to come, hopefully months if not years. People often ask me "How long will it last?" May answer to them is "That depends on your lifestyle".

Most of my clients came back to see me after about two weeks. In the early days I found that many who came back were not much better. I found that they were again `out of balance'. That is, their electrical circuits were not working correctly (which is common for many people). It was therefore not surprising that they were not much better, because the body does not begin to fully fix itself until the electrical circuits are in balance.

The question was, why did their electrical circuits go out of balance? The answer had to be something that was highly stressful, to effect the body in such a short space of time. Once that answer was remedied, the client would begin to get better. Using muscle testing, I went through the process of testing if the cause was electrical, chemical/nutritional, emotional or structural. Again and again the same answer would come up - electrical. When I then went through a range of possible electrical causes, the same answer again came up again and again - the person had eaten microwaved food! Incidentally, this answer never came up when a person had NOT eaten microwaved food.

I began to tell all of my clients on the first visit that under NO circumstances were they ever to do microwaved cooking again. That includes heating up food or even water in a microwave oven. (Microwaves work on the water in the food). I gave this a higher priority than any of things that are normally considered as health risks, such as cigarettes or alcohol. Immediately I began to get a marked improvement in the results I was getting. Long term problems such as headaches, back aches and emotional instability went away within a few weeks.

Other kinesiologists can confirm these results. David Bridgman, who has years of experience as a kinesiologist, said "Of all the people I test for allergies, 99.9% so far show severe sensitivity to any microwaved food".

I experienced the effect of eating microwaved food for myself one time. I had been doing quite a lot of kinesiology and feeling on top of the world when for no apparent reason I began to feel rather `grey' and rather low.

I realised that I needed a balance from a kinesiologist. Sure enough, I was out of balance. When the kinesiologist used muscle testing to see why my body had gone out of balance, the answer came up ... microwaved food! The trouble was, I couldn't remember eating any. Until I remembered a particular vegetarian restaurant I had been to. When I went back to the restaurant and asked them if they microwaved their food, they told me that they did.

So be warned! Many restaurants use microwaved cooking, even `health' restaurants. Ask if the "steamed vegetables" are in fact steamed - or are they microwaved? I have sent meals back when they have not been what they were described on the menu, much to the surprise of the restaurant owners.
The alternative to heating up or defrosting food is to place it in a saucepan with a little water and lid. Or use a convection oven.


Sent to me by a reader: Hello Folks. Hopefully all of you are already well enough informed so as to avoid the use of a microwave oven due to the many detrimental effects consuming microwaved food has upon our health, but "just in case", here is some interesting info sent to me by Ron Scanlon -- many thanks, Ron! Cheers, Doug

University of California, Davis Medical Center 2315 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento, California 95817

As a seventh grade student, Claire Nelson learned that di(ethylhexyl)adepate (DEHA), considered a carcinogen, is found in plastic wrap. She also learned that the FDA had never studied the effect of microwave cooking on plastic-wrapped food. Three years later, with encouragement from her high school science teacher, Claire set out to test what the FDA had not.

Although she had an idea for studying the effect of microwave radiation on plastic wrapped food, she did not have the equipment. Eventually, Dr. Jon Wilkes at the National Center for Toxicological Research agreed to help her. The research center, which is affiliated with the FDA, let her use its facilities to perform her experiments, which involved microwaving plastic wrap in virgin olive oil.

Claire tested four different plastic wraps and "found not just the carcinogens but also xenoestrogen was migrating [into the oil]...." Xenoestrogens are linked to low sperm counts in men and to breast cancer in women. Throughout her junior and senior years, Claire made a couple of trips each week to the research center, which was 25 miles from her home, to work on her experiment. An article in Options reported "her analysis found that DEHA was migrating into the oil at between 200 parts and 500 parts per million. The FDA standard is 0.05 parts per billion."

Her summarized results have been published in science journals. Claire Nelson received the American Chemical Society's top science prize for students during her junior year and fourth place at the International Science and Engineering Fair (Fort Worth,Texas) as a senior. "Carcinogens --At 10,000 Times FDA Limits" Options, May 2000. Published by People Against Cancer, 515-972-4444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 515-972-4444 end_of_the_skype_highlighting


So, it's up to you. One point to bear in mind is that our society runs pretty much on money. The multinational companies who make microwave ovens make a lot from the sale of them. There is no money in telling people to stop microwave cooking. There is, however, the satisfaction of knowing that you are saving people's lives and future happiness by spreading the word to stop eating microwaved food.


You can heat food quickly in a convection oven. It's just an ordinary oven with a fan.

You can also easily and quickly heat up food, even frozen pasta, by using a saucepan with a lid and a little water, to moisten it from the steam.
If someone is coming home late, and you want to give them warm food when they arrive, put a saucepan lid over the food while it is on a plate. Put the plate of food on a simmering saucepan of water. It will stay warm without drying up.

If you want to cook food, do it the old fashioned ways - it tastes much better that way!

(just kidding, besides, they are way too cute to eat!)
Just the Facts: Microwave Ovens

PM01: Microwave Oven Dangers!

Microwave Oven Radiation Test PART 1 - LEAKAGE

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Road Runner" The Fastest Computer in the World! Amazing or Loss of FREEDOM!!!

"Road Runner" The Fastest Computer in the World IBM has the same chip as the Playstation 3. Over 1.56 Petaflops hpc high performance deep computing.

What's a petaflop?
150,000 computations per second for every human on the planet!
(150,000 x approx. 6.8 Billion) or 1,020,000,000,000,000 or 1.02 Quadrillion computations per second!

IBM: A Smarter Petaflop to Help the World Work Better

A whole bunch of IBM Commercials. Remember, this is one of our Elite Companies of the NWO at work and at it's best.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hidden hazards of nano-ingredients

Hidden hazards of nano-ingredients

There's something in your food that's even worse than sugar and this microscopic new threat isn't even listed on the ingredients label.

These tiny terrors are called "nanoparticles" or "nanomaterials," and they've been scientifically engineered to make foods look better and last longer.

But when it comes to nano, just say no-no -- because nanotechnology, as it's called, is wildly unregulated and dangerously untested. In fact, we have no idea at all what this junk might to do humans -- yet you're probably eating it right now.

Welcome to your new life as a supermarket lab rat.
What little we do know is downright frightening: A two-year study on animals at UCLA found nano-titanium dioxide -- the most common nanoparticle -- caused DNA and chromosome damage, according to AOL News.

The researchers say this kind of severe damage could lead to cancer, heart disease and brain disease... and yet these nano-particles are turning up in everything from fruit and vegetable coatings to salad dressing to ice cream.

We used to call that food tampering. Instead, the mad scientists behind this sick scheme are considered industry pioneers.
Meanwhile, the FDA is so in the dark on this one that they won't even admit it's in your food... even if its own experts say it is. In fact, the AOL News report found that 20 of the world's top food makers have their own nano-labs or contracts with universities to develop nano-ingredients for them.

And because there's no requirement to list these particles on nutritional labels, there's no way of knowing if your food has been nano-tainted... and therefore no way to avoid it.

It's reaching the point where the only way to be safe is to grow your own -- and if you have the time and space, don't wait -- spring is here. Start planting today.


IBM NANOTECHNOLOGY VERY COOL! Moving Individual Atoms with Tuning Forks for Memory Storage.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Truth At Last, Truth Tract - The Holocaust As A Mechanism For Suppressing The Truth

Bishop Richard Williamson - Gas Chambers, Anti-Semitism and the Truth.

"Since the Second World War, Jews have been treated with silk gloves. Without Auschwitz, there would be no Israel." - by Nathan Goldmann, the Founder of Israel as quoted from Paris Match, December 29, 1979

The "Holocaust" has given Israel a tremendous psychological advantage over the Gentile world, particularly America and Germany. By exploiting the guilt complex instilled in non-Jews, they have obtained:

Over $65 billion in aid from Germany.
Over $55 billion in aid from America.
Israel, a prosperous country, receives $3.2 billion, (or $8 million a day) in foreign aid - more than any other country.

The 45,000 Jewish immigrants from Russia have the highest annual quota after Mexico. They enter as "refugees" without having to prove persecution! As "refugees" they are automatically entitled to full welfare benefits not subject to welfare reform cuts.
Nonstop holocaust brainwashing in schools, TV, movies and books has placed Israel and organized Jewry above criticism!
Official Holocaust Figures Reduced

Immediately after World War II, Allied authorities declared that "Jews had been gassed" in all German concentration camps. It later discovered that the many bodies photographed in the camps died during the waning days of the war - from typhus, cold and starvation. Simon Wiesenthal, of the "Holocaust Center" in Los Angeles, stated in Books and Bookmen, April 1975, page 5, "No gassing took place in any camp on German soil." The Jew L.P. Beria headed the Soviet NKVD secret police from 1938 to 1953. In 1945, he announced that they had discovered a "holocaust" of six million Jews. This conveniently occurred only in camps in Poland! Beria would not allow any outside investigators to examine these sites. The Jewish-owned New York Times reported in 1945 that Soviet Russia supplied the figure of four million Jews having been put to death, "in the gas chambers of Auschwitz." However, in July of 1990, the Polish government reduced this figure to 1.1 million and it was accepted by Jewish groups. Despite this evidence, the "official figure" of six million dead was not lowered to three million!

(It should also be noted that Elizabeth Dole, president of the American Red Cross, and wife of former Sen. Bob Dole, revealed that the official death records from Auschwitz had been uncovered in the Soviet Archives. It listed 70,000 deaths from all causes.)
No Holocaust Order Ever Given

The Germans are noted for being meticulous record keepers. There was no attempt made to destroy wartime records, 1,100 tons of which were seized in the U.S. Zone of occupation alone. British Historian, Colin Cross, writes in his biography of Hitler, on page 313: "There does not exist then, anything like a written order signed by Hitler for the extermination of the Jews in Europe."

Madagascar is a vast island off the coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, then owned by France. Thousands of pages of German documents have been located providing a thorough study of the feasibility of establishing a Jewish homeland on the island of Madagascar. Plans were made for the reimbursement of the 25,000 French citizens who lived there. Even the government of France studied the plan. Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, considered Madagascar a possible site for a Jewish state. He also considered Kenya, Africa, the Sinai from the Suez Canal to the Gaza Strip, and a huge area in southern Poland, but they really wanted Palestine.

The German Foreign Ministry on January 25, 1939 issued a document on the solution to the Jewish problem which stated: "The end policy in regard to the Jews is the emigration of all Jews living in the territory of the Old Reich."

In Auschwitz Notebooks, we read that all of the top German leadership supported this plan. "On November 12, 1938, Goring had mentioned the question of Madagascar. Himmler himself had dreamed of that since 1934, a witness assures us. After the armistice of June 1940 (surrender of France), the idea was propounded by the Foreign Ministry and approved by Himmler as well as by Hitler himself."

For these reasons SS official Reinhard Heydrich organized the Central Office for Jewish Emigration on February 11, 1939. Once the war began, this was no longer possible. Thus Hitler ordered the internment of Jews as enemy aliens and deported them to the east. On January 27, 1942, Hitler said: "The Jews must leave Europe. The best thing is that they go to Russia."

Roosevelt did the same thing as Hitler by ordering 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent living on the West Coast interned in concentration camps. In March 1942 Roosevelt accused them of being "security risks." The Japanese men, women and children were imprisoned behind barbed wire fences and armed guard towers in the blazing hot desert.

The Nuremberg War Crimes Trial heard testimony from Hans Lammers as to what he considered the "Final Solution of The Jewish Problem." Lammers was Chief of the Reich Chancellery and personally close to Himmler and Hitler. Lammers said he asked Himmler what was the "final solution." Himmler replied: "The Jews must be evacuated from Germany!" He said that Hitler told him the same thing. In other words, "The Final Solution" was --emigration! When asked, "when did you first learn that five million Jews had been exterminated," Lammers replied that it was "here" at the Nuremberg trials! Herman Goring also told the court that the first time he had heard anything about a holocaust was, "right here at Nuremberg!"

Auschwitz was a massive military-industrial complex of 39 camps of which 19 mainly employed Jews. The factories at the "Monowitz No. 16 Camp" alone employed 126,000 workers. Holocaust expert, Leon Poliakov of Paris, in Breviary of Hate, page 134, in 1979 wrote that the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto was one of the Germans' "most important supply centers. The second in economic importance was the Lodz ghetto because it manufactured all kinds of goods, and, in particular, its textile industries constituted support of great value to the German economy."

Heinrich Himmler feared a typhus epidemic in the camps. Eastern European Jews were very unhygienic and were often blamed for the spread of typhus. On December 28, 1942, Himmler ordered that, "the death rate in the camps must be reduced at all costs." (Source, Reitlinger's book, The Final Solution.) On January 20, 1943, chief inspector of the camps, Richard Glucks, answered Himmler, "Every means will be used to lower the death rates." (Source, Nuremberg Trial Document No. 1523.) The death rate had indeed been reduced from 8.5% in July 1942 to 2.8% in June 1943.

On April 17, 1943, Hitler asked Admiral Horthy, regent of Hungary for, "100, 000 Jews to work on a new pursuit plane program." (Source, Reitlinger's book, Die Endlosung, 1956, page 478.) In May 1944 Hitler personally ordered that 200,000 more Jews be put to work in construction and "other important military works."

The Jews were vital to the German war industry. It would have been counter productive to exterminate them. In fact, the SS arrested Karl Koch, commandant of Buchenwald, for mistreating and unjustly executing some prisoners. After being found guilty by a military court, Koch was sentenced to death and shot. If there was actually a "holocaust" he would have been honored instead of executed.

Shindler's List features Commandant Amon Goeth, who in reality did abuse prisoners. However, the film fails to inform viewers that he had been arrested by the SS and was in prison awaiting trial at war's end. Most of the gruesome pictures of bodies we see in "made for TV" holocaust dramas are those who died of starvation and disease during the final chaotic months of the war. An example is Dachau. Some 54 died in January 1944 and 101 in February 1944. When food and medical supplies could not be delivered due to Allied bombings, 2,888 died in January and 3,977 in February 1945.
The Impossibility of Mass Gassings

Auschwitz had no mass graves. The cremation of four million bodies would have left 15,000 tons of ash which was never found. Many tons of coal would have been necessary for such mass cremations. Initially, the Soviets told conflicting stories about how the six million perished in the camps under their control. At first they claimed that the inmates had been "steamed" to death. On December 5, 1945, a Communist judge issued the following "Accusation No. 6" against defendant Hans Frank at Nuremberg:

"A large boiler for the production of superheated steam was injected into the interior of the rooms. The doors are closed hermetically and the long asphyxiation of the victims by the steam begins. At the start, screams came from inside, they die down slowly; after 15 minutes, the executions are completed."

This story was not believable. It was then changed to allege that trucks were backed up to the "death chambers" and carbon monoxide gas was pumped into the rooms. This claim too was "forgotten" and the Soviets then charged that the Germans changed the "steam chambers" into "gas chambers."

The Soviets came up with a novel idea of how the Jews were exterminated at the Belzec camp. "The Jews were ordered to undress as though to take a bath. They were led in fact into a building that could hold hundreds of people. The water was filled up to their necks. Then a powerful electric current was sent into the metal flooring and within a few seconds all the Jews, thousands at a time, were dead."

Soviet prosecutor L.N. Smirnov actually read this accusation into the record at the December 19, 1945, session of the Nuremberg trial. This story finally evolved to execution by "Zyklon B" gas. This was a widely used pesticide to kill lice which was the biggest health threat in the camps. Had the Germans actually wanted to perform mass exterminations, they had products one-thousand times more deadly such as Sarin and Tabun nerve gas!

Austrian Engineer Walter Luftl issued a report in March 1992, in which he found that, "Zyklon B is utterly unsuited for the purposes of systematic mass murder."

Fred Leuchter, America's foremost expert on executions, took a team of investigators to Auschwitz in 1988 and reported: "I traveled to Poland to investigate the alleged execution gas chamber facilities at the three concentration camps of Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek. My forensic analysis and subsequent report proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that there were no gas execution facilities operated by the Nazis at these sites."

NOTE: Keep an open mind....

Leuchter also examined the capacity of the so-called "gas chamber building" at Birkenau. The Nuremberg Tribunal's document No. L-022 stated: "1,765,000 Jews were gassed at Birkenau between April 1942 and April 1944." However, Leuchter found that even if used at full capacity "only 105,688" persons could have been "gassed." His team scraped forensic samples from brick, mortar and concrete to find traces of cyanide compounds which would be present for centuries. They were submitted to the Alpha Analytical Laboratories of Ashland, Massachusetts. In March 1988, the Alpha report found that no cyanide elements, consistent with what could be expected to be found in a gas chamber, were present.

A retired German judge, Dr. Wilhelm Staglich said: "The extermination thesis stands or falls with the allegation that Auschwitz was a 'death factory.'"

Fred Leuchter's finding: "We have provided the definitive proof that there were no execution gas chambers utilized for genocidal purposes by the Germans at these wartime camps. The simple fact is that the holocaust story is not true."
How Many Jews Actually Died?

The World Almanac for 1947, in quoting figures supplies by the American Jewish Committee states that the world Jewish population in 1939 was 15,688,259. The New York Times of February 22, 1948, stated that the world Jewish population ranged from 15,600,000 to 18,700,000, excluding some 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine. How could the Jewish population have increased so rapidly after losing six million during World War II? Walter Sanning, the author of Dissolution of European Jewry, says that no less than 2,200,000 Jews had emigrated out of Europe leaving 2,847,000 Jews residing there at the height of the German occupation in June 1941. After the war, 3,375,000 Jews, according to the Red Cross, applied for holocaust reparations. This figure included many of the emigrants. Thus, the actual number of those who died at the camps from all causes ranges between 150,000 and 300,000.
"Holocaust" Silences Opposition
Hardly a week goes by without a new holocaust story in the media. Bernard Postal wrote in Jewish Week, July 14, 1979:

"Not until the Holocaust, did anti-Semitism become taboo. There was a time when anti-Semitic speeches were an open factor in national (political) campaigns. The Holocaust puts a taboo on overt anti-Semitism among upper-level statesmen and publicists."

Zionist spokesmen have often boasted that, "The shattering effect of the holocaust on the Christian conscience results in a feeling of collective indebtedness to the Jews."

The Red Cross issued a massive, three volume, 1,600 page report on the camps after the war, part of which reads: "In the final moths of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims." ... Gen. Kaltenbrunner. . . Allowed the Red Cross to distribute relief packages and one (Red Cross) delegate was authorized to stay in each camp (as an observer). Does this sound like a holocaust?
What About Real Holocausts?

Why doesn't the film industry or news media produce documentaries about the numerous true holocausts of Gentiles during this century such as:

The Soviet Holocaust of Christian Russian Kulak farmers. (1924 - 1930) - 15 million exterminated!

The Holocaust of the Ukranian farmers, (1930- 1933) - 7 million starved to death.

The Holocaust of Russian political prisoners, (1919 - 1949) - 12 million perished.

The Pol Pot Communist Holocaust in Cambodia (1975) - 2.5 million slaughtered.

Armenian Holocaust by the Turks, (1915) - 1.5 million people killed.

Bear in mind that the Jews are the only racial group with an organization like the World Jewish congress which wields fearsome power!
- By Dr. Edward.R. Fields

The Holocaust As A Mechanism For Suppressing The Truth - By Louis Beam

Because of the incessant talk about a holocaust, that for the most part did not occur, the truth about a holocaust that did occur has been successfully suppressed since the end of World War II. Now suddenly, with the assumption of a new, democratically elected government in Austria, the horrible truth of the aftermath of World War II has finally broken into the front pages of newspapers throughout the world, with the call by the Austrian Freedom Party for compensation to those ethnic Germans who were expelled and murdered by Czechoslovakia at the end of WW II. For the very first time since 1945, a period encompassing the entire lives of most of those reading these words, the murder, expulsion, enslavement, and destruction of millions of ethnic Germans after the war ended is coming to light- with a vengeance.1

This bloodthirsty and ruthless extermination of ethnic Germans is surpassed in magnitude and horror only by crimes of mass murder in the Soviet Union committed by Joseph Stalin against the people of the USSR. It was there, in the horrible gulags of Stalin and in the towns and villages of the Kulaks, that the single, largest mass murders of the twentieth century occurred. Not in Nazi Germany under Hitler, as so many of us have been falsely led to believe, but rather, under communism in the Soviet Union did blood flow so freely that it came to count for naught. Under the rulership of idealistic socialists, some 30 million human beings were put to death by Communist, homicidal butchers. Lest one think only communists and socialists are capable of such horrendous crimes against other human beings, let it be stated here, now, and forever, that the next greatest massacre of helpless humans occurred during that same period by the so called "democracies" of the United States, England, and France.

Indeed, it is now, and only now, that we find out that this second largest mass extermination of human beings in the 20th century did occur in what was formally the greater German Reich. But, the victims were not Jewish concentration camp inmates, and there were not six million murdered during a war, but rather the victims were 9.3 million German civilians and prisoners of war murdered by the Allies after Hitler was dead and after "peace" was declared.2 Such absolute shame and utter disgrace as this heaps upon the heads of the governments of the United States, England, and France-and were it still in existence-the Soviet Union, can scarcely be comprehended. This real holocaust cannot be denied. For, unlike the holocaust we all grew up hearing about, the numbers are not inflated. There were no soap bars made, nor lamp shades produced, only murder, more murder, and then the cover up of the twentieth century ensued.

Suppressing the knowledge of this post war genocide of over nine million defenseless, helpless, and prostate people for so long was no easy task. Those in government and the news media who did so knew that only by creating a lie so horrible that it would shake the very souls of decent men everywhere could the real terror story of mass murder and genocide by the Allies after the war be cleverly covered up. Thus, in the hearts of evil men, with blood dripping from their hands, were born the stories of Jews being made into soap and lamp shades, gas chambers disguised as showers for millions,3 and the black smoke of furnaces reaching toward the heavens from crematoria. In sum, a holocaust of lies was born...the one we all "know" about, but not one that actually occurred.

It needs to be pointed out that it is true that innocent Jews died by the thousands at the hands of Nazis, just as other innocent people died by the thousands at the hands of the Allies at Dresden, Hiroshima, and elsewhere - DURING THE WAR. However, the massive lies with intent to cover up crimes against humanity committed by the Allies begins with the fabrication of the magnitude of Jewish deaths as well as the method of death. The number of Jews killed during the war were inflated not by thousands, but by millions. The fiendish descriptions of German soap factories, lamp shades, and "death camps" during the war were for the purpose of covering up the real holocaust going on after the war ended, creating such enmity and hatred toward the German people that their murder by the millions would go unnoticed, unreported, and unlamented by the world.4 And thus it has been till this day. The lampshades, the soap, the gas chambers were all to cover up the real holocaust: After the unconditional surrender of Germany, 9.3 million people were killed by the victors...deliberately.5 Dwight D. Eisenhower ran prisoner of war camps where well over one million German men who had laid down their arms were starved to death.6 Then to crown this horrific crime by the allies, another 15 million Germans were expelled from their homes in East Prussia, Pomerania, Sudetenland, Silesia, and elsewhere. The most massive ethnic cleansing of the century- led by the United States.

The deaths of millions in the years after the German surrender can no longer be covered up, nor hidden by distractions. This must be called by what it is: The Real Holocaust.

With the election of the Freedom Party in Austria the truth will become a topic for discussion for the first time in fifty-five years. And this is what terrifies the Western governments of the world. This is the reason for the frenetic opposition to the new government of Austria. The morality, the veracity, the very legitimacy of all those who helped promote the post war lies are now being brought into question. The assumption of power in Austria of those not committed to lies, cover-up, corruption, and historical falsehoods will shake the very foundations of post World War II history, as well as the view of the modern, democratic states toward themselves. The time for truth has finally arrived and let no honest man fear its words.

Let those harboring hatred or ignorance not rejoice or dismiss the deaths of any helpless and innocent people. For all of history shows that human cruelty toward one’s fellow man is a sharp, two edge sword that will cut both ways. Today it may be one’s enemies who are unmercifully persecuted or murdered, but tomorrow it may be your own loved ones. The genocide of human beings is the product of sick minds.7 Healthy men must meet this act head on with absolute repulsion and join together in exposing those guilty of such crimes. It must be remembered that only by insuring the safety of all men do we insure our own. Finally, those of us living in the United States, England, and France must come to terms with and recognize that those in government and media whose ghoulish acts of fabrication and malicious lying hid the truth about the real holocaust for fifty years in order to cover crimes too horrible to reveal are the promoters of "humanitarian" wars today, and have no moral authority over decent men. Their cries for troops mean broken hearts, their guns mean death, and their bombs for "peace and stability" mean destruction of innocent lives, so they must be soundly rejected and their perfidious lying laced with self-righteous hypocrisy shunned.

The election in Austria signals the end for lies of the "holocaust." Conversely, it signals the beginning of truth and knowledge about the real holocaust of 9.3 million women, children, and men of German decent. There must be no more holocaust denial. Only by forthrightly facing this tremendous crime committed by the so called "democratic" nations and their communist allies against the defeated German survivors of World War II can we even begin to compensate for the lives destroyed as well as to insure such an event never happens again. Let us now begin discussion about The Holocaust- and by doing so, build a better future for all of us.

A new and unforeseen weapon came into play at Hamburg --- the firestorm. Martin Middlebrook describes one in The Battle of Hamburg. A thermal column of wind generated heat in excess of 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit, melting trolley windows and the asphalt in streets, the wind uprooting trees. When people crossed a street, their feet stuck in the melted asphalt; they tried to extricate themselves with their hands, only to find them stuck as well. They remained on all fours screaming. Small children lay like "fried eels" on the pavement. The firestorm sucked all the oxygen out of the city; a 15 year-old girl said that the brains of people in shelters "tumbled from their burst temples and their insides [extruded] from the soft parts under the ribs."

Read how the Jews themselves predicted the Holocaust!

Foot Notes:

1 Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950. By James Bacque.
2 Senator Kenneth Wherry, statement of January 1946: "The American people should know once and for all that as a result of this government’s official policy they are being made...accomplices in the crime of mass starvation...Germany is the only nation subjected to a deliberate starvation policy..."
3 Auschwitz: The Final Count. The Barnes Review, September/October 1999. www.barnesreview.org
4 Bury My Heart At Wounded Berlin. By Michael A. Hoffman II. Revisionist History, No.3 1997. www.hoffman-info.com/
5 A Terrible Revenge. By Alfred de Zayas
6 Other Loses. By James Basque. 1989.
7 An Eye for an Eye. John Sack. 1995.


One anticipated new development in this modern saga of unreliable historians, is the fabrication, using modern technology, of documents and "evidence" in support of the holocaust, and in support of the official version of recent history. There already has been the miraculous discovery of original plans for Concentration Camps, and 'gas chambers' in hitherto secret Russian archives. (2)In fact, the fall of Communism in the former Soviet Union gives forgers of holocaust documents an ideal opportunity. Many such 'documents' can suddenly be discovered, and then 'authenticated'. We can expect, over the next few years many such fabulous finds - perhaps even documents allegedly signed by Adolf Hitler and Himmler which order the 'extermination of the Jews'. Perhaps even secret Memoirs. Or maybe rare archive film of 'gas chambers' in operation. The possibilities are certainly interesting. Already teams of Israeli agents and 'historians' are rummaging through the archives of the former Soviet Union and former East Germany. With modern computer and other technology, it is not hard to fabricate documents and give them the appropriate vintage and authentic appearance. Without doubt, many new documents will suddenly be found, as some original documents will secretly and silently disappear.


- by David Myatt. Author of "The Holocaust: Reason and Truth Versus Accepted Propoganda"

Either the holocaust occurred, in the manner described by all official historians - or it did not. If it did not, then the veracity of such historians is questionable, and their "evidence" false.

An unbiased knowledge and understanding of National-Socialism, together with a reasonable and reasoned examination of recent history, the holocaust story, and the events surrounding this story - including the modern events relating to such things as making "holocaust denial" a crime - can lead to only one conclusion. This is that such a story - alleging mass exterminations - is unreasonable and unlikely.

There is the evidence of the total war conducted against National-Socialist Germany. There is the evidence of how biased the victors of this war were toward National-Socialism itself. There is their capture and removal of documents and archives. There is the refusal to allow National-Socialists to defend National-Socialism and Adolf Hitler, with the continuing suppression of National-Socialism and the continuing persecution, imprisonment and killing of National-Socialists. There is the fact that National-Socialism is only and always portrayed - in Schools, colleges and Universities, and in books - by enemies of National-Socialism, with no free discussion allowed, and no real dissent about this official portrayal allowed. There is the evidence of the vested interest of Israel, and other nations, in upholding the official version of history which has been created. There is the evidence of the torture used to extract confessions from German National-Socialists while in Allied custody after the war; there is the evidence of the biased and unjust nature of the Nuremberg Trials; there is the evidence of how those National-Socialists, charged with exterminating Jews, who refused to confess and who steadfastly pleaded their innocence, suddenly "died" while in Allied custody after the war.

All this - and much more - circumstantial evidence is highly indicative. Add to such circumstantial evidence the specific scientific evidence, and the known historical evidence (for forged documents, disappearing documents and so on) and the case against the holocaust story is convincing to anyone possessed of the faculty of reason.