WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?

WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?
Quote: "Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. There is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality. There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE." (Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom, however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common). - IM Nuff Said!

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Number 7 and The Worship of Woman.

"The number 7 = PERFECTION and COMPLETION"

Direct from page 4 of the IlluminatiMatrix. http://illuminatimatrix.wordpress.com/2-origin-of-numbers-2/

"The number 7 brings with it unique characteristics. Some can be evidenced in the number 5 and the symbolism of the 5 pointed star. The triangle, circle and square can all be drawn without lifting the pen from the paper. All odd numbered stars can also be drawn in this way. Again, these nuances may seem trivial, but when considering that this is a powerful number in the manipulation of humanity, it’s probably best to look at why its so strong. The number 7 represents completion. It symbolically represents the touching of, or manipulation of the wisdom state, using the illusory body of humanity

We have to understand, that humanity is not who we really are, and attempting to sustain, perfect, and perpetuate the body of humanity, is to attempt to sustain, perfect and perpetuate the illusion of the luciferian egregore group of thinking entities, who have designed this 3 dimensional illusion to separate us from WISDOM, FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and the ETERNAL BLISSFUL STATE of PARADISE.

This number also includes some word/sound manipulation. For instance seven sounds like heaven. We use the term seventh heaven. This is no coincidence. SEVEN also sounds like ELEVEN. 7 represents completion and perfection, however, it links in a subliminal sound and shape fashion to 11, which is the number of DEATH. The completion and perfection associated with 7 in this instance, is that of a PERFECT and COMPLETE DEATH. The death in question, is the death of any real connection to, or awareness of, WISDOM and REALITY. This death, or disconnection from wisdom, forfeits TOTAL CONTROL to the luciferian mindset to dominate and exercise all the power of the eternal state for its benefit.

Sound incantation manipulates the mind. Sound implants the VIBRATION aspect, or the ENERGY aspect, the ILLUSORY SPIRITUAL ASPECT, of the THOUGHT PROCESS. By itself, it wouldn’t have the strength to numb the mind. In conjunction with other seductions its destructive. For instance, apply this sound to the gambling passion that many have and you get a sense of its power. People will spend a lifetime and whole fortunes trying to roll a seven/eleven. Just mention the phrase 7/11 and the idea of a convenience store immediately pops to mind. This is the power of hypnotic suggestion. All this control of our thought process is brought about through incantation, or sound subliminals, meant to misdirect and implant a true hypnotic TRANCE STATE.

Worship Of The Woman

Here we see that 7, the number of completion and perfection, is a number relating to sun worship, through word/sound association, and the word heaven, eleven, … and so on. Sun worship is the worship of the atom, a beam of light, which manifests itself as the worship of the woman. The worship of the woman is the worship of the electron, the negative female energy, that forms the 3 dimensional image we see. This beam of light (ion or atom), when applied to humanity, causes us to conform through hypnotic numbing caused by the number system and we become radical in energy, (the illusory spirit), and are manipulated at will. (The word RA-dical also contains an incantation to the sun RAY god, the LIGHT BEAM GOD).

This is the necessary element required for the Illuminati agenda to work. Everything must polarize and point the same way. This is hypnotic suggestion. It doesn’t matter if we point north or south, just become radical and point in unison with the masses around you. Every word with the shun sound in it is manipulating everyone.

Another word/sound association which should be mentioned here, is the sound and the symbolism of the word star.



The Milky Way is know mythologically as the Great Nile Flood In The Sky. The STARS are symbols of WATER, and the significance of the STAR, as a symbol of SACRIFICE will be demonstrated in later pages. The symbolism will further extend to Los Angeles, or LA, Hollywood, and the STARS of the film and recording industries count heavily in the luciferian agenda

The connection between WATER and the luciferian agenda will become exceedingly clear on this site. Suffice it to say, the AGE of AQUARIUS, the FLOOD of NOAH, the GLOBAL WARMING RISING SEA LEVEL, etc. … are all one and the same. The STAR, and especially the 5 POINTED STAR, the SACRIFICIAL STAR, is a symbol of WATTAGE, or WATER, meant to implant the suggestion of the world being cleansed by WATER as a PURIFICATION, or BAPTISM of a system gone astray.

The word STAR is just one of hundreds of simil-AR words (see what I mean) which use reverse symbolism and sound association. AR stands for RA in reverse – the ancient Egyptian sun god Amen Ra. Ra in turn is associated with a ray of sun. Again, back to sun worship. Furthermore, Ashtar (or Astarte – A-STAR-TE) is an ancient Egyptian goddess of love and beauty. The letter S in star suggests the serpent entity, or the deceiver.



The names ASHTAR and ASTARTE, mythological Queens of Heaven, mean STAR and in turn are subliminals for WATER SACRIFICE.

ISIS, another Queen of Heaven title, also means WATER SACRIFICE and the subliminal as ISIS = ICEY = HIGH SEA.

Mother MARY, another name for the Queen of Heaven, once again means WATER SACRIFICE as MARE means SEA in Latin.

MARE = MARY = MARRY = The Marriage of the Lamb of God or the MARRIAGE / MARY of the SACRIFICIAL LAMB

One further symbolic form of the word STAR representing the FLOOD, or WATER SACRIFICE, is in the word STAR reversed.


In India, RATS are revered as gods to many. RATS are allowed to run free, in countless numbers. This is symbolic yet again, of another FLOOD or STAR, a WATER SACRIFICE.
India is also acknowledged as a country that worships the COW. This animal gives an immense amount of MILK for domestic consumption. The slaughter of cows is not part of Indian religious culture and once again, the enormous numbers of MILK PRODUCING COWS is symbolic of the MILKY WAY, or the millions of STARS that form the subliminal FLOODING OF THE NILE, or the WATER SACRIFICE of the luciferian agenda. 


The importance of this symbolism, the FLOOD, the WATER SACRIFICE and the ROCK, will become extremely evident in the pages to follow.

The Nile River fertility gods, of which there were many, were believed to be the cause of the annual flooding of the Nile on JULY 4 every year. (Also the inspiration for the birthdate of the United States of America). The Nile River, like most rivers, wound its way from Upper Egypt to Lower Egypt and the Delta, in the fashion of a SERPENT, or WATER SACRIFICE. This annual flooding is central to the luciferian / illuminati agenda of hypnotic control which will be revealed in the text and charts to follow.

The T, or cross, symbolizes the intersecting lines of the zodiac circle as well as being symbolic of every sun/son saviour throughout history. The majority of these saviours were all crucified on the cross – therefore, the inclusion of the subliminal T in the word STAR. The T also comes from the first letter of Tammuz, the ancient Babylonian Son of God/sun god, who also died for the sins of the world. This word/sound association runs rampant through the English language. Though the English language, as we know it now, didn’t exist at the beginning of this system, the sound and shape of the letters existed in primitive forms with vague meaning attached. As these illusory centuries past, the system perfected the combining of shapes, colours and sounds and became known as the CRAFT – bewitching craft or witchcraft. This is the craft of religion and science recognized throughout the ages as Magic. Today, English is used world wide and recognized by all as the universal language. This is not because English has the sweetest sound or the easiest to work with, but it is the perfection of sounds and shapes needed to push the buttons that manipulate the illusory body of humanity to once again disconnect our ultimate state of being from WISDOM. English has also been designed with the introduction of SILENT LETTERS, place holders, subliminal markers, interferring with the hidden meaning in countless phrases and term"

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Moon Landing 1969 vs Scientific Evidence

Moon Landing 1969 vs Scientific Evidence Uploaded on Mar 15, 2011 http://www.youtube.com/user/PowerRossiya United States scientists and experts claim that the scientific evidence in Apollo footage proof the moon landing never happen. Since Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was the first human in the space, launched on the manned spaceflight Vostok 1 12 April 1961, United States were forced to make a moon landing no matter if they do a true or false landing, in that times was a matter of time.


MOON LANDING HOAX brand new footage for 2010


Neil Armstrong Nasa Lies



"In a bizarre admission star trek actor William Shatner admits that he witnessed a projection screen and models used on the Apollo moon mission just prior to the supposed moon landing in full view of over 5000 engineers and scientists in a gigantic room."

Monday, July 2, 2012

Treating Cancer! - Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks?

The Article below... "Treating Cancer" is written...By Ken Adachi; lt;
Editor> http://educate-yourself.org/cancer/ February 26, 2002.


Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell


Cancer & You

"Now we come to you. You are reading this page because you either know someone who has cancer, or you have cancer yourself., or far more rarely, you want to find out how to beat cancer before you are confronted with that grim diagnosis. The vast majority of you (or your loved ones) have likely already gone through the 'best' that the Sloan-Kettering's of the world have to offer and now you're being told that "there's nothing more that can be done" or " It's in God's Hands", etc.
Of course, your bank account or your insurance company is $300K or $500K or $750K poorer than it was before receiving your Sloan-Kettering style treatment and now you no longer own your home, having sold it or mortgaged it to the hilt in order to get the money to pay the miracle workers of the allopathic cancer industry. You've gone through your retirement savings and 401k's or borrowed all you could from your relatives and friends to pay for their wonderful life saving treatment that- unfortunately-didn't work. In all fairness, they did tell you up front that they couldn't guarantee anything, but they indicated to you that you had a 40, 50, or 60% or perhaps a "good" chance of making it-at least for 5 years. Five years of continued breathing on the planet from the day of your cancer diagnosis now being the official, sanctified, and anointed recasting of the "new" definition of the word "cure" by the American Medical Association and the American Cancer Society

Just so you know, if you die of cancer or its complications just one day after your 5 year anniversary date, you are still statistically carried as a "successful cure"; advertised and touted to the next cancer patient coming in through the front door to use in their spiel to him about his 40, or 50, or 60, or 70% chance of being "cured" with their marvelous, patented, and expensive chemo, radiation, and surgery treatments,

So what's the reality? A study completed in 1993 by a German bio statistician named Ulrich Abel found that the overall success rate for most cancers treated with standard allopathic treatment (chemo, radiation, & surgery) was just 4%. That's right. Statistically averaged, 96% of cancer patients treated conventionally died of cancer or from complications related to their 'treatment'. The only group of cancers treated conventionally that had a higher batting average were some blood cancers such as leukemia or Hodgkin which approached a 35% success rate.

Also, for your edification, only those allopathic physicians approved by the AMA and the American Cancer Society have the legal authority to use the word "cure" with reference to cancer treatment. Anyone else who dares utter that four letter word in a public forum and is not on the AMA's approved list, can face serious jail time or heavy fines. That Federal law was pushed through by the AMA and their friends a few years ago. How's that for free speech!

The Death Sentence

I can't tell you how many people have programmed their bodies to die because they were told by the orthodox medicine priesthood (their allopathic physician) or a cancer specialist (oncologist) that they were going to die in so many weeks, or so many months or so many years from their cancer. How many people have foolishly placed their trust in the hands of the those who are the least educated in 1. how the human body truly functions, 2. in how cancer begins and why cancer proliferates, and 3. how to treat the body to overcome disease with therapies that are in harmony with Nature

Undoubtedly, that number runs to many millions of people who went to an early grave because they listened to-and believed- the high priests of organized medicine. Those priests are trained and brain washed from the first day they enter undergraduate school-through graduation from medical school-through internship-and through specialist training, that the ONLY acceptable and sanctioned way to treat cancer is with 1. chemotherapy, 2. surgery, and 3. radiation. With the possible exception of surgery (in some cases), the methods used by orthodox medicine are the worst and most destructive ways to treat cancer

I don't care what 'stage' of cancer you are rated at and I don't care what type of cancer you've been diagnosed with, you CAN CURE YOURSELF OF CANCER. Your likelihood of success, however, is lowest if you depend on conventional treatment and highest if you employ Nature-based, non-allopathic therapies. Of course, you are free to choose the modality of your choice, even though that choice is largely coerced in the direction of orthodox treatment. You are reading MY opinion in this matter. YOU must decide on your health care decisions and not give away your power to someone else.

If you prefer to accept the death sentence of an orthodox medicine priest and resign yourself to die on cue, then you likely WILL DIE pretty much within the time frame laid out by the high priest. And then your relatives will remark at your funeral how "wonderful" Dr. So & So of the Big Deal Medical Center is because he was so accurate in his death prediction. He SAID you were going to die in six months and sure enough, you held on for six months and 10 days, so he MUST know what's he's talking about! Of course, your relatives will keep his name in mind if they get a diagnosis of cancer because he seems to be so KNOWLEDGABLE when it comes to cancer

What Causes Cancer?

This is part of the reason why so many people have a strong fear of getting cancer. They don't really understand how or why cancer can take hold in the human body and they aren't given enough information about it by the orthodox cancer industry. Yes, there are plenty of softball reasons offered such as smoking, drinking, radiation exposure,  asbestos exposure, radon gas, etc. And yes, these environmental irritants can trigger cancers, but is that all there is to it

If that were so, then why doesn't everyone who smokes come down with cancer? We all have the same DNA. Are we not of one species, homo sapiens? If the human body was actually a 'wonderful machine' as explained to us in countless science books and TV documentaries, then why don't we all respond like machines to an irritant? If I poured a bag of sugar into my car's gas tank, the engine would stop running. If I poured a bag of sugar into any car's gas tank, the engine would stop running, so why don't our bodies-if they are wonderful machines-respond in a similar fashion

Why is it that some guy can work in an asbestos plant for 30 years and still die in his bed from natural causes at the age of 89 and Steve Mc Queen, by simply wearing an asbestos-lined jump suit at the race track, comes down with mesothelioma lung cancer, the type of cancer associated with asbestos exposure

There's obviously more to acquiring cancer than the mere exposure to an external irritant, but the external irritant is the only topic the cancer industry is willing to address. The internal biological environment (and the spiritual/emotional state of mind) is not discussed by the cancer industry, but therein lies a greater insight into the causes of cancer

Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell.

The SPECIFICS of how cancer cells begin and WHY they begin to gestate and grow are clearly explained in the final book (published in 2007) by Dr. Hulda Clark. The book is titled The Cure & Prevention of All Cancers

(see the 30 minute video DVD that accompnaied her last book:http://educate-yourself.org/cn/conversationhuldaclark19sep10.shtml)

And when it comes to successful therapies for treating cancer, and I mean really successful treatment of cancer (not the cancer industry's 5 year survival nonsense), there's a great deal you are not being told by established medicine. What you are being told by the orthodox cancer industry are cleverly crafted lies and distortions designed to mislead you into believing that alternative modalities are worthless. The truth, of course, is just the opposite.

It's much easier to cure yourself of cancer once you understand what causes cancer malignancy and how to stop it. By reading the books of Dr. Hulda Clark , you will understand what causes cancer to grow and what stops it from growing. It follows very tight biological processes or rules and once you understand those rules, you can turn cancer off like a water spigot and free yourself of this disease for the rest of your life. It's really that simple"

For complete article... http://educate-yourself.org/cancer/