THAT DEFINES ME” - Batman Begins 2005
WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?
Quote: "Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. There is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality. There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE." (Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom, however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common). - IM Nuff Said!
And The People, the stupid Sheeple don't believe there is the Illuminati!
I think you can easily see symbols all through it.
The root source of SUBLIMINAL MESSAGING. Through this messaging the luciferian-based THINKERS control and manipulate an illusory smoke and mirrors reality through indoctrination of the masses in intellectual and religious lunacy. Humanity is in a massive state of hypnosis. HUMANITY IS ITSELF, an illusory form, and the product of HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION. The consideration of this information WILL BREAK the TRANCE STATE.
"Many searching people have uncovered data, raising awareness of the sinister nature of the illuminati global system. This so-called awareness is purposely allowed to be revealed. The luciferian cabal want us to discover what they’re up to, but not completely find out. They want us to know the majority of the world supports the illuminati agenda. Everyone assumes they’re not part of the agenda. In actual fact we are all part of the mindset that destroys and deceives on behalf of the luciferian egregore fabricated god king.
We are woven into the veil of deceit. Any reaction, revenge or resistance gives the elite the excuse they need to push forward. They will fail, of course, because this illusion called humanity has had enough. We just won’t buy into it anymore, and many folks are gaining a sense of this every day. But our awakening is dopey-eyed at best. The new consciousness of the new age light workers is doubling and tripling the dose of poison conceived previously by the scientific thinkers. New age christ consciousness is simply applying luciferian spirituality to luciferian science. When you add a lot of stupidity to a lot of stupidity you don’t become wise. You become really stupid.
New Age thinkers use the number and language system with more fervor and complexity than ever before. They combine scientific thought with spiritist notions and concoct a witches’ brew of light manipulation. This system unleashes a secret war on humanity whereby millions suffer and die, while the culprits go undetected. The illuminati families are without compassion, void of empathy, and thrive on the horror they inflict. In other words, they have no wisdom and therefore no awareness of their own. They get their power from our reaction to their conjured lies. It’s for this reason they’re not invincible." - IM Quote
"This is a short yet important video presenting Bill Cooper's 9/11 prediction, rare 9/11 footage and audio from his book "Behold a Pale Horse" and the Illuminati agenda. Bill Cooper was one of the top conspiracy researchers, he was active on exposing the Illuminati (secret government) and most importantly the satanic agenda which is tied in with the UFO hoax.
Here is also a list of the 25 Illuminati princples/goals that Adam Weishaupt set up after the Rothschilds started financing the Illuminati conspiracy.
The following 25 goals apply to America and the rest of the world, this is pretty much a step by step manual on how the Illuminati conspiracy works, basically explains all the long term plans they had back at the Illuminati's founding in 1776.
The 25 Illuminati goals:
1. All men are more easily inclined towards evil than good.
2. Preach Liberalism
3. Use the idea of freedom to bring about class wars
4. Any and all means should be used to reach the Illuminati Goals as they are justified.
5. The right to lie in force.
6. The power of our resources must remain invisible until the very moment it has gained the strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.
7. Avocation of mob psychology to control the masses.
8. Use alcohol, drugs, corruption and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.
9. Seize property by any means
10. Use of slogans such as equity, liberty, fraternity delivered into the mouths of the masses in psychological warfare
11. War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences conducted so that neither combatant obtains territory rights.
12. Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen and placed in public office who will be obedient to their demands and will be used as pawns in the game by those behind the scenes. Their advisors will have been reared and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.
13. Control the press.
14. Agents will come forward after fermenting traumatic situations and appear to be the saviors of the masses.
15. Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food and use this to control the masses or mob and then use the mob to wipe out all those who stand in the way.
16. Infiltrate into the secret Freemasons to use them for Illuminati purposes.
17. Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases and advocate lavish promises to the masses even though they cannot be kept.
18. Detail plans for resolutions, discuss the art of street fighting which is necessary to bring the population into speedy subjection.
19. Use agents as advisors behind the scenes after wars and use secret diplomacy to gain control.
20. Establish huge monopolies that lean toward world government control.
21. Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by control of raw materials. Organize agitation among the workers and subsidize their competitors.
22. Build up armaments with Police forces and Soldiers sufficient to protect our needs.
23. Members and leaders of the one world government would be appointed by the directors.
24. Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of fooling, bemusing and corrupting the youthful members of society by teaching them theories and principles that we know to be false.
25. National and International laws should be used to destroy civilization and enslave and control the people."- A outstanding film by Xendrius
Destroying the GODS of THOUGHT / THOTH - by the IlluminatiMatrix
At this time, be aware, that what we’re dealing with, (as pertaining to the luciferian / illuminati agenda), is NOT FLESH AND BLOOD HUMAN BEINGS. What’s being described on this site are the entities that have conjured up this total 3D illusion, through the THOUGHT PROCESS and everything we see is a THOUGHT FORM. Who we really are, is not the illusory body of humanity numbering in the billions. We are that formless thing called WISDOM, and we are the ULTIMATE EXPRESSION of BEING that the luciferian 3 dimensional illusion was designed to separate us from. Separation from that wisdom, brings us into total control under their intellectually based systems of science and religion. We’re in a war with the mythical gods of old, the illusory THINKERS, who attack us through the fabricated minds we’re certain are our minds. Yet, these minds that we use to contemplate all things 3 dimensional, are their minds, fabricated to receive the THOUGHT PATTERNS meant to disconnect us from the powerful stillness and knowing of the ETERNAL PARADISE STATE, which is who we are!
Winning this war is TOTALLY DO-ABLE. The luciferian egregore group of THINKERS have absolutely no power but what we give them as we consign our REALITY BASED WISDOM STATE over to their THOUGHT PROCESS and the HYPNOTIC AFFECT it creates and then manifests as the 3 dimensional LIFE EXPERIENCE. What we accept and believe within this thought process, is what our illusory reality appears to be. As we disconnect from this emotional validation of everything 3D, (which doesn’t mean we try to stop doing things in the 3 dimensional plane), we reconnect to our original eternal state of KNOWING ALL THINGS. Whether we do certain things, or not, in the 3D sense, is irrelevant, as all things 3D are just illusions, and one has no more value than the other. There is no good or bad, right or wrong, up or down, or black or white. The 3 dimensional plane is just an illusion of electrons, protons and neutrons buzzing around at break neck speed, creating the illusion of MATTER, TIME and SPACE. There is no such thing as MATTER! No such thing as TIME! And no such thing as SPACE! Becoming aware of this, is the catalyst to breaking the TRANCE STATE, terminating HYPNOTIC CONTROL of our reality, and reconnecting to the ETERNAL PARADISE STATE, the state of power which we’ve never left, but have only become disconnected from awareness of that state because of theVEIL called this 3 dimensional life experience. The very form we exist in, within this 3 dimensional illusion, the form we refer to as our physical body and mind, is the very thing keeping us disconnected from PARADISE. The only thing that needs to be accomplished to reconnect to PARADISE, is to become aware of this realization that everything is an illusory subliminal hypnotic suggestion, entirely designed to misdirect who we really are, with sinister controlling intent, directing us away from our power and strength, and away from our eternal reality state of wisdom
The freemason religion today, with its kaballistic knowledge, has within its ranks, christian clergy and priests. Many catholics, protestants, and basically all christian denominations are well represented. Of note is Billy Graham, a 33rd degree mason since 1949. Of course, the freemason organization denies this vehemently because Billy Graham, working the Magic Mysteries of a Secret Lord, has brought millions of people to this Secret Society Lord. And that Lord, and any Supreme Being, is the lucifer light bringing group egregore god who said LET THERE BE LIGHT. This explains in part, why Mr. Graham has been the spiritual advisor to all the modern day US presidents. As will become apparent on this site, what is commonly referred to as the SPIRIT, is itself, part of the luciferian LIGHT SHOW, and will be shown to be nothing more than a conjured up bit of hypnotic lunacy. Being a freemason, Mr. Graham’s philosophy matches the luciferian agenda perfectly. Furthermore, the Billy Graham Crusades have been organized by freemasons and the Shriners (32nd degree freemasons) have participated.
Shriners must pledge allegiance to Allah – hence the official name of their group: The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. This is the significance of the Shriners’ fez hats with the crescent moon and the sword!" - End Quotes
This video is about Mind Control below, by presentations of George Carlin - George Carlin tell you : Illuminati and Freemasons control your mind ...Welcome to the Matrix my Friends...DS888
"Hypnosis" - by The IM
"The luciferian illuminati mindset has established an effective system to control humanity. This system is one deceit layered upon another, upon another … endlessly. The religious system had to come first. Trauma through guilt and fear is the basic hypnotic control mechanism. Instill fear through trauma and you automatically instill control. This is hypnosis. Living with any form of fear is living in a hypnotic state. Be it the indoctrinated fear of hell, death, or whatever, any form of fear is hypnosis.
Of course, it’s at this point in the discussion the religious person quips, “oh yes, the other fellow’s religion is hypnotic enslavement, but mine is the true religion”. Or, “The other fellow believes in the triune god, but I only believe in Jesus.”There is no truth in any religious system. There is a mirror of truth. It is a mirrored image that is exactly opposite, or veils awareness. It looks like the truth, but it’s backwards. For instance, the judeo-christian bible speaks of an antichrist and of a christ or messiah. Both of these concepts are the imagination of the luciferian LIGHT BRINGER mindset. This mindset plays black against white, up against down. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. This mindset states it is alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. In reality, there is no beginning or end. Wisdom is eternal, no beginning and no end. Remember this mirror technique as you read on. To mirror, or to do things backwards, or in reverse is a major luciferian illuminati tool. When the hypnotic state is multiplied by many layers of deceit-filled systems, the MATRIX web controls humanity.
One of the basic forms of hypnotic suggestion is to show a form, a sound or shape, a word or even a complete written message in reverse. A simple example, LIVE is EVIL, when written in reverse. This is done repeatedly in the 3D existence. When a written or spoken phrase seems to say something caring and kind, it is really a subliminal for just the opposite. It’s all in how thoughts are phrased, the tone, and how condescending it appears. Just listen to any doctor, politician, teacher, lawyer, priest and the like, and it becomes obvious they lie with every breath. In many instances, these professionals don’t even consider it to be lies, but simply manipulation of our reality to conform to the direction they desire our existence to proceed. Indoctrination in intellectual concepts places those willing to be indoctrinated, into an extremely deep trance state, and then implanting those concepts necessary to spread the trance state throughout society. How could you expect anything else? This is what they’ve been trained to do. This site will demonstrate the power found in the use of shapes, reversed or not, with a luciferian identity attached to it." - IM - End Quotes