Star Trek Parody - The New World Order Edition!!!
"Many searching people have uncovered data, raising awareness of the sinister nature of the illuminati global system. This so-called awareness is purposely allowed to be revealed. The luciferian cabal want us to discover what they’re up to, but not completely find out. They want us to know the majority of the world supports the illuminati agenda. Everyone assumes they’re not part of the agenda. In actual fact we are all part of the mindset that destroys and deceives on behalf of the luciferian egregore fabricated god king.
We are woven into the veil of deceit. Any reaction, revenge or resistance gives the elite the excuse they need to push forward. They will fail, of course, because this illusion called humanity has had enough. We just won’t buy into it anymore, and many folks are gaining a sense of this every day. But our awakening is dopey-eyed at best. The new consciousness of the new age light workers is doubling and tripling the dose of poison conceived previously by the scientific thinkers. New age christ consciousness is simply applying luciferian spirituality to luciferian science. When you add a lot of stupidity to a lot of stupidity you don’t become wise. You become really stupid.
New Age thinkers use the number and language system with more fervor and complexity than ever before. They combine scientific thought with spiritist notions and concoct a witches’ brew of light manipulation. This system unleashes a secret war on humanity whereby millions suffer and die, while the culprits go undetected. The illuminati families are without compassion, void of empathy, and thrive on the horror they inflict. In other words, they have no wisdom and therefore no awareness of their own. They get their power from our reaction to their conjured lies. It’s for this reason they’re not invincible." - IM Quote
WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?

Quote: "Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. There is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality. There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE." (Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom, however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common). - IM Nuff Said!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Captain Kirk defeats the NWO with peace!
3D Illusion,
Captain Kirk,
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It is so. That the light of the sun is stimulating a growth in conscious. As wall street was well aware that stimulus is a natural occurance during these perilious times. Many persons will be lost as a result of the luciferic technology that deprives them of the keys to the Kingdom of the gates of Heaven. Make way for the reemergence of the barathary gland for those who are Masters here to co-create heaven on earth. For the sheeple, will be block from entering this sacred haven by the confides of the limitations of their own minds because of fear, radiation, interferring vibrations, and high frequencies that hinder the minds true capacity. Yet there are the 1% of the population who have hearts like that of the lion yet are gentle as the lamb who are the kings and queens of Salem who have over come the false light of the "illuminati". It is these illuminaries that rise like the Phoenix and fear no person, body, or thing for they come in the name of the Most High Power of Powers. These are the priest of the most high and they shall be enough to assist in the uplifting of YWYH to bring peace on earth as above so below ergo the time has come for the Elohim to descend as the wrath of a thousand gods shall be unleashed on the wicked for the meek have claim to their true inheritance. Welcome to the year of jubilee. A-mun Re. Wisedom is the fuel, faith is the key. Love is in need. The age of light is upon us and the count down has begun 2016 shall be the year of redemption. And behold a pale white Horse.
Thank you for your insight King Bennu. Appreciate the visit .
Dumbing Down
The luciferian agenda is based on intellect, the DUMBING DOWN PROCESS – perpetuated through religion, science and magic. These three are synonamous and together form the luciferian doctrine of SATANISM, which is the ENLIGHTENMENT, or manifestation of knowledge. Since there is no such thing as an actual Satan, the THOUGHT PROCESS, conjured up the LIGHT, or ENLIGHTENMENT, and every DIVISION within the 3D experience. Yet again, more clearly stated, Satanism is DUALITY. Satanism is luciferianism, and is the LIGHT BRINGER, and therefore is the concept of the creator God. This fabricated notion of a creator God manipulates the masses into an even deeper hypnotic state. Today, this deeper hypnotic TRANCE state has surpassed what religion and science had accomplished hypnotically through the centuries, and especially in the last few decades. The reptilian brain obsessed thinkers have conjured up the notion of marrying science and spirituality. Though the implication is constantly presented that intellectualism is somehow an advancement in wisdom, in reality, it is the process of absolute disconnection from reality and wisdom.
This new belief system is referred to as everything from infinite love to new age thinking, channeling, wholistic healing, etc. …but it’s still polarity based on duality and absolutely entrenches the 3 dimensional belief that energy and light is the basis of truth. Certainly some physical health benefits have been rediscovered in some ways, but health for the body without complete awareness, is temporal and extremely misleading and a manipulation of reality. The medical drug system is so flawed, and purposely flawed, to allow room for new age light workers to come up with improved healing techniques. From this, it has appeared, that they must be filled with wisdom and insight. Not so however, as improved healing techniques are simply walking deeper in the ditch of ignorance from which it is much harder to escape. The purpose of humanity is not to see how much health or prosperity we might attain. Neither are we here to worship a God in exchange for an eternity of peace and bliss.
To BECOME AWARE that the whole body of HUMANITY IS AN ILLUSION, an utter fabrication, that the 3D experience, and the conjured up body of humanity, IS the veil of deceit that makes it utterly impossible to rationally conceive that it, humanity itself, is the deception keeping the disconnection from reality intact. This is what we must come to recognize.
We are already in our Paradise State!
We are already perfect, pure, eternal and ALL KNOWING. And WE are NOT this body of humanity, neither are we this 3D illusory mass of energy and spirit. We are WISDOM! We KNOW ALL! We have to learn NOTHING! If it wasn’t for the THOUGHT PROCESS that indoctrinates the elitists, that IT, the THOUGHT PROCESS itself has conjured up, we would be AWARE and PRESENT and completely reconnected to eternally drinking from the fountain of wisdom in our Paradise State. For we are the Paradise state!
And that my friends is the end.
The task now is to step out into the light and assimilate with magi of the ages for there is power when like minds come together.
Jedi, perhaps you are a Master here to create heaven on earth, or perhaps you already have. Either way that was very well put; that was very well said.
Go and create chaos in this world without order by the Order of the High Priest.
The first man / woman, the first Adam. Adam and Eve are the names given to the 2 reproductive characteristics of the atom and the light. Adam refers to the atom form, and Eve refers to the light emanating from that form. Eve is the dawning of creation, the coming of the light. Eve is likewise, the evening, the end of the light. This symbolizes the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, of the bringer of light. Adam and Eve together, are symbolic names for the electrically charged atom symbol, which in turn symbolize the light bringer, the bright morning and evening stars. Together they represent the creator of light, the creator god called Lucifer, …who is the light bringer.
The Adam and the Eve that form the light, form the lie or deception, created by the light. The light is the lie. This lie is the eye of the illuminated ones, or the enlightened ones. This is the ALL SEEING EYE. In this way, Eve, the symbolic morning and evening light, produces the physical light, which is the ability to see. The ability to see in this 3 dimensional existence is produced by the electricity contained within the atom.
So what are you gonna do about it.
There is a struggle, a cosmic dance by the popular king Michael Lucifer. "SO WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT YOUNG JEDI MASTER! Aren't they one in the same. From left to right to light, don't they both whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Now before you skip to the "Lou" didn't you heard "Cypher say: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious" So now that you been unplugged from the Matrix what are you going to do? Are you afraid, are you alone. You know as well as I do that they know THEY LIVE AND THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU!
I have been curious to know where and how does Lilith fit in the equation and how can I utilize her presents in my CURRENT AFFAIRS?
Kindly Share,
-King of Shalom
-The Jedi said...
The first man / woman, the first Adam. Adam and Eve are the names given to the 2 reproductive characteristics of the atom and the light. Adam refers to the atom form, and Eve refers to the light emanating from that form. Eve is the dawning of creation, the coming of the light. Eve is likewise, the evening, the end of the light. This symbolizes the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, of the bringer of light. Adam and Eve together, are symbolic names for the electrically charged atom symbol, which in turn symbolize the light bringer, the bright morning and evening stars
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