WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?

WISDOM! Is that Enlightenment?
Quote: "Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. There is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality. There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE." (Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom, however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common). - IM Nuff Said!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Reality, an Enormous Interference Pattern?

Who am I?

Why am I here?

Where is here?

These are the fundamental questions mankind has asked since the moment we came into existence.

Many explanations to these questions have been offered over the years, usually by religion or science.  In Western society the explanations offered by these two groups usually contradict each other and as a result, many people continue to pursue these fundamental questions.

In many cases spirituality has been divorced from science and organized religion with disastrous consequences.  For centuries Western religions have sought to suppress both science and spirituality.  This applies particularly to the spirituality of indigenous and ancient cultures.  This agenda has been made clear; from the burning of the library in Alexandria to the continuing slaughter of the native peoples and the destruction of indigenous cultures around the world.  Mainstream science on the other hand, after emerging from centuries of repression, seemingly seeks to denounce religion and along with it spirituality. Scientists began stating the human condition is one of biomechanics alone.  This renouncing of spirituality and ethics by science has led to a quagmire of degradation. This is a result of scientists asking "is it possible?" as opposed to "is it morally and ethically just?"  For instance, it is possible to split atoms, but it is not morally and ethically just.  

It is only when one unifies the concepts of science and spirituality that one begins to see the real nature of the universe.  Reality is comparable to the concept of holographic illusions; this is very similar to what the ancient and indigenous cultures have been describing for millennia. 

Holograms are photons projected through an interference pattern to create a seemingly three dimensional object.  Perhaps many of you are saying to yourself "OK... but a hologram has no physical substance and the world around me does."  Perhaps you are thinking "Hell!  I can see, taste, smell, hear and touch it so the world must be real."  How can the universe be an illusion similar to a hologram?  What do holograms have to do with ancient and indigenous wisdom?

Let's start by examining one such ancient idea, a hermetic teaching ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, "as above so below."  This describes perfectly the fractal and holographic nature of not only the universe but the human body as well.  Each cell contains all of the DNA information necessary to create an identical copy of the whole organism.  The same can be said for fractals and holograms, in each part the whole is contained.  Break a holographic image in half and you do not get half of the image, you get a smaller version of the whole.  Much research has been and is being done by Nassim Haramein and others regarding the fractal nature of the universe and the scaling laws to which it conforms.  The universe including all life forms sentient or non-sentient and non living substances conform to the fractal nature of reality.  Changes in any level of the system effects the structure of the whole.

On a subatomic level the similarities between the nature of holograms and the nature of subatomic particles are even more pronounced.  Subatomic particles behave in ways that we, from a macroscopic perspective, perceive as not only confusing but also in many cases seemingly random.  An interesting experiment into the nature of subatomic particles, waves and wavicles is the double slit experiment.  It was determined that subatomic particles can manifest either as a wave function or as an particle.  Furthermore it was discovered that the action of measuring or observing the particles seemed to be the key in the collapse of the wave function.  Think about that for a moment, the observer caused the wave function, which generates an interference pattern, to become a physical particle simply by measuring it.  

Many of the greatest minds in physics have contended over the years the function of the role which consciousness or observation plays in the behavior of subatomic particles.  The Copenhagen Interpretation is one such argument discussing the nature of quantum phenomena.  The similarities between the particle springing into and out of superposition from a wave interference pattern of possible locations to a particle with a definite place in time/space as a result of the application of conscious energy and a hologram projecting a seemingly three dimensional image based on light projected through an interference pattern is astounding in its implications.  The difference in substantiality between a hologram and reality has to do with the energy feed and the receiver.  With regard to holographic reality, consciousness is the energy source and your DNA is the receiver.

Even what we perceive as solid objects are all manifestations of wave energy forms.  The atoms which make up the densest rock are mostly empty and the subatomic particles within them are winking into and out of existence as they jump valence shells.  Our perception of such "solid" objects is only the brain's interpretation of the electrical and biochemical signals it is receiving via our five senses.  So solid objects, or our perception of them as solid, is an illusory interpretation of varying frequencies by our DNA and brain.

It has become increasingly evident that the energy that powers the universe, which some call the unified or zero point field and others call God, is consciousness.  It is this consciousness projected through the interference pattern of energy waves that gives rise to us, all that we perceive and that which we do not.  It can therefore be said that we are all a manifestation of the consciousness from which the universe arises.  This consciousness is who we are, what we are and it is also where we are.  Like all energy consciousness is never gained or lost it simply changes form.  When you tap into the part of yourself that is infinite consciousness you see the physical form is just the receiver.  The real you is a mote of infinite consciousness.


Instead of the usual footnotes I am listing all the researchers, filmmakers and authors who pointed me in the direction of the information above and not only those whose work would normally be referenced in direct conjunction with the information in this article.  These footnotes are not only an acknowledgment of the scholarship of the people listed below but are also a sincere thanks for their contributions towards the education of all humanity.

thank you:

Nassim Haramein, Fred Allen Wolf, Gary Zukov, Niels Bhor, Werner Heisenberg, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente, John Hagelin, David Icke, Max Igan, Dennis Gabor, Yuri Denisyuk, Emmett Leith, Juris Upatnieks

Special thanks to my friends Knowthelies, Disorder and OMZ13 for their help editing this essay.

by Megan 'Verb' Kargher


Unknown said...

Well said. I have been trying to explain this concept to people for some time now. Unfortunately, for most people (sheeple) to understand that we live in a 3D Illusion (literally a MATRIX) is nearly impossible to get for the non-awake (unaware). This is not meant to judge people but a simple statement of truth in observation.

I'll share some writings of Bryan Kemila:

"The 3 dimensional illusion is CREATED BY THE THOUGHT PROCESS. Thinking is not being aware. Thinking is that thing any conscious being APPEARS TO DO to attempt to manipulate the future, or relive the pain/pleasure from the past. Both these time zones, the future and the past, do not exist. Therefore, thinking about them to manipulate them is a deception. However, to consider what is happening in this moment is not called thinking. Staying in the moment and meeting the needs of the moment is awareness of the 3 dimensional space, albeit, an illusory space. To function within this 3D space requires that needs be met. Reality, and our true eternal wisdom state, extends beyond the 3D illusory forms, and that wisdom state simply knows everything through awareness, ALREADY. Our eternal wisdom state knows the manipulation process of the luciferian egregore group of thinkers. Wisdom knows that this luciferian group plays god and plays the devil. Both of which are none existent. Wisdom, through awareness, sees how this group mindset bands together to manifest the reality they want all humanity to follow.

The luciferian entity is the fabricated creator god. In creating this illusory 3D reality using subliminal, subconscious messaging, this group entity conjured up and controls all power and energy, and in turn, the reverent respect of their illusory master creation called humanity. This adoration by humanity gives the luciferian group and their chosen elite the riches and servitude of this world and ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF THE ETERNAL PARADISE STATE. Because they, themselves, chose thinking and lying above awareness and wisdom, this 3D illusion is their reality. However, it is a reality fragmented, corrupted and filled with all manner of duality. They see this reality as superior to the reality of wisdom. Wisdom does not exhibit 3D manipulation through shape, colour or sound, so ultimately, wisdom is a reality of peace.

Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. On this site it will be repeated many times, that there is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality."


Kelly O said...

Niice blog post